December 6, 2013, - 8:59 am
Nelson “Kill the Whites” Mandela, Friend of HAMAS/PLO, Anti-Israel Racist, Dead; VIDEO: “Kill the Whites”
****NOTE: To All Metro Property Group Investors who’ve been sent here by a false and fraudulent letter, here are the facts about the Metro Property Group Ponzi scheme and rip-off. Please note that the letter you were sent from Metro is false and fraudulent, the lawsuit was not filed a year ago, and Metro never offered to pay the buyers back for the entire price they paid for the homes. This is simply a lie designed to get you not to sue them and seek what you are owed. ***
**** UPDATE: Nelson Mandela Said WHAT?! ****
Only the good die young, as Billy Joel once sang. And so it goes with Nelson Mandela, Marxist leader, racist, Jew-hater, friend of HAMAS and Arafat, who died yesterday at age 95. (I was away at an annual all day film critics’ movie screening put on by the Hollywood studios–more on that in a later post, as I continue to detox from that junk food of the mind.)

We knew this day, when the over-hype-on-steroids regarding the myth that is Mandela was coming. But we underdiagnosed the amount of saccharin-sweet fiction about this man, Mandela, who famously sang, “Kill the Whites.” See the YouTube video below, in which he sings, “Kill the Ama–the Bhulu” (with several of his far-left White supporters). The “Bhulu” are the Whites in the Black South African language known as Xhosa. The Ama Bhulu is the White nation/the Whites in the South.
As I’ve written on this site many times, Nelson Mandela was extremely anti-Israel and a close friend of Yasser Arafat’s. Later on, he supported HAMAS in Gaza, participating in a Gaza march against Israel (along with Jimmy Carter) and in support of HAMAS after HAMAS kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2009 and stepped up deadly rocket attacks on innocent civilians. Mandela had a history of supporting Islamic terrorism against Jews and against Israel, and was also in solidarity with Muslims against other targets of Islamic terrorists, including Christians. Mandela’s close friend partner in ANC crime, Bishop Desmond Tutu, also has a long history of openly anti-Semitic comments, none of which Mandela ever condemned, disavowed, or distanced himself from. Check out the letter my late father wrote about Tutu, documenting all of this in a letter to the President of the University of Pennsylvania, when Tutu was the speaker at my brother’s graduation from the Wharton School of Business.
When Mandela and his Communist ANC took over South Africa, Jews left the country in droves. That’s because Mandela fostered an atmosphere of non-stop anti-Semitism/Jew-hatred and opened South Africa’s borders to PLO and other Islamic terrorists to train there. Yasser Arafat was a frequent, beloved guest of Mandela over the years and made more appearances in President Mandela’s lair than most real heads of state, including those of African nations. Mandela also praised Yasser Arafat as a “comrade in arms.” Look at the photos above for just some of the appearances. Google “Nelson Mandela Arafat” in Google Images and you’ll see they had a long-term man-crush love affair. And while you’re at it, google “Nelson Mandela Castro,” and you’ll see a whole lot more on the romantic relationship between Mandela and Cuba’s Castro. Yup, whatta stellar guy. His go-to buddies are Islamic terrorists and Marxist human rights abusers. Peacemaker? Only if you’re a complete dumbass and haven’t a clue. Or a damned liar.
Don’t be fooled by ignoramuses and liars like Breitbart’s idiot editor, Joel Pollak, who has tweeted repeatedly over the years that Mandela is pro-Israel and a friend of the Jews, something he continued to do, despite evidence I sent him (and then he blocked me–because a proud dummy with a Harvard degree is just a proud dummy who refuses to face facts). Um, the Gaza march, moron . . . hello? Mandela has a history of hatred of the Jews and Israel and embrace of Marxism and racism against White people. Again, Um . . . “Kill the Whites,” Joel? Hellooooo . . . .? Pollak, after all, is married to a Black South African chick (who apparently got a quickie Jewish conversion). Her mother worked for this Jew-hater and “Kill the Whites” scumbag, Mandela, and Pollak can’t face that fact, when he’s repeatedly waved the “I’m married to a Black chick” card all over the place as his claim to fame. Joel, you and the ghost of Mandela need to get a room (you can be the new “Modern Family”). STAT. Think with something other than your inept penis, Joel.
And anyone with a clue should take anything you read on Breitfraud as containing the same amount of accuracy–none. Nothing Pollak and his site say is based on facts and research, as evidenced by their non-stop ideological circle jerk to Mandela. If you call yourself a conservative and you embrace this guy, Mandela, you are a bleepin’ fraud. PERIOD.
Nelson Mandela was NOT a peacemaker. He was not a great man. He was a racist who hated White people and Jews and loved Islamic terrorists and Marxists to his death.
Rot in Hell, Nelson.
Get a Room, Bitches . . .

