January 26, 2017, - 8:43 am
Islamic “Modesty”: Devout Muslima Teacher Rapes Students, Gets Light Sentence bc She’s Muslim

Hey kids, it’s time for another episode of “Your Day In Islamic Modesty.” Today’s contestant is devout Muslima Linda Hardan, who raped her students and got a lighter sentence because the judge said her strict Muslim upbringing “stunted” her emotional development and caused her to rape them. HUH?
Do you think a judge would go as easy on a devout Christian rapist because of his/her devout upbringing the way he did with Ms. Hardan, the Muslim chick? Don’t bet on it. No matter what they do, jihadists keep catching a break, courtesy of the American legal system.
A former New Jersey substitute teacher who sent sexually explicit texts to underage students and engaged in sex acts with them has been sentenced to three years in prison. Linda Hardan had reached a plea deal with Passaic County prosecutors that called for her to receive a five-year sentence.
But the judge imposed a lesser term on Monday, citing mitigating factors. He also noted the 22-year-old Prospect Park resident appeared to have a sheltered and stunted emotional development due to her strict religious upbringing.
Hardan worked as a substitute teacher in Haledon and at Manchester Regional High School in North Haledon. Authorities say the victims ranged in age from 14 to 16. Hardan pleaded guilty last June to sexual assault and child endangerment.
So glad that someone of authority finally acknowledged on the record that Islam stunts your emotional development and growth and is hazardous to your mental health. However, this wasn’t the appropriate context for that or for soft sentencing for a child molester.
So, what is it they keep telling us about “Islamic modesty”? And why is a woman who performs sex acts on her students covering her hair in that rag? Isn’t the whole idea of wearing that thing that she’s not supposed to turn anyone on?
Just askin’.
Islam . . . the Religion of Peaceful Rapists.
Oh, and by the way, she’s probably a Palestinian Muslima since she hails from Paterson, New Jersey, home to the largest concentration of Palestinians outside the Middle East. Congrats, America! Your immigration policy has done wonders.
Tags: Islam, islamic "modesty", Islamic rape, Islamic rapists, Linda Hardan, Muslim rape, Muslim rapists, Muslims
Islamic pedophilia isn’t new. Linda Hardan is just the latest manifestation of it.
Then again, this another example of how Muslims get away with things that wouldn’t be tolerated in other people.
Sharia is already a living reality in New Jersey. This will be the future of America.
President Trump’s “extreme vetting” notwithstanding.
Which doesn’t solve the problem of Islamopandering to Muslims already in our midst.
And there are plenty of them like Linda Hardan all over America – her favored treatment due to her Muslim background is just the tip of a vast iceberg.
NormanF on January 26, 2017 at 9:35 am