April 17, 2007, - 10:24 am

Israeli Holocaust Survivor, Hero of VTU Massacre: Gave Life to Save Students; Palestinian Student Related to Terrorist Compares Massacre to “Occupied Territories” (but Grew Up in Saudi)

While at least 32 were murdered in yesterday’s massacre at Virginia Tech University, a lot more could have been killed. But a number of students were spared because of the heroic efforts of Liviu Librescu.
Librescu, a 76-year-old Holocaust survivor and Israeli, was a professor at VTU, yesterday, when the gunman tried to enter his classroom. But he stopped the gunman and saved the lives of his students by jumping in front of him and giving his life.
More from the Jerusalem Post:

Liviu Librescu, Z”L

As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 76-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday’s shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 32 dead and over two dozen wounded.
Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter, who had attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, “but all the students lived – because of him,” Virginia Tech student Asael Arad – also an Israeli – told Army Radio.
Several of Librescu’s other students sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he blocked the gunman’s way and saved their lives, said the son, Joe.
“My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee,” Joe Librescu said in a telephone interview from his home outside of Tel Aviv. “Students started opening windows and jumping out.”
Liviu Librescu, was respected in his field, his son said.
“His work was his life in a sense,” said Joe. “That was a good place for him to practice his research.”

Librescu also did research for NASA.
As reader Anthony reminds me, the Talmud says, He who saves one life is as if he saves the entire world.
Liviu Librescu, an Israeli hero who saved Americans’ lives, Zichrono LiVracha (Blessed Be His Memory).
On the Palestinian side, Jamal Al-Barghouti, a Palestinian Student from the “West Bank” (who grew up in Saudi Arabia) took video of the shooting that made TV worldwide.
His film didn’t save a single person, but he’s getting far more media attention and kudos than the barely-mentioned Librescu is getting. And he used the “opportunity” on CNN, to compare the Virginia Tech massacre to “violence” in the in the “Occupied Territories”. One problem with his story: He grew up in SAUDI ARABIA.
Wolf Blitzer noted that Barghouti is from a “distinguished Palestinian family.” That “distinguished” family is none other than the family of Palestinian terrorist mastermind Marwan Barghouti, now in prison for planning mass terrorist attacks and homicide bombings, which murdered many Israelis. Glad to know that Wolf Blitzer and CNN now believe that being a terrorist and orchestrating the murder of several innocent people in cold blood is now “distinguished.”

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30 Responses

Doesn’t surprise me at all!!!
Growing up in a neighbourhood that was predominantly Irish and Jewish, while most of the Jewish kids were pansies, back them up against the wall and you’d see the CHUTZPAH start flying.

EminemsRevenge on April 17, 2007 at 10:53 am

At what point does the government or universities become complicit in religious and ethnic cleansing denial about 9-11 and their policies that caused it after the WTC 93 attacks?

Old Atlantic on April 17, 2007 at 11:06 am

True selflessness. Human nature at its finest. I wonder why he isn’t being mentioned yet. Maybe he will be mentioned in the days to come once the storm dies down. If he gave his old life to save young lives then he most definitely is a hero by all means.

the_don on April 17, 2007 at 11:13 am

How often do you hear a palestinian arab sacrificing his life for his fellow arabs? Not as often as you hear just the opposite. It is usually the arab who forfeits his life to take other lives which is not such such a noble sacrifice in my humble definition since there is no 72 virgins waiting for me in the other part of the world. That unto itself manifests the notable distinction between them and us. Take Liviu Librescu and Jamal Al-Barghouti and see which one matches up with heroism and which one matches up with cowardice.

Jew Chick on April 17, 2007 at 11:21 am

When the first incidents happened…a Muslim i know said that George Bush was in on it and that this was yet another government black operation.

the_don on April 17, 2007 at 12:05 pm

You’ve got be kidding me…

the_don on April 17, 2007 at 12:15 pm

You can tell when muslims are lying because their lips move.

davidlanham on April 17, 2007 at 12:28 pm

Gee, I wonder what would happen if a white guy shot 50 or 60 asians? The only reason the black guy was killed was because he was apparently involved with the shooter’s girlfriend. Why were the 60 white people shot?

davidlanham on April 17, 2007 at 12:39 pm

Holocaust Survivor.
Survives one crazyman and dies at the hands of another crazyman in the land of freedom and political correctness.

Happiness Pursuer on April 17, 2007 at 12:42 pm

That man was noble and brave. He’s certainly a hero.

Daddy Love on April 17, 2007 at 12:47 pm

RIP, Liviu Librescu.
At times like these, it’s heroes like Mr. Librescu that offers up a small hope that good is still good, right is still right, no matter how much the loonies try to deny it.
I cried reading about the heroics and sacrifice of Liviu Librescu. Thank you very, very much for posting this, Debbie.

