March 26, 2015, - 1:06 pm
Andreas Lubitz: GermanWings Co-Pilot Hailed by Facebook Grp as “Hero of Islamic State”
Andreas Lubitz, co-pilot of the GermanWings flight who locked the pilot out of the cockpit and deliberately crashed the plane into the French Alps, is being hailed by an alleged Islamic State Facebook group as a “Hero of the Islamic State.” The Facebook page, screenshots of which are posted below, was quickly removed by Facebook.

As with many of you, when I first heard of the A320 Airbus crash into the Alps, I thought it was probably jihad, probably Islamic terrorism. The first thing I wondered was, “Is the pilot’s name, ‘Mohammed’?” And, predictably, authorities’ and spokesliars’ first response was to assure us, before any investigation whatsoever that this was for sure “not tied to terrorism,” the usual boilerplate BS. Whenever they quickly, emphatically tell you it’s not jihad, you know it’s definitely jihad.
We don’t know what Lubitz’s religion was at the time he crashed the plane, but why else would he lock the pilot out of the cockpit after he went to the bathroom, and deliberately murder Westerners? I’m sure we’ll now be told the usual crap: he was mentally disturbed, it had nothing to do with Islam, he had financial troubles or was angry that he still lived with his parents (in this case, he did) and didn’t have a girlfriend. Or one of the other lines we’re typically fed. USA Today wants us to know that he wasn’t on the terrorist watch list. Well, so what? Neither were many terrorists who then committed jihad. That’s whom they recruit. Ever hear of Nidal Malik Hasan? He wasn’t on the terror watch list, either.
We don’t know a lot about this guy. But I wouldn’t be surprised if ultimately it comes out that the guy had a prayer mat at his family home, or if he secretly was known as “Abdullah” or “Mahmoud” or “Al-Tayar” (Arabic for “the pilot”). I also wouldn’t be surprised if we are actually never told about Lubitz’s true intentions and behavior. Authorities want us to like Islam and be “tolerant” of this “peaceful” religion of death and destruction, and they try to sugarcoat and whitewash it at every turn.
In any event, a Facebook group said Andreas Lubitz is a hero of the Islamic State for crashing a plane into a mountain and killing a lot of Westerners–150 people, three of them Americans. And Facebook, which has promised to be more vigilant in removing ISIS stuff on its site, quickly removed it. You do the math.
Like I said, I’m sure we’ll learn a lot more about Lubitz. And I’m sure we’ll be force-fed the usual loner, mentally ill, and anything-but-Islam defenses.
Tags: "not Islam", Andreas Lubitz, Andreas Lubitz GermanWings, Andreas Lubitz ISIS, Andreas Lubitz Islamic State, GermanWings, GermanWings co-pilot, GermanWings pilot, ISIS, Islam, Jihad
“Nothing to do with Islam” is quickly becoming one of the leading causes of death in the West.
salt1907 on March 26, 2015 at 1:25 pm