February 24, 2012, - 3:27 pm
Act of Valor OUTRAGE: Navy SEALs Movie’s Terrorist is . . . JEWISH (Tortures, Murders CIA Agents, Smuggles Jihadists into U.S.)
It’s official: “Act of Valor” is anti-Semitic tripe wrapped in the American flag with a Navy SEAL cherry on top. The movie, which debuts in theaters today, goes to great pains to tell you that the largest terrorist plot against America is perpetrated by a Jew. Did the Stormfront guys write this crap? In case there’s any doubt, “But you’re Jewish!” is shouted by a real-life Navy SEAL interrogator who heads SEAL Team 7 featured in the movie and goes by the nickname, “Senior.” Apparently “Senior” forgot this, but the last time I checked, the guys behind 9/11 were not named Osama Bin Cohen and Khalid Sheikh Horowitz. Ditto for the guys behind every major terrorist attack against Americans, whether on U.S. soil or abroad. The Beirut bombing and murder of over 300 U.S. Marines and civilians? Here’s a tip, Navy SEALS: It wasn’t perpetrated by HezboLox&Bagels. And the guy just sentenced for trying to blow up a plane full of Americans with his underwear isn’t Umar Farouk AbdulEpstein.

But, apparently, the real life Navy SEALs and their wives and kids who participated in this movie don’t have a problem with portraying Jews as “jihadist terrorists,” nor do the many Pentagon officials who approved their participation and the movie’s production. Ditto for Mike “Mouse” McCoy and Scott Waugh, former stuntmen and the first time directors who made this movie. They apparently believe that Jews torture CIA agents and smuggle jihadists into the U.S. with suicide bomb vests, NOT Muslims.
The Pentagon and the Navy have both declined to respond to my questions regarding this absolutely disgusting display of anti-Semitism, which wasn’t necessary and ruined what would have been an otherwise good movie. They didn’t have to make the terrorist financier Jewish. They chose to. This was clearly gratuitously inserted for some agenda. Goebbels would be proud. Sad that Rush Limbaugh had no problem with this, either, as he gushed over the movie. Does he also believe the real men behind the jihadists are Russian Jews (or any Jews at all)?
There’s been a lot of hype surrounding “Act of Valor,” and, sad to say, I bought into it until I saw the movie and couldn’t have been more disgusted and outraged. But none of the hype tells you that at the heart of the movie is major anti-Semitism. Gee, I wonder why the “But You’re Jewish!” line isn’t in the trailer. The movie features a Russian Jewish millionaire, “Christos” (played by Ukrainian actor Alex Veadov) as a terrorist mastermind who kills a CIA agent, kidnaps and tortures another CIA agent, and then helps a friend of his smuggle jihadists wearing bomb belts into the United States from Mexico in a plot “100 times bigger than 9/11.” Um, how many Russian Jewish billionaires are illegal alien smugglers into America’s southern border? None. Juan and Jesus ain’t exactly Russian Jewish names. But why let the facts get in the way of this government-approved anti-Semitic propaganda, right?
That Was Then (Goebbels Propaganda Against Jews) . . .
This Is Now (Navy SEALs Propaganda Against Jews). . .
While it is true that his childhood friend, “Karimov,” whom he’s helping perpetrate the plot, says he’s a Muslim convert, he’s in fact, a Russian named Yuri, whose father’s name is Yevgeni and it isn’t so clear he’s actually really a Muslim. (Oh, and by the way, the writers of this ap-cray movie don’t know Arabic and screw that part up, too, as they name the guy “Abu Shabal,” and then have his friend tell him he’s the son of Yevgeni, not Shabal. Abu means “father of,” not “son of,” in Arabic.) In any event, the main bad guy is the Jewish millionaire who has his henchmen drill into the hands of a female CIA agent to get her to talk, after they’ve murdered her fellow agent. And the movie makes clear that real, actual Muslims from the Philippines, who’ve been recruited to wear suicide bomb vests and blow themselves up all over America, don’t really want to do it. After a scene showing them praying on the ground of a desert somewhere, they ultimately cry and look scared, as the Russian pseudo-Muslim friend of the Jew forces them into wearing the vests and pulling the cord.
Yeah, I know–it’s like another pointless, fraudulent season of the former FOX series, “24,” in which the Islamic terrorists always turn out to be working for some evil White man, not Muslims or jihad.
With the anti-Semitic plot point, the movie was ruined for me and I recommend that you skip it.