Jeff_W on April 17, 2007 at 12:53 pm

“from a prominent Pally family” is what Wolf Blitzer said yesterday afternoon. He did not say anything other than that.

sandy on April 17, 2007 at 1:31 pm

An inspiring news story from a horrific tragedy. God will be kind to his loyal servant.
Rest In Peace, Professor Librescu. There WAS a reason why you were spared from the Holocaust.

Ripper on April 17, 2007 at 1:42 pm

How long before they Muslims start screaming that this brave guardian angel of a man was holding the door closed so none of the students “could” escape?

MarySJ on April 17, 2007 at 6:03 pm

Dear Debbie;
I believe Mr. Liviu Librescu is a hero if there ever was one. His selfless bravery deserves to be reconized by the government with some kind of medal of honor. His piture should be on the front cover of national magazines. He should be praised.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for another.
Jesus of Nazareth

EJO on April 17, 2007 at 8:03 pm

God Bless Mr. Librescu. He is truely a brave, strong man. Unfortunately for us, there is one less in this world.

Minnie Mouse on April 17, 2007 at 11:06 pm

This post is a response to EminemsRevenge at the top of this thread. Did you really have to insult the Jews that you grew up with while trying to praise Liviu Librescu’s, Z”L heroic deeds? Oh I forgot you were being complementary when you said “that the Jewish kids were pansies, back them up against the wall and you’d see the CHUTZPAH start flying”. Look, do everyone a favor keep the insensitivity, insincerity and stupidity to yourself. ‘Cause here’s one Jew who will not take it.

OneIrishJew on April 17, 2007 at 11:53 pm

What have we done to our young men? That they ran and jumped for cover.Why was one man with only two hand guns able to kill so many?
Are we raising our children to defend ones self and self scarfice to stop wrong is worthless.
Time to teach our children to handle a gun properly and with respect.So many could have been saved if the others were taught to defend theirself.

maylynn on April 18, 2007 at 1:52 am

You state in an earlier post that you hope the tragedy at VT forces the US to make the process of entering an American university as an international student more stringent, and that doing so would have prevented the VT murders.
First, we now know that Cho was not in the US as an international student, so a more vigorous selection process would have done nothing to prevent the murders. Second, if the process of entering the US to study or work at an American university were so much more stringent, perhaps Prof. Librescu, not to mention Prof. Loganathan (who was also killed…I hope you plan to do a eulogy for him as well), would have never been able to work at VT in the first place.
(But then, shouldn’t those jobs go to Americans anyway?)
What exactly would you suggest, a scrutinizing background check and year-long psychological testing for thousands of students who otherwise have perfectly legitimate credentials? I’m always amazed by the courage and intelligence of people from places like Romania, and Tamil Nadu, who come to study in the US after overcoming what would seem to me to be already insurmountable obstacles. You, however, would simply wish to make those obstacles that much more difficult to overcome.
If you plan on doing a post for Prof. Loganathan (consider it a dare), here’s a good place to start: http://www.roanoke.com/vtvictims/wb/113458

Khinasava on April 18, 2007 at 4:18 am

Barghouti is an extremly large and popular tribal familial name in Palestine. Just what this man’s relation to Marwan Barghouti is you or I do not know, but you seem to prefer to assume that it has it has any relavance whatsoever. Others that carry the Barghouti name are known democratic and peace activist Mustafa Barghouti, Bashir Barghouti, a key figure in the Oslo Peace Process, and Mourid Barghouti, a respected poet and writer.
In the end, what does it matter. Since when are distant relations held accoutable for each other’s actions. Shall we now assume that everyone with the name Cho is a mentally unstable mass-murderer or everyone with the last name McVeigh is a terrorist? Get over yourself.

gudc1 on April 18, 2007 at 2:17 pm

Maylynn poses an excellent question. Why did the other men not try to help Professor Librescu?
He is a soldier of God. When soldiers put themselves in harms way to save others, they’re awarded with the highest honors and so should Professor Librescu. He acted, instantly, without regard for himself, to save others.
Another question posed was when do Muslims sacrifice their lives for others? When they flip the switch that ignites the bomb killing innocents they don’t know, who never saw them coming or knew of their plan or their evil.
One is an act of selfless bravery and the other is an act of shameful cowardice. Can you tell which is which?

