December 26, 2011, - 2:29 pm
Ex-Ron Paul Aide to Schlussel: “He HATES Israel,” Banned Sympathy for 9/11 Victims/Support for US Military, Upset We Fought Nazis
To all of the PaulNuts out there who argue that Ron Paul isn’t anti-Semitic or anti-Israel, just isolationist libertarian and doesn’t believe we should be involved in foreign policy, that’s just bunk. As I pointed out previously on this site, Paul, and the two equally nutty Republican Congressmen (including Palestinian Justin Amash) who support him for President, had the opportunity to vote to end U.S. aid to HAMAS, and they voted against it, choosing instead to continue to send your tax money to HAMAS and its supporters in Gaza. Ron Paul also proudly spoke at the openly pro-HAMAS/pro-Hezbollah Arab American Institute Leadership Conference (see the video of his pandering speech, below). That’s aside from Paul’s 9/11 trutherism and his constant blaming of America for 9/11 and the Muslim world hating us. It’s not to mention his constant defense of Iran, its funding of HAMAS and Hezbollah, and its acquisition of nuclear weapons. And don’t forget how Paul happily accepted campaign contributions from the owner of the anti-Semitic, racist, neo-Nazi Stormfront site. Now, there is more.

Over the weekend I received a statement from Eric Dondero, a libertarian Republican, who worked for Ron Paul for 17 years. Dondero, who now publishes the Libertarian Republican site, was Ron Paul’s personal assistant and worked on his various campaigns, etc. He had some very disturbing things to say about Ron Paul, his open support for the Palestinians and hatred of Israel, his opposition to fighting World War II, how he asked Dondero to wear a yarmulke and other adornments to a press conference to answer charges of Paul’s anti-Semitism, etc. Dondero also shows us how unprincipled Paul is. He claimed he was against the war in Iraq, and regardless of what you think of the war in hindsight, Paul changed his vote to protect his political career. He’s not the principled libertarian he claims he is. He’s just another political hack and opportunist, like almost everybody else in office. I don’t agree with Eric’s dismissal of the racist and anti-Semitic comments in the Ron Paul newsletters. Those are important. But so is this information from Eric. As you read Eric Dondero’s statement, remember that Eric occupied these positions in Ron Paul’s employ:
* Fmr. Senior Aide, US Cong. Ron Paul, 1997 – 2003
* Campaign Coordinator, Ron Paul for Congress, 1995/96
* National Organizer, Draft Ron Paul for President, 1991/92
* Travel Aide/Personal Asst. Ron Paul, Libertarian for President
Here are some excerpts from the statement Eric Dondero sent me (all of the emphasis/bold-lettering was added by me):
He is . . . most certainly Anti-Israel, and Anti-Israeli in general. He wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations. His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs. . . .
On the incident that’s being talked about in some blog media about the campaign manager directing me to a press conference of our opponent Lefty Morris in Victoria to push back on Anti-Jewish charges from the Morris campaign, yes, that did happen. The Victoria Advocate described the press conference very accurately. Yes, I was asked (not forced), to attend the conference dressed in a Jewish yarlmuke, and other Jewish adornments. [DS: Eric Dondero’s mother is Jewish, and, therefore, he is Jewish according to Jewish law, but does not identify as such, only as “half-Jewish.”]
There was another incident when Ron finally agreed to a meeting with Houston Jewish Young Republicans at the Freeport office. He berated them, and even shouted at one point, over their un-flinching support for Israel. So, much so, that the 6 of them walked out of the office. I was left chasing them down the hallway apologizing for my boss. . . .
Ron Paul is most assuredly an isolationist. He denies this charge vociferously. But I can tell you straight out, I had countless arguments/discussions with him over his personal views. For example, he strenuously does not believe the United States had any business getting involved in fighting Hitler in WWII. He expressed to me countless times, that “saving the Jews,” was absolutely none of our business. When pressed, he often times brings up conspiracy theories like FDR knew about the attacks of Pearl Harbor weeks before hand, or that WWII was just “blowback,” for Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy errors, and such.
