July 24, 2012, - 4:27 pm
Olympic Female Beach Volleyballers to Cover Up to Appease Muslims – Long-Sleeved Shirts
As I told you before, the International Olympic Committee–which still will not remember the murdered Munich Israeli athletes with a legitimate moment of silence and/or a memorial–announced a policy, earlier this year, dropping the requirement that women beach volleyball players wear a two-piece athletic bikini. The IOC specifically noted that dropping the bikini requirement was done to please, appease, and pander to Muslim countries, which would be offended by the display and wouldn’t allow its women to participate in the two-piece suits. Now, the IOC has announced that women will probably have to cover up and wear long sleeves over their bikinis, using the excuse that it’s “cold” in London. Don’t believe it. This move is, yet again, to appease Muslims.
Say Good-bye to This & Hello to Burqa-Ball . . .

It’s 86 degrees Fahrenheit in London, today. Tomorrow, it will be a high of 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The forecast for the next two weeks in London includes highs in the high 70s and low-to-mid 80s. Suddenly, that’s “too cold” for beach volleyball bikinis, and they need to wear long sleeves? Riiiight. And the beach volleyball venues are right near London, so it’s not like they are traveling somewhere far northward to the chilly tundra.
The Olympic beach volleyball players are the most scantily clad summer Olympians, and the IOC–in yet another sop to Islam and the Islamic terrorists that murdered the Israeli athletes–is laying the ground for the female beach volleyballers to cover up so as not to offend Muslims. The IOC had no takers when it announced the two-piece would no longer be mandatory and that women could cover up more. And because of that, it’s taken this new tack, claiming that long sleeves may be appropriate for the weather.
Uh-huh. The halal weather facing Mecca.
By the way, if they don hijabs, niqabs, or burqas, then they’ll be very warm during beach volleyball. And ain’t that the point here? It sure is.
Tags: appeasing Islam, beach volleyball, bikinis, cover up to appease Islam, dhimmitude, Islam, Islamic appeasement, Jihad, London Olympic Games, long sleeves, Muslim, Olympics, women's beach volleyball, women's volleyball
The ratings for the events will now plummet to 0.
I_AM_ME on July 24, 2012 at 4:41 pm