But it’s not just a movie. It’s a reminder that real-life Navy SEALs and top Pentagon and U.S. Navy brass have no problem with a plot portraying a Jew as the key terrorist in a jihadist plot, something that bears no resemblance to reality. If you wanna see a good movie about this outfit, rent “Navy SEALS.” No matter how un”winning” Charlie Sheen may be now, he at least had the guts to star in a movie in which the real terrorists (Islamic terrorists) are the terrorists–the way Hollywood used to show us back in the good old days of 1990 before we rewarded Muslims for 9/11.
To paraphrase the great Mark Twain, there are lies, damn lies, and “Act of Valor.” That’s the most damned lie of all.
Hey, who needs the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and blood libels, when you have Navy SEAL propaganda feature films?
There’s nothing valorous in Jew-baiting on the silver screen. Act of Valor isn’t an Act of Valor at all. Not even close.
Below is the e-mail I sent Amanda Greenberg, the Navy press person who is handling all inquiries regarding “Act of Valor.” And, yes, I see the irony in her apparently Jewish surname. But I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “kapo.” The e-mail went unanswered, after Navy personnel assured me she would respond. I encourage you to write her to complain about this vicious Jew-hatred.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:36 PM
Subject: Press Inquiry Re- “Act of Valor” Movie . . .
To: Amanda GreenbergMs. Greenberg:
I’m a journalist (whose work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal
and New York Post and who has been quoted in almost every major media
outlet) and the movie critic for the SiriusXM Patriot Channel Morning
Show (“Mike Church Show”), and I have a few questions regarding “Act
of Valor.” I’m told by the Navy press office that you are handling
these inquiries. I’m on deadline and need this information by late
tonight, as I’m writing a review and will be discussing the film
tomorrow morning on SiriusXM, as well as another radio outlet.Who at the Pentagon, US Navy or Navy SEALs was in charge of approving
“Act of Valor”?
Was the final product vetted?
Was the script vetted?
Was there no problem expressed or objections to the fact that the
script makes a Jewish billionaire the bad guy and the smuggler and
financier behind the major terrorism plot?
What is the position of whomever vetted and approved the final script, regarding anti-Semitism?
Can that person name a single major terrorist plot against America in
which Jews were involved?
I note your name is Greenberg. Does it not offend you that the major
players in the “jihadist” plot in this movie are not really Muslims,
but a Jew and a Russian who “converted”?
Are there any Jewish Navy SEALs?
How do you think it will affect Jewish Naval officers and enlisted
men, knowing that their branch of the U.S. Armed Forces believes that
Jews will be behind a major terrorist plot against America?I look forward to your timely response. I can be reached at
[redacted], should you have any questions.Thank you.
Debbie Schlussel
Again, Ms. Greenberg chose not to respond. Gee, I wonder why.
Don’t give money to blood libel movies like this that seek to turn America against the Jews using patriotism, the flag, and the Navy SEALs. This flick clearly earns its rating of . . .
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: Abu Shabal, Act of Valor, Act of Valor movie review, Act of Valor review, Alex Veadov, Amanda Greenberg, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, Christos, Goebbels, Jewish jihadist, Jewish terrorist, Jihad, Karimov, Mike "Mouse" McCoy, Mike McCoy, Mouse McCoy, movie, movie review, Navy, Navy SEAL movies, Navy Seal Team 7, Navy SEALS, Navy SEALs movie, Pentagon, Pentagon anti-Semitism, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Scott Waugh, SEAL TEam 7, Seal Team Seven, U.S. Navy, Yevgeni, Yuri
I thought the film was “not bad.” The action sequences, use of live ammo and non-use of actors caught the attention of most of the audience. Yes, it was disappointing to see the Russian Jew named “Christo” with a very semitic hooked nose behind the terror plot. That caricature was actually so stupid, I felt that it brought the integrity of the film way down. By this time, everyone in the world knows who is behind almost every major terrorist attack since 1979: Muslims of every size and shape and age and background and ideology. Why the producers of an otherwise interesting film chose the Russian Jew with the Christian name of Christo as the villain is a mystery and seems quite idiotic. Historically speaking, one can always find a Jew who did bad things to pick on and then write a screenplay which explains the choice of villain. This screenplay with the explanation of the villain’s childhood friend who is now a Muslim (sort of) was one sentence in a very poorly written script. As a matter of fact, the acting was pretty bad because these were not actors we were watching, but rather the “real deal.” And the plot was pretty predictable also. All in all, this film would have been fantastic without the stupid Hollywood plot and having Seals try to act but come off as wooden robots because after all…they are not actors…would have been a hit as a documentary. Then we might have seen the true grit of these guys and the producers who might have had the courage to name who the real villains are.
flamenco on April 26, 2012 at 6:08 pm