November 29, 2012, - 5:04 pm
Edible Arrangements: Muslim Owners of Fruit Basket Company Fund HAMAS, Jihadist Extremism – What Not to Buy For Christmas
**** UPDATE, 08/14/14: Edible Arrangements Muslim CEO Refuses to Condemn HAMAS, ISIS – EXCLUSIVE E-mails ****
Now, that it’s the holiday season and a time of buying and giving Christmas and Chanukah gifts, a lot of people make the convenient choice of sending fruit baskets to their friends and professional associates. But if you take this route, DON’T send a basket from Edible Arrangements. If you do, you are funding HAMAS abroad and Muslim community organizing, such as the group IMAN, the Inner City Muslim Action Network, in the U.S.

Tariq Farid is the CEO of Edible Arrangements, which he started with his brother, Kamran Farid. Not only are they devout Pakistani Muslims, but they are major donors and fundraisers for American mosques, Islamic schools, and similar enterprises in Pakistan. Recent tax returns of their Farid Foundation, to which they and Edible Arrangements are major contributors, show that their foundation gives tens of thousands of dollars to extremist Islamic schools and mosques in America and to Islamic Relief, the HAMAS/Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood “charity” which sends tens of millions of dollars to finance jihad around the world. An Islamic Relief fundraiser I attended undercover featured young Muslim Arab kids simulating beheadings of Americans, Brits, and Israelis as the evening’s “entertainment.” And as I told you, Islamic Relief’s chief official in Gaza was a HAMAS official with Bin Laden’s photo, swastikas, and a “G-d Bless Hitler” banner as his screensavers. As I also told you, Islamic Relief’s registered agent in the U.S. is Kazbek Soobzokov, the son of Nazi Waffen SS officer Tscherim Soobzokov and the lawyer for deported accused terrorist and Islamic cleric, Imam Wagdy Mohamed Ghoneim.
The Farids and their Farid Foundation are also major donors to IMAN, the Chicago-based group which organizes Muslims to impose their extremist values on America’s political process and in America’s inner cities. The other purpose of the group is to convert Blacks and other inner city residents to Islam and help those who’ve already converted remain Muslim.
IMAN is a project and donee of the pro-HAMAS/pro-Hezbollah Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) (which was involved in the Holy Land Foundation HAMAS fundraising), and it’s a project of Islamic Relief–the HAMAS/Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood “charity” which finances jihad worldwide. IMAN is run and funded by White Sunni Muslims to harvest inner city Blacks to Islam, which is why IMAN also has many Black Muslims from the Nation of Islam among its ranks. IMAN has an operation called “Muslim Run,” which urges Muslims to only buy from Muslim-run businesses. IMAN was founded and is headed by Rami Nashashibi, a Palestinian Muslim extremist. And Iman hosts speakers like Dalia Mogahed, an extremist and agent of the Muslim Brotherhood with close ties to Barack Obama.
Back in August during Ramadan, Tariq Farid sent out this e-mail on behalf of IMAN:
Dear Supporter
Since I first visited IMAN, I have been inspired not only by what it has accomplished, but by the passionate staff and volunteer leaders who work there. So now, I want to inspire you with a special challenge in these last sacred days of Ramadan: For every dollar you donate to IMAN online, I will match you one-to-one until the end of this blessed month.
We started Edible Arrangements in 1999 because we were driven by the need to provide people with healthy and creative food options. Our stores across the world offer such alternatives to tens of thousands of customers every year. I believe that IMAN is also committed to forging an alternative model. Whether it’s the free community health clinic, or community organizing for food equity, housing and public safety, or creative arts programming, IMAN’s mode of civic engagement inspires healthy change in some of our most vulnerable communities.
Meet my matching challenge in these last ten days of Ramadan and help deepen and broaden that work!
Tariq Farid
CEO Edible Arrangements
Although many of the Edible Arrangements stores are franchises, the Farids collect millions in franchise fees and royalties from each store. And each time you buy anything from any Edible Arrangements store, the Farids get a cut and you are funding their HAMAS charities in Gaza and extremist Muslim community organizing in Chicago.
Don’t buy from Edible Arrangements.
Unfortunately, Edible Arrangements isn’t the only major funder of IMAN. You are. IMAN gets a good chunk of money from the U.S. State Department, and one wonders why. Is IMAN also organizing the Muslim community in other countries? If not, why is the State Department giving it money? Among its other funders are: Home Depot (don’t shop there, either), Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, the City of Chicago Department of the Environment, the Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development, the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority, and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art. Who knew Doris Duke’s money was going to fund the Islamic takeover of America?
I’ll bet she never intended anything like that.
Tags: Edible Arrangements, Farid Foundation, Hamas, IMAN, Inner City Muslim Action Network, Islam, Islamic Relief, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Kamran Farid, Muslim, Rami Nashishibi, Tariq Farid
All this is absulutly bull Shit !!!!
Joshua Jones on March 3, 2014 at 5:12 pm