November 9, 2012, - 4:43 pm
No Tears for David Petraeus: Good Riddance to Islamopandering, Anti-Israel CIA Director; Put Himself in Blackmail Position
No tears from me over the resignation of CIA Director and retired General David Petraeus, late today. Petraeus was and is a pan-Arabist, anti-Israel piece of crap, who built his career on expending the lives of American soldiers to build roads for and hand out candy to Muslims who hate us, as he constantly bent over for them. He blamed our problems with the Muslim world on our relationship with Israel.

Dhimmi Fashion Victim: Former CIA Director & Retired General David Petraeus Dresses Like a Muslim

As American Commander of Middle Eastern Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Petraeus dressed up in Muslm garb to display the latest appeasement in uber-dhimmi chic dumbass fashion. Apparently, it did wonders in the bedroom for him. Oh, and don’t forget that he was part of the crowd who blamed the attacks on our embassies and the murders of four Americans on the anti-Mohammed video and condemned free speech.
And, yet, he had no problem jeopardizing America’s national security by having an extra-marital affair. Can you imagine the kind of blackmail he could have been subject to, had the FBI not discovered his dancing in the sheets? What a selfish idiot!
It’s truly incredible that this man was being touted as a Presidential candidate by everyone from FOX News chief Roger Ailes to New York’s grandstanding (but never doing anything) Congressman and Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King. All of them begged this schmuck to run. Whatta joke.
There are many theories abound about the timing. Surely, the Obama people must have known this affair was going on for some time and did nothing about it, plus it came out AFTER the election for a reason. And there are many on the right who now think this came out so that Barack Obama could avoid having Petraeus testify about the events at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. But as CIA Director, he would probably avoid answering much. And he could still be subpoenaed as a private citizen. So, I’m not sure I buy that part.
What I do know is that I’m glad this creep is gone. Back during the Iraq War, left-wing groups called him “Betray-us.” And, while they were attacking him for something else, his pandering to Muslims against Western interests backs that nickname up.
U.S. General David Petraeus said on Wednesday that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was fomenting anti-American sentiment due to the perception of U.S. favoritism towards Israel.
Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Petraeus explained that “enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the area of responsibility.”
“Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples [in the region],” Petraeus said.
His comments follow a week of tense relations between Israel and the U.S. following Israel’s announcement of plans to build 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem, which was made public while U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was visiting the country.
Yup, for this over-rated general, it was the old stand-by: when things get tough, blame the JOOOOOOS and Israel.
This was the same idiot who was the archtiect of the Bush “hearts and minds” strategy to win over Muslim savages who hate us.
And how did that work out? Just like his affair.
A lot of people got bleeped. And thousands of American soldiers died.
Buh-bye, Betray-Us Petraeus. Don’t let the halal door hit ya on the way out.
Thank G-d this jerk will never be President. But, don’t worry, there are more Islamo-ass kissing Jew-haters and Israel-blamers to take his place.
Tags: affair, Anti-Israel, CIA Director, David Petraeus, Dhimmi, dhimmis, Islam, Israel, Jews, Muslim, pan-Arabist, Petraeus resignation
He is one of the most overrated generals since Norman Schwarzkopf. As shown by this indiscretion, he was a disaster waiting to happen. The man was ultimately shown to be a fool.
Worry01 on November 11, 2012 at 3:06 am