Tisha B’Av: Jewish Fast Marks Historic Day of Tragedies

Posts Tagged ‘Judaism’

As US Congregations Shrink, More Churches Turned Into Condos (& Mosques)

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Passover 2013 – From Slavery to Freedom (While We Still Have It)

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Last Jewish Holiday Absence ‘Til Next Passover

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Sukkot 2012: To My Friends & Readers

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CNN’s Erin Burnett, Author Mitch Albom Blame Embassy Attacks on “Judaism, Christianity” – VIDEO (& Albom Whitewashes Hezbollah, HAMAS)

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Leading Rabbi Praises Thanksgiving, US Founding Fathers (Remember Mumbai Massacre)

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Happy New Year (Rosh HaShanah)

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Have You Seen “The Infidel”?

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Never With a Muslim School, Though

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