July 29, 2008, - 1:34 pm
Yet Another Iraqi “Refugee” in Child Sex Crimes
By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I told you about Waleed Wadie, an Iraqi refugee who got one of the visas we’ve been handing out to those who can’t or don’t wanna go back to their own country, even though things are supposedly better there now. Wadie brought with him his Middle Eastern values and was caught sending photos of his penis over the internet to cops who he thought were teen girls.
Then, there is the story of Rahib Al-Cholan, another Iraqi refugee–from whom it sounds like a lot of kids are refugees, rather than the other way around:
A Detroit resident has been convicted in U.S. District Court in Detroit of driving to Toledo to have sex with a girl he believed to be 12-years-old.

Rahib Al-Cholan, 46 — an Iraqi army veteran — will be sentenced at 11 a.m. Nov. 3 . . . . He faces a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. . . .
Agents testified in October 2007 that Al-Cholan, 46 — an Iraqi army veteran who served in tank and artillery units in Baghdad and Basra from 1982 to 1991 — solicited an undercover Immigrations and Customs Enforcement informant to provide a child for sex.
Over the course of several days, Al-Cholan admitted to the informant that he had molested more than 100 children in Iraq and of finding children in Dearborn and Detroit and trading food, toys and money for sex acts. He also said he raped at least one boy. . . .
Agents testified that after they directed the informant to tell Al-Cholan that a girl was being sold by her uncle for sex for $150 out of a Comfort Inn in Toledo, Al-Cholan drove to Toledo on Nov. 7 and paid an undercover agent posing as the girl’s uncle.
Al-Cholan is an Iraqi army veteran who served in tank and artillery units in Baghdad and Basra from 1982-91. He arrived in the U.S. as a refugee in 1995 and was granted citizenship in 2003.
After reading so many stories like this, whenever I hear President Bush or other politicians bloviate about how Arabs and Muslims come here for a better life, I think: yeah, a larger child-rape pool.
As we allow more and more Muslims and Arabs into this country, we will have more and more of this. And more and more honor killings, etc. It’s not just the terrorist threat they pose. It’s their entire ethos that anything goes, as it does on the Arab street.
As I noted, we do very little background check on anyone to whom we grant immigration benefits–such as a green card, citizenship, etc. The average time a Citizenship and Immigration Services adjudicator spends checking on each potential new citizen is less than six minutes, and that doesn’t account for bathroom and lunch breaks and six days.
And as we are allowing more and more in, that less than six minutes is becoming far less than that fast.
We can have an infinite number of Customs and Border Patrol agents on our borders and searching cars and boats, and it won’t make a difference if we continue to blindly grant refugee status and citizenship to the Waleed Wadies and Rahib Al-Cholans of the Middle East.
refugee is just another term for invader.
these people have been raised in failing states, have learned and become agents of the failing system and then want to escape the system that created them.
they are, in other words willing or unwilling parts of it. they “escape” their countries like mosquitoes “escape” a small pond–they hatch from it.
Schlusselfan on July 29, 2008 at 2:34 pm