November 25, 2013, - 5:18 pm
VIDEO: Saudi Muslims Hang Black Ethiopian Maid From Hook, Beat Her to a Pulp; Tape It For Their Entertainment
Hey, more “workplace violence” that we’re told has nothing to do with Islam.
Ah, the loving and peaceful ways of Islam. As I’ve told you, there is a strong racist component to Arab and Muslim life (they call Blacks, “abed” (slave) and “abeed” (slaves)–the Arabic equivalent of the N-word). Check out the video below of a Saudi family beating their Black Ethiopian female slave, whom they’ve put in some sort of strait jacket and hung upside down from a hook while they beat her to a pulp. If you notice a lot of the color red, that’s because she’s drenched in blood from the ripped flesh and other injuries sustained under constant beating from their whips. You have to wonder why Blacks in the West keep converting to this horrible, cultish excuse for a religion when they are treated to example after example of this kind of stuff. Oh, and per usual, they taped the brutal beating so they could watch it later for entertainment and relive their joy over torturing a Black person.

For those who question why Israel is now forced to ally with these Saudis and their country against Obama with his absurd deal with Iran, well, this is what Obama does to the world. He allies with horrible nations and forces good nations to do the same to oppose his dumb and very dangerous exploits. And if you think Shi’ite Muslims don’t have Black slaves and don’t treat them this way, think again. Muslims are Muslims. This is what they do. And there are plenty of abused and murdered Black maids in Lebanon, where they were enslaved by Shi’ites and Sunnis alike and treat just as badly as the woman in this video . . . and worse.
Remember, THIS. IS. ISLAM.
Tags: Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, Ethiopia, Islam, Islamic racism, Islamic violence, Islamic workplace violence, Jihad, Muslim racism, Muslim violence, Muslim workplace violence, Muslims and blacks, Muslims beat Black maid, Muslims beat Black maid video, Muslims beat ethiopian slave, Saudi Arabia, Saudis beat Black maid, Saudis Beat Ethiopian maid, Saudis Beat Ethiopian maid video, Saudis beat Ethiopian slave, video, video of Saudis beating Black maid, workplace violence
This video is for 2( boys) beating by there (father) and the big brother was recording it.
I think he was beating them because they didn’t do good in school PLUS! This family is from Syria!
Ask about anything if it’s true or not
maha on March 16, 2014 at 8:31 am