Wknd Box Office: White House Down, The Heat, Redemption (Hummingbird), Dirty Wars

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Take Note: Who Is–& ISN’T–Boycotting Arizona

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Meet Johnny Depp, Criminal Investigator: Mad Hatter Movie Star Shills for Murderers . . . Again

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Weekend Box Office: Anti-Religion “Invention of Lying,” Great “Zombieland,” Butch Feminist “Whip It,” Mikey Moore Agit-Prop

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Lies, Damn Lies & Michael Moore Cinema Screeds

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Michael Moore v. G-d: Just Got Back From This

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

So, Now, Protests are “Un-American”? Plus Dogs Get Better Care Than Humans in UK

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

The Oscars: The Stinking Stench Continues; Anti-Islam Animated Film Gets Shafted, Hypocritical Use of American Soldiers; Anti-War Fake-umentary Wins

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

I Don’t Believe Morgan Spurlock Found Bin Laden

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’

Viva America: U.S. Kicks Cuba’s Butt to Win Baseball World Cup

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Moore’