Roland Hall on April 18, 2007 at 11:56 pm

I watched an interview on NBC of one of the students in Librescu’s class. He initially actually conflicted the official ‘hero’ story, but started feeling uncomfortable, so stopped talking. The hero story is being spread by his son. Honestly, do you think some 76 yr old man is going to try to be an effective hero? The story is for mass consumption. I feel sorry for the guy – but his ‘heroic’ deeds are being advertised as an agenda. The man was more than just a holocaust survivor anyways (as bascially most european born jews pre 1946 is)- he was a top notch scientist, and that is how he should be remembered.

pascal1999 on April 19, 2007 at 5:54 pm

Bless him..what a HUGE loss to this world. *sigh*

Highrise on April 20, 2007 at 1:24 am

Dear Debbie,
The story you report is contra-factual in some portions. Mr. Barghouti (in either his audio or Wolf Blitzer interview) never compared the situation at the Tech campus to the situation in the West Bank or any place in Palestine for that matter, he obliquely stated that he had been in cities in which violence occurred, and never experienced what he had that day at the Tech campus. Even so, the fact that he grew up in Saudi Arabia is irrelevant, he, as a Palestinian, would most likely have visited his home as often as he could if possible. Further, the assertion that he is related to Marwan Barghouti is unsubstantiated as you provide no family tree or history, Jamal provides no such acknowledgment, and the fact that Barghouti is a popular Palestinian last name. I cannot attest to Mr. Librescu not receiving great media attention, I hold deep respect for the sacrifice this man made thanks to media sources such as CNN, the Washington Post, etc.; however, my personal opinion is that the highlight that he was a Holocaust survivor and having died on a Holocaust remembrance day only highlights a bitter irony and cheapens the glorious sacrifice this man made. I think Mr. Librescu would probably take deep issue with your attempt to dichotomize the Palestinian as evil vs. Israeli as noble issue within this incredible tragedy. I understand that as a child of a Holocaust survivors and a Jew you may hold deep hatred/contempt for Palestinians and their attempt for statehood, however, a tragedy is not a stage for you to indoctrinate your philosophy. I would also note that a one, Waleed Shalaan, an Egyptian Muslim engineering student also made a brave sacrifice that day in distracting the shooter to spare another student’s life at the sacrifice of his own; however this story goes underreported by the media. I pray for us all in this great tragedy.
All the Best.

Serp on April 20, 2007 at 2:27 am

What is really sad is that in your effort to show heroism, you portrayed hate. Liviu Librescu was a holocaust survivor, and was persecuted for being Jewish and blamed for problems in society and other stereotypes just for being born Jewish. Is that not the same when you are quick to say that Jamal did nothing by simply being one of the many student reporters there? I did not see you saying that the other students videos saved no lives. What about journalist’s in general reporting from events such as this? And how exactly are you helping the situation by spreading hate? And what kind of message are you sending when you are calling an innocent man a terrorist by association?
I happen to be part of that distinguished family, and Barghouty (we spell it with a y at the end) is a very respected family. However to assume that all 25,000 plus of us are related or are terrorists is ignorant indeed. Every family and culture has their fair share of bad apples. I do not assume that every Schlussel is an ignorant racist, although if I had your way of thinking that is what I would assume. Saying that Arabs would never save another person’s life is just ignorant. A Secret Service Agent who is on presidential detail is an Egyptian Muslim. My brother is an FBI Agent, one of my cousins works for NASA. Saying that we as Arabs and Muslims are terrorists is just as ignorant and hurtful as all other deragotory statements said about Jews, blacks and other races and religions.
Also, I really cannot believe you had the audacity to turn such a tragic event into an Arab/Israeli issue. If anyone is misrepresented in the media, it is us, but that is a whole other issue. You should have just paid homage to Liviu Librescu and the other hero’s of that day rather than deflecting attention away by insulting Jamal.
It seems as though you are trying to put yourself on a pedestal when in fact you are sounding more like Hitler and the KKK with that kind of superiority complex. And anyone who is Jewish, Black, Asian, Muslim, Arab, Native American and anyone else who has suffered indignities and racism against them should be appalled and disgusted by people like you, and not applauding them. We need to learn to love and respect one another, otherwise this vicious circle of hate and violence will never end.
We are all a part of the same human race. In the end, suffering is suffering, no matter what the color of your skin, and no one’s suffering is more important than anothers.
“There can be no doubt that, of all the frictional resistances, the one that most retards human movement is ignorance”–Nikola Tesla
“Until the philosophy which holds one race superior, and another inferior is finally, and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war”–Bob Marley “War”

ProudPalestinian on April 21, 2007 at 11:51 pm

Another thing that I forgot to touch upon is that if Marwan Barghouti is a terrorist, then Ariel Sharon is the King Pin of terror. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Although I do not believe in violence, I understand why Marwan as well as other Palestinians choose to fight back in that matter. At least we are fighting to have a country of our own, we are fighting against the apartheid conditions in which we live, fighting back against torture, fighting back against checkpoints and an apartheid wall, we are fighting back against more illegal land swaps of our soil, we are fighting racism and unjust violence and terror inflicted upon us by the illegal Israeli occupation. We are fighting back, not just for the sake of it, but for justice. For our freedom, just as any other people on this Earth would do.
If this were not the case, then explain why there are so many Jews and Israeli’s that are supporting the Palestinian people? Marwan is not a terrorist, and I am proud to call him, as well as all other prominent Barghouti’s, family.

