October 7, 2011, - 12:48 pm
Nazi Soros’ Media Matters: “Schlussel a Fake Jew” – HOW YOU CAN HELP
Nazi George Soros’ multi-million dollar far-left Media Matters for America organization says that I’m not a real Jew–that I’m a fake–because I’m not involved in far left-wing Jewish organizations in Michigan (the ones that butt-lick HAMAS and Hezbollah Muslims and support their unlimited immigration; the ones who won’t condemn Palestinian terrorism against Israel). Yes, according to Media Matters’ M. J. Rosenberg, formerly of AIPAC and far-left pan-Muslim U.S. Senator Carl Levin’s staff, I’m a fake Jew. Now that he’s recovered from AIPAC, Rosenberg is–in addition to his high-paid job at Media Matters–a contributor to Al-Jazeera. I love how Al-Jazeera’s Dhimmi Jew is the self-appointed new chief rabbi of the world and arbiter of who is a Jew. Check out this tweet that Rosenberg recently sent out on Twitter, below.

That tweet is in addition to today’s Media Matters conniptions over my column about how Steve Jobs was NOT Muslim, contrary to the fantasist claims of many Muslims who’ve e-mailed me in the last couple of months. While I’m sure the people at my Orthodox synagogue tonight, during Yom Kippur services, will note (as they always have) that I’m a real Jew, “Rabbi” Media Matters claims otherwise. I wonder if Rosenberg will be attending Yom Kippur services or go to a ham and cheese joint for a sandwich instead, tonight. He prays every day for Israel’s destruction and the triumph of the Palestinians and Islam. And there really isn’t a prayer for HAMAS in the Machsor (the prayer book for the Jewish high holidays). So, he’d be outta luck.
As you may know, Media Matters gets millions of dollars from organizations funded by George Soros, an anti-Semitic Jew who admittedly helped Nazis round up Jews, evict them from their apartments, and ultimately deport them to their deaths in the concentration camps. I am a one (wo)man shop without the gazillion dollars in funding that this organization–which calls me a “Fake Jew”–has. If you want to respond to Media Matters, the best way you can is to donate to the continued operation of this site by clicking the Paypal button on the upper left-hand side of this page. (Or you can prevent the PayPal fees by going to PayPal and sending it directly to: writedebbie@gmail.com.) No amount is too small. Your support is appreciated. And it’s the best way to tell the Media Matters scumbags that they aren’t the arbiters of who is a Jew and that Jewish conservatives are not only just as Jewish as Jewish liberals, they are more so.
In fact, Judaism is a conservative religion (we invented the 10% flat tax, given to the high priest), and as I always respond to those who ask me why so many Jews are liberal or vote for Obama, they are the ones who are not religious. They’ve left the religion and substituted liberalism for Judaism. Most religious Jews are conserative and voted for John McCain. 95% of my synagogue voted for McCain and against Obama. It’s the Reform and Conservative synagogues, not the Orthodox, where you will find the majority of liberal Jews and Jewish Obama supporters. Media Matters’ M.J. Rosenberg is one of them. He hates Israel with a passion. And he’ll get his in the next life.
Let’s answer him in this life by showing Media Matters and Rosenberg that whenever they attack me with unfounded anti-Jewish baiting, you will respond with support for what I’m doing here.
Thanks for your support.
Just Say NO to Nazi George Soros’ Media Matters.

Debbie, I believe what Mr. Rosenberg did to you was complete “LIBELOUS” by claiming you’re not a real jewish person. I know you can file a defamation lawsuit against this friggin kapo scumbag!
To Mr. Rosenberg, if Ms. Schlussel is a fake jewish person, how come for starters she doesn’t write any articles/columns on this blog of her’s on friday nights (the start of the jewish sabbath, I know this because I used to go to church on saturdays/sabbath as a Seventh Day Baptist) and all day saturday when she’s in her synagogue? Also Rosenberg, if DS is a fake jewish woman, how come she’s shared and written numerous articles of the jewish holidays on this website of hers for many years? I can go on and on, you know what MJ Rosenberg, you’re a “kapo”, you’re the type of jew who would sell out other jews to the nazis, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, etc., during the holocaust in Germany, Poland, etc.
And as far as I am concerend, Media Matters ought to be indicted for their attempted crimes against this country, by trying so hard to silence their political opponents (and they’ve failed on many occasions at it), investigated by the FBI, arrested, deported out this country and put Media Matters out of business for good. And Debbie, I also believe that Media Matters forwarded you’re two “Lara Logan threads” to numerous left wing websites/blogs back in February, and I also believe MM took a few of you’re words out of context about the demise of Osama Bin Laden and also forwarded the first Norway thread to left wing blogsites on the net?
“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on October 7, 2011 at 1:15 pm