I would challenge him, like for example, what about the instances of German U-boats attacking U.S. ships, or even landing on the coast of North Carolina or Long Island, NY. He’d finally concede that that and only that was reason enough to counter-attack against the Nazis, not any humanitarian causes like preventing the Holocaust. . . .
There is much more information I could give you on the sheer lunacy of his foreign policy views. Let me just concentrate on one in specific. And I will state this with absolute certainty:
Ron Paul was opposed to the War in Afghanistan, and to any military reaction to the attacks of 9/11.
He did not want to vote for the resolution. He immediately stated to us staffers, me in particular, that Bush/Cheney were going to use the attacks as a precursor for “invading” Iraq. He engaged in conspiracy theories including perhaps the [9/11] attacks were coordinated with the CIA, and that the Bush administration might have known about the attacks ahead of time. He expressed no sympathies whatsoever for those who died on 9/11, and pretty much forbade us staffers from engaging in any sort of memorial expressions, or openly asserting pro-military statements in support of the Bush administration. . . .
Ron was “under the spell” of left-anarchist and Lew Rockwell associate Joe Becker at the time, who was our legislative director. [DS: Lew Rockwell is an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, isolationist libertarian nut.] Norm Singleton, another Lew Rockwell fanatic agreed with Joe. All other staffers were against Ron, Joe and Norm on this, including Lizardo. At the very last minute Ron switched his stance and voted “Yay,” much to the great relief of Jackie and I. He never explained why, but I strongly suspected that he realized it would have been political suicide; that staunchly conservative Victoria would revolt, and the Republicans there would ensure that he would not receive the nomination for the seat in 2002. Also, as much as I like to think that it was my yelling and screaming at Ron, that I would publicly resign if he voted “No,” I suspect it had a lot more to do with Jackie’s threat, for she WAS Victoria. And if Jackie bolted, all of the Victoria conservatives would immediately turn on Ron, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
If you take anything from this lengthy statement, I would hope that it is this final story about the Afghanistan vote, that the liberal media chooses to completely ignore, because it doesn’t fit their template, is what you will report.
If Ron Paul should be slammed for anything, it’s not some silly remarks he’s made in the past in his Newsletters. It’s over his simply outrageously horrendous views on foreign policy, Israel, and national security for the United States. His near No vote on Afghanistan. That is the big scandal. And that is what should be given 100 times more attention from the liberal media, than this Newsletter deal.
Thanks, Eric, for having the courage to shed more light on this fraud known as Ron Paul. Republicans in Iowa (and elsewhere) who vote for this clown are doing nothing to help America and everything to make sure that Barack Obama is President for eight years instead of just four. I would vote for any of the other potential Republican candidates for President against Barack Obama. But I would NEVER vote for Ron Paul. Never. I would simply abstain in the race.
There is a reason so many kooks, neo-Nazis, Stormfront crowd thugs, and–yes–even Muslims are supporters of Ron Paul. They know what he stands for. And so does Eric Dondero, who was his personal aide for over a decade.
Thankfully, Ron Paul will not be the GOP nominee or President of the United States. Anyone voting for him is simply helping to elevate the respectability of this anti-American, Israel-hating, pan-Arabist, pro-Iran fraud. And, again, they are helping to elevate the re-election chances of Barack Hussein Obama.
Here’s Ron Paul’s disgusting speech to the HAMAS and Hezbollah supporters at the Arab American Institute event dominated by Muslims.
Tags: Afghanistan, Anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, Arab American Institute, Arabs, Eric Dondero, Fraud, frauds, GOP, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hitler, Holocaust, Iowa, Iowa caucuses, Iran, Israel, Jews, opportunist, PaulNuts, President, Presidential campaign, Ron Paul, World War II
Isn’t it ironic that this Debbie Schlussel, who is falsely and maliciously alleging that Dr. Paul is an anti-Semitic racist Nazi sympathizer, while simultaneously boasting about having been his trusted confidant for seventeen years, happens to be Jewish? Are we to suppose she managed to keep this inconvenient FACT a secret until now?
Joe P. Bartee on December 27, 2011 at 12:45 pm