ProudPalestinian on April 22, 2007 at 1:47 am

It is really sad to read a bunch of ignorant words put together to promote hate from a highly educated person. The comparison made between Mr. Al Barghouti and Professor Librescu is irrelevant and a pathetic attempt to make this issue a Palestinian Israeli issue. I am not sure why instead of consuming our energies blaming one another we do not convert this lost energy in finding a solution to achieve peace.
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes. (Gandhi).
As for the ignorant remark made against Mr. Marwan Barghouti making him a terrorist is far from the truth. Marwan is an individual who was trying to fight against the injustice Israel put upon his helpless Palestinian people. He wanted his people to get some justice in this world after the whole world turned its back on them. Marwan wanted to make peace with the state of Israel but the constant attacks carried out by narrow minded leaders like Ariel Sharon gave him no choice but to fight back. If Marwan is a terrorist why are prominent Palestinian figures, members of the European Parliament and the Israeli Peace bloc (Gush Shalom) and many more fighting for his release.
Making the Barghouty family less distinguished is something I will not tolerate because I happen to be one of them. I will not let an ignorant remark made against the Barghouty family go unanswered. In Palestine and other countries throughout the world Barghouty members have contributed to society in a positive way. We Barghoutys are doctors, lawyers, professors, and much more. If you visit Palestine you will know that your comment against this great family is far from the truth. This family is highly regarded in Palestine as a family that leads by example and many Palestinians aspire to follow their lead.
I apologize to everyone for the long blog, but I was not about to let a very sad event that happened at Virginia Tech be turned into a Palestinian Israeli conflict issue to spread hate and false information. We should mourn those heroes that lost their lives in this sad sad day in America rather than spreading unnecessary hate.

A Proud Barghouty on April 22, 2007 at 2:08 pm

What a preposterous way to introduce the most ìprominentî family in Palestine.
I canít believe how insensitive you are to take this matter away from the VT students and turn it into a Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
I never imagined that fighting for your land, freedom, and life against the inventors of terrorism would ever be considered violence and terrorism. Israel is occupying Palestine under the terms of their illegal occupation. It is Israel that is invading and it is Israel that is attacking, and then when we fight against it we are the one to blame.
You should be embarrassed of your self when you say that the Barghouty family is considered a terrorist family, in most peopleís eyes Israel and biased reporters like your self are considered ones. It is the fact that you can not comprehend.
Liviu Librescu, may he rest in peace will always be considered brave in what he did. As a fair non-biased Palestinian I admit to that fact, and I will never manipulate the truth.
You disgust me with the amount of hatred that runs in your blood and soul against us ìArabsî and Palestinians in specific.
We fight because Israel occupies our country, because of hateful people like you and we will keep on fighting ëtil you acknowledge our existence.
Debbie, I should not be sitting here defending my family it is you who should be justifying the evident biased written on every line of your face, in every vibe of your voice, and in every written word in your shameful blogs.

Proud Barghouty on April 23, 2007 at 12:06 pm

Dear Debbie,
What a preposterous way to introduce the most ìprominentî family in Palestine.
I canít believe how insensitive you are to take this matter away from the VT students and turn it into a Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
I never imagined that fighting for your land, freedom, and life against the inventors of terrorism would ever be considered violence and terrorism. Israel is occupying Palestine under the terms of their illegal occupation. It is Israel that is invading and it is Israel that is attacking, and then when we fight against it we are the one to blame.
You should be embarrassed of your self when you say that the Barghouty family is considered a terrorist family, in most peopleís eyes Israel and biased reporters like your self are considered ones. It is the fact that you can not comprehend.
Liviu Librescu, may he rest in peace will always be considered brave in what he did. As a fair non-biased Palestinian I admit to that fact, and I will never manipulate the truth.
You disgust me with the amount of hatred that runs in your blood and soul against us ìArabsî and Palestinians in specific.
We fight because Israel occupies our country, because of hateful people like you and we will keep on fighting ëtil you acknowledge our existence.
Debbie, I should not be sitting here defending my family it is you who should be justifying the evident biased written on every line of your face, in every vibe of your voice, and in every written word in your shameful blogs.

Proud Barghouