February 1, 2018, - 7:54 am
About Melania’s Pantsuit

I know clothes are a minor detail, but something was bothering me about Melania Trump at her husband’s State Of The Union address to the joint session of Congress. And it wasn’t just the separate motorcade she pointedly took (which I also didn’t like).
Maybe I’m “too” old fashioned and traditional. And, yes, I know it’s a minor thing. But I didn’t like that Melania Trump wore a pantsuit to the SOTU address. It bothered me that she didn’t wear a skirt suit or a a dress. Am I wrong?
I asked my friend Sheila, a fellow Jewish conservative and lawyer, and she agreed. We both voted for Trump. We both support the President. But we discussed this and both thought that, out of respect for the occasion and that it’s the U.S. House–and that she’s the First Lady–she shouldn’t have worn pants. CNN and some other liberal media liars claimed she wore White as a “#MeToo” statement or attack on her husband, but I don’t believe that bullcrap. And that’s not my issue here. It’s the pants at the State Of The Union thing. It’s about decorum and respect. And about etiquette, which should still have a place in our FacebookTwitterMeTooTimesUpBSAnythingGoes society.

Yes, I know, Hillary Clinton almost always wore pants. But that’s a rare excusable exception. After all, she spared us the disturbing nightmare of canklevision. And, yes, I know that Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Hussein Obama Idi Amin Dada always wore dresses (most of them way overdone and too cocktailish and fancy for the occasion; and almost all of them inappropriately sleeveless to show off her vastly overrated arms). And, yes, I know that most of the dozens of hags who serve in Congress mostly wear pants in the House and Senate (most of them to also spare us from canklevision). But I don’t care about them. I care about the ceremony and pomp and circumstance of the occasion. And I think a First Lady should dress in a skirt for that affair.
Maybe I’m wrong. But it bothered me a little. I definitely noticed it. You never saw Nancy Reagan in pants at the SOTUs. Never.
The off-white Christian Dior suit (with matching Dolce & Gabbana top) Melania Trump wore was beautiful and cost a zillion dollars. And she was beautiful in it. But she would look beautiful in a burlap sack with mud on it. And she could have worn a skirt or dress. There was something off about it to me, that she did not. It appeared like a feminist thing. Was she making a statement with the pants, coupled with her separate motorcade? It reminded me of the disastrous former Michigan Governatrix Jennifer Granholm a/k/a GranHO. She wore pants to her second Inauguration and she and her staff made a very big deal out of that. Her “female” (in name only) staff also loudly objected in the press about having to wear a skirt to GranHO’s first Inauguration and Inaugural events. It also reminded me of the several times I’ve seen annoying Jewish feminist women insist (largely at Reform and Conservative synagogues) on wearing a yarmulke and even a tallis (Jewish prayer shawl worn by men). It looks stupid. Incongruous. (At my modern Orthodox Jewish synagogue, none of the women wear pants in the place. Ever. Out of respect.)
So, what was going on with Melania Trump?
What do you think? Much ado about nothing? Or should a First Lady wear a skirt to events like these?
Yes, I know it’s very minuscule and trivial in the scheme of things, but still . . . .
Tags: Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, fashion, Melania Trump. SOTU, State of the Union
Much ado ’bout nothin’ I think. She’s lovely in anything she wears and I think she should wear whatever she wants. If she’d worn a dress some would complain about that. If I was married to the Don I’d ride separately to EVERYTHING. And I like him as a President.
Lili on February 1, 2018 at 9:02 am