June 30, 2015, - 7:39 pm
PUH-LEEZE: Check Out What Ben & Jerry’s is Doing to Gloat Over Gay Marriage

I’ve always believed that smart brands stay out of politics. Sadly, many brands believe it’s their duty to shove left-wing BS in our faces, and that especially includes Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. On this site over the years, I’ve written about why Ben & Jerry’s should be ice creama non grata for any freedom-loving American, and that’s for reasons other than that it’s filled with unhealthy fat and sugar. It’s not just that B&J paid for the PR firm that represented Jihad Cindy #2 (anti-American, anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Cindy Sheehan; Jihad Cindy #1 is Cynthia McKinney). It’s also that B & J and its namesake founders are big donors to anti-American, pan-Islamic foundations like the Tides Foundation. And, now, Ben & Jerry’s is even more in your face with its new pro-gay marriage celebratory ice cream.

“I Dough, I Dough” isn’t exactly new, as the flavor was called “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.” But the newly-named flavor also comes with new packaging, including the agenda-hijacked rainbow symbol and two male cows getting married. Hmmm . . . I wonder how gay men like it that liberals are comparing them to animals–to cattle?! But, hey, when liberals do these things and make these comparisons, they get away with it. (Or maybe B&J’s next move is to fight for the rights of animals to get married. Don’t put it past ’em.)
It’s not that I don’t accept the Supreme Court’s decision. I recognize that it’s the supreme law of the land and gay marriage is now a done deal, even though I believe marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman. I think the real Supreme Court fight now is whether or not, for example, a church (which receives federal tax-exempt status by virtue of being a recognized religious institution) and/or its clerics will be forced to marry gays.
It’s just that I don’t need companies and their products preaching to me their left-wing politics. I don’t want to hear it from them. Didn’t their mothers teach them not to discuss religion or politics? It’s the easiest way to shrink a customer base.
Ben & Jerry’s, owned by Unilever, didn’t have to get involved in the gay marriage debate. And, frankly, since the debate is now basically over, it’s kind of cowardly of the brand to now jump on the bandwagon for the sole purpose of crass PC commercialism, anyway. Yes, it’s true that the brand did pimp gay marriage back in 2009, but has been quiet for a while on this issue. Brands shouldn’t be involved at all in politics (other than refusing to support terrorists and so on). But they seem to be more and more. Last week, Tylenol begun running the Susan-Saranwrap-narrated “family isn’t who you love” lecture, below. And, pretty soon, we’ll be seeing more and more of these pronouncements. Don’t count Bruce Jender a/k/a “Caitlyn” becoming the latest Cover Girl cosmetics spokesmodel.
You wanna be a transsexual or a gay in gay marriage now that it’s legal? That’s your business. Do what you want. But why must I have it shoved in my face?
By the way, as I’ve said zillions of times on this site over the years, it’s no big deal or cause for celebration that gays can be open and enjoy many rights in this country, when the gay community is cricket-chirping silent about gays being dropped off skyscrapers or beheaded throughout the Muslim world.
When Ben & Jerry’s has cause to celebrate gay marriage–no, just gay existence to live until the end of the day–in the Muslim world, then, maybe some celebratory flavor of gay ice cream is in order. (It might be called “Yasser’s Halal Chubby Hubby Drives on Rocky Road and Doesn’t Blow Up.”)
But until then, don’t shove your ice cream emblazoned with two male cows getting married under a rainbow in my face and down my throat.

BTW, from a past entry, here are some of the gay marriage ice cream flavors I thought up for Ben & Jerry’s:
* Lickable Li-Berry-ace;
* Yasser Arafat IED Rocky Road (yep, as I’ve noted before on this site, Yasser was a closeted gay, who apparently died of AIDS);
* RuPaul Black Raspberry;
* George Michael Elton John Swirl Sorbet;
* Butter Pink-On (no more Butter Pecan);
* WNBA No-Dunk Creme Brulee; and
* Condom-Covered Banana Split.
Tags: Ben & Jerry's, Ben and Jerry's, Gay Marriage, gay marriage ice cream, I Dough I Dough, I Dough I Dough ice cream
The goal of the creeping (and now skipping faster and faster) totalitarians, of course, is to degrade religion so it plays no bigger role than it did during the heyday of Stalinism.
The way things are going, I see no reason why they will not be successful. No politicians are providing leadership; those who criticize the SCOTUS decision are not providing any workable program to fight for religious rights.
The religious people who are trying to challenge these infringements on their rights would do well to frame their struggle in the broadest terms possible, as a civil liberties issue and try to obtain the widest support possible, even, hopefully from those who do not agree with the religious principles, themselves.
The chaos in our society seems to be expanding on an exponential basis. It reminds me more and more of the later days of the Weimar Republic. The veneer of civilization is becoming more and more brittle, and while of course I want to preserve and extend the declining amount of civilization that we still have, I am becoming more and more pessimistic.
While, like Debbie, I am opposed to gay marriage, I am more concerned about the mob psychology that seems to be more and more endemic here in the United States.
While American society has never been free of demagogues, I don’t think there is another time period that has been plagued by the amount of influence that demagoguery is able to command today. Emotion, more and more, is ripping rational thinking apart in virtually all sectors of America. That is the real problem; the institutionalization of gay marriage is only one more symptom of a rapidly accelerating irrationalism.
Little Al on June 30, 2015 at 8:13 pm