January 30, 2014, - 2:07 pm
Scarlett Johansson, Israel, Oxfam & SodaStream: Starlet’s No Hero; History of Hanging w Israel Boycotters
Scarlett Johansson isn’t a hero in my book. Not even close. She has a history of hanging out with and enabling Israel-haters and anti-Semites.

Scarlett Johansson & Then-Boyfriend Sean Penn Feting Israel-Boycotting Al-Jazeera Owners, the Emir & Emira of Qatar, the Al-Thanis . . .
A lot of readers and others have asked me to post something congratulating movie star Johansson for keeping the millions of dollars she’s making for endorsing Israel’s Islamopandering SodaStream and her efforts to keep the money flowing in the face of opposition from the Israel-hating organization she promoted for EIGHT years. They also want me to congratulate her for “resigning” (she was asked to leave) from Oxfam, the openly anti-Israel organization for which she was an “ambassador” for eight years. Johansson is no pro-Israel revolutionary, despite the blind gushing by so many people who’ve elevated her to that position. But she is pro-wallet. And I give her credit for doing the math. But that’s all I give her credit for.
In fact, she knew what she was getting into when she chose to lend her name, face, and presence to Oxfam, an organization that has been openly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and pan-Arabist for decades. It was that way when I was in high school. It’s not news. And yet Johansson–who had no problem “dating” (euphemism) anti-Israel Iran apologist Sean Penn, and attending a dinner honoring the Emir of Qatar, Israel-boycotter extraordinaire and owner of anti-Israel, anti-American Al-Jazeera–also had no qualms with Oxfam’s vicious anti-Israel doctrine for the eight years during which she was involved in the organization. If you believe she didn’t know about and didn’t agree with Oxfam’s radical views, then you also believe the same about Barack Obama sitting in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church. And I have some land in Gaza to sell you.
I’ve already written about this story over and over. As I noted four years ago, the exact same thing happened to actress Kristin Davis of “Sex and the City Fame.” She was the face of Ahava, another Israeli company boycotted and attacked by Oxfam. Davis also made a lot of money for being its spokesmodel, just as Johansson has with SodaStream. Like Johansson, she also knew what Oxfam was about, and yet joined the organization and served as one of its ambassadors for years. She, too, was forced to “resign.” She didn’t deserve applause for that, and neither does Johansson.
People are delusional if they think Johansson is the champion of the pro-Israel cause. All you have to do is read her PR statement (posted below) in response to Oxfam’s attacks on her, regarding her high-paid engagement with SodaStream. She said she didn’t want to get into the middle of it. She just wanted the money. She supports Israel AND Palestine (hey, just like Barack Obama and Geraldo and Mahmoud Abbas!). But what is Palestine? I thought pro-Israel people realized–as America officially says–there is no “Palestine.” And if there is, what is it and where is it? Is it Gaza and the so-called West Bank (where many Jews live)? Is it Jerusalem? Is it all of Israel, as the Palestinians claim? She doesn’t say because she didn’t sign on to be pro-Israel. She signed on to make a sexy Superbowl ad and make a lot of money. Cha-ching.
And SodaStream is one of those typical Israeli companies that panders to Muslims because they are politically correct and think this will help them escape the Judenrein boycott Israel campaign (but won’t). They hired a lot of Palestinian Muslim workers (not just Israeli ones–despite chronic unemployment remaining among Jews who were forced out of their Gaza homes). They built an on-site mosque, forever making that mosque (and the ground beneath and surrounding it) Dar Al-Islam [“Islamic land”] in the eyes of Islam. That’s Scarlett Johansson’s kind of company. But because the company is owned by Jews, it’s never enough. No “good deed” toward Muslims goes unpunished. Dhimmis are useful idiots, always and forever.
So, while it’s nice that Scarlett Johansson made a non-statement “statement” that desperate pro-Israel activists want me to congratulate as “pro-Israel” and “anti-jihad,” it’s not that nice. Her exact, carefully fence-sitting statement said:
While I never intended on being the face of any social or political movement, distinction, separation or stance as part of my affiliation with SodaStream, given the amount of noise surrounding that decision, I’d like to clear the air. I remain a supporter of economic cooperation and social interaction between a democratic Israel and Palestine. SodaStream is a company that is not only committed to the environment but to building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine, supporting neighbors working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma’aleh Adumim factory every working day.
That’s pretty bland and it reeks of moral equivalency about Israel and “Palestine.” These are the carefully crafted non-committal words of a publicist hired so that she can keep her millions, remain in the ads, and quietly resign–as she was forced to do–from the openly anti-Israel organization she openly and proudly endorsed for eight years without a word against their decades-long hatred of Israel.
And as far as her “stepping down” from her eight-year engagement with anti-Israel Oxfam, again the organization made her quit, saying this:
While Oxfam respects the independence of our ambassadors, Ms Johansson’s role promoting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam Global Ambassador.
Translation: Buh-bye. She didn’t have a choice in the matter.
Is Israel that embattled and desperate that its supporters will glom on to anything and anyone this tenuous and remotely “pro-Israel” as something to gloat about and congratulate? Maybe. And if so, that’s very sad. And very weak. I don’t gush over crumbs. Nobody strong does. Sorry.
Scarlett Johansson as Israel’s new spokesmodel? Not even close. Courageous? Not even in the same ballpark.
Like I said, she simply took a page out of the Kristin Davis playbook because Oxfam put her in an uncomfortable position. She proudly hung out with Israel boycotters at Oxfam and Israel-boycotters-in-chief of Qatar (one of many countries that doesn’t allow entry to Jews with Israeli passports or Israeli stamps on their passports). Shame on Sodastream for hiring her in the first place.
Oh, and by the way, did Scarlett Johansson say anything or choose to leave Oxfam when it forced Kristin Davis out for endorsing Ahava?
Tags: Anti-Israel, Israel, Jews, OxFam, Oxfam anti-Israel, Oxfam International, Oxfam Israel, Scarlett Johansson, Scarlett Johansson Israel, Scarlett Johansson SodaStream, SodaStream
She sounds like another sand shark. Who was that CNN reporter that got all romantically involved with Arabs and then pretended to do even-handed and unbiased reporting about them? Yeah, Campbell Brown.
I wish you would stop saying, “anti-Semitic”. Why not anti-Jewish or anti-Israel? It just gets on my nerves because it isn’t technically accurate. Whatever. Go ahead I don’t care. This woman means about as much to me as JINO Sean Penn does.
get real on January 30, 2014 at 2:29 pm