FYI, my favorite memory of Nelson Mandela is actually my favorite memory of late Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, a fellow Marxist and fraudster of Mandela’s. Much is made of Mandela’s Detroit visit and appearance at a rally at Tiger’s Stadium in 1990. Young helmed the show, as he was Detroit Mayor at the time. Young was among the leaders of the Boycott South Africa movement. But it came out, not long before the rally, that Young used some of the gazillions he stole and embezzled from the city to invest in his own private stash of South African Krugerrands (all while he was telling everyone else not to do business with or buy products from anyone doing business with South Africa, including Coca-Cola).
Of course, as with everything, Coleman Young got away with all the embezzlement and the South African investment and hosted the Mandela rally. I can still hear my late father laughing and laughing and laughing about it in our kitchen, because, as he used to say, it’s all so predictable–the behavior of these race pimps.
That’s how they all are–the Mandela groupies: frauds and hypocrites. Scumbags.
Just like their false hero, Nelson Mandela.
Late Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young Yukking it Up w/ Israel-Haters Stevie Wonder & Nelson Mandela . . .

Tags: African National Congress, ANC, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Bishop Tutu, Desmond Tutu, Joel Pollak, Joel Pollak Breitbart, Nelson Mandel Kill the Whites, Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela "Kill the Whites", Nelson Mandela anti-Israel, Nelson Mandela anti-Semitic, Nelson Mandela anti-Semitism, Nelson Mandela Arafat, Nelson Mandela Castro, Nelson Mandela HAMAS, Nelson Mandela Israel, Nelson Mandela Jews, Nelson Mandela Yasser Arafat, South Africa
Terrific and excellent analysis and thesis in your article Debbie, you not only hit out of the park, but you threw a 99 yard touchdown pass to the “wide-receiver”, lol. In any event, when I heard the news yesterday, I’d figure and said to myself, “hmmm, when is it that the world-wide media will kiss up and glorify Mr. Mandela and paint him as a saint and use him as a sacred-cow?”.
Guess what DS and everyone, I was listening to Sean Hannity’s talk show yesterday when the news broke, Hannity said this bull: “The death of Nelson Mandela, he was a great man, who did a lot of good for South Africa”, as usual, Hannity didn’t go into indepth research and Mandela’s history, which explains to me that Hannity isn’t as intelligent as we all believe.
Then hours later, I was listening to Michael Savage’s show, he didn’t talk too much about it, but he became an apologetic of Mandela of him saying this fallacies: “Mandela was a revolutionary, think about it, if you were a black person in South Africa at the time, you would’ve done something like this to call for a revolution against the government, and I understand that”, Savage went to say the opposite of what DS explained in great detail without doing his homework about Mandela: “Mandela bought both whites and blacks together, he united them, instead of dividing them like what Obama is doing to America, by separating the races”.
Seems like nowadays the conservatives are becoming predictable, sounding and acting like the left wingers who they bitch about and call out & ridicule, etc. So both, the left wing and the right wing alike became Mandela apologist of not touching his shady past, in which he had TONS of skeletons in his closet. And Debbie is right about Mandela, he was not only a communist and a leftist, he was a jew-hating prick who antagonized against both the Jews and Israel, by him aiding with the Palestinians, by wearing that scarf that leaders of the Palestinian Authority wear over their necks. He was also allies and pals with Fidel Castro, Castro, who was a despot in his Island/country of Cuba during his days as a leader down there. And if there’s a place called hell (samething if there’s a heaven, and I know the average Jew doesn’t believe in hell or the afterlife), more likely he’s rotting and decomposing there with Arafat, Arafat’s uncle, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, etc.!
“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on December 6, 2013 at 3:52 pm