December 20, 2015, - 7:38 pm
Samir Kuntar, Islamic Terrorist, Sent to the 72 Helen Thomases
Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, Hey, Hey, Good-Bye . . .

Islamic Terrorist Samir Kuntar Honored by Hezbo Leader Hassan Nasrallah & Then-Iranian Leader Ahmadinejad

Islamic terrorist Samir Kuntar a/k/a Sameer Al-Quntar a/k/a Samir Qantar a/k/a Sameer Kantar finally got his, as G-d works in mysterious ways, but sometimes we get to see them with the naked eye.
The terrorist Palestine Liberation Front member (who is actually Druze, not Muslim–but was “down with the Muslim struggle”–and he has apparently since converted to Islam) was killed in an Israeli airstrike, over the weekend. So sad, too bad. I hope he enjoys raping the 72 Helen Thomases in his new “paradise” (where I hear it’s extremely hot). Kuntar participated in attacks on Israelis so vile it’s disgusting to repeat them, but I will briefly do so here.
Kuntar, a terrorist for life, murdered two Israeli police officers. And he kidnapped an Israeli father, Danny Haran, and his four-year-old daughter, Einat, murdering them, too. First he shot Danny Haran in the head and murdered him. Then, Kuntar smashed Einat’s head against rocks and and then smashed the butt of his rifle into Einat’s head until she died. This was after Kuntar attempted to kidnap the entire Haran family and took them to the beach. Smadar Haran, the wife and mother, accidentally smothered her other daughter, Yael, to death, because she was trying to keep her quiet as they hid from Kuntar. Kuntar’s organization is also the same one that murdered American Leon Klinghoffer, a helpless man in a wheelchair, on the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
Unfortunately, Israel released Kuntar in 2008, in one of those ridiculous lopsided prisoner exchanges with Hezbollah, in which Israel trades hundreds and even thousands of living Islamic murderers to freedom in exchange for one or two dead bodies. Kuntar was a hero to Muslims and, upon his release, he was given a hero’s welcome in Lebanon, Iran and Syria, where Bashar Al-Assad gave him the Syrian Order of Merit. In Lebanon, Kuntar was warmly greeted, received, and honored by Lebanon’s Christian President, Michel Sleiman, and many Christian clerics, in addition to the Muslim ones. He was also received and honored by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, and Hezbollah held a huge celebration in his honor (as did Al-Jazeera, the Terrorist News Network). Kuntar soon became a Hezbollah commander.
On Saturday, Israeli jets targeted Kuntar with directed missiles that hit his apartment building in Syria and killed several Hezbollah commanders along with him.
Aleikum As-Salaam, Kalbeh Wooskhah [Buh-bye, Dirty Bitch]. Sadly, there are many, many more Muslims to replace him.
Reader Norman F. Birnberg on Twitter (Follow Me on Twitter):
Death Of Samir Kuntar: In the end, G-d settles His debts with His foes & the wicked perish from the earth. He remembers.
— Norman F Birnberg (@NormanF00) December 20, 2015
Tags: Al-Jazeera, Danny Haran, Einat Haran, Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Jews, Michel Sleiman, Sameer Al-Quntar, Sameer Al-Quntar Assassinated, Sameer Kantar, Sameer Qantar, Samir Kuntar, Samir Kuntar Dead, Samir Kuntar Haran Family, Samir Kuntar Hezbollah, Samir Qantar killed, Smadar Haran, Yael Haran
G-d finally answered the prayer of the Haran family!
To witness G-d execute justice on the earth is a privilege to live to see it with our own eyes and to offer Him thanks for our faith in Him and may our enemies fear Him! Amen.
May Samir Kuntar rot in hell!
NormanF on December 21, 2015 at 2:21 am