April 2, 2008, - 12:41 pm
Barack Hussein Obama Marched in AND HELPED ORGANIZE! The Million Man March
By Debbie Schlussel
Well, well, well. This is the kind of Prez you will have in the White House come January, if you do not vote for John McCain:
Barack Hussein Obama not only marched in but helped ORGANIZE the so-called “Million Man March” presided over and led by racist loon Louis Farrakhan in 1995. (Actually, it was the 100,000 Man March if you use real, non-Ebonics math.) At the march, Farrakhan and a whole cornucopia of racist lunatics engaged in a torrent of anti-Semitic, anti-White, and anti-American speeches. The event was put on by the Nation of Islam, but Obama’s “not a Muslim,” so end of story, right? (Just kidding. April Fools Day was yesterday.)
Read all the details on this latest disturbing B Hussein O info at Gateway Pundit and Bob McCarty.

So much for Obama’s “disavowal” of Farrakhan. Yet another lie, like all the other whoppers he repeatedly puts forth. Frankly, his lying about his relationship with Farrakhan is far more important and disturbing than Hillary Rodham Cankles Clinton’s resume-padding lies about Tuzla, claiming she had to avoid sniper fire.
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama Marched, Bob McCarty, Gateway Pundit, Hillary Rodham Cankles Clinton, John McCain, Louis Farrakhan, White House
Obuma is a stealth candidate trying to pull the wool over the voters eyes. I suppose he will lie and say that he wasn’t there when Farrakhan and other black racists spewed their venom at the Million Man March.
We also can’t hold him accountable because after all that would be “guilt by association.” This racist fraud must be exposed!
FreethinkerNY on April 2, 2008 at 1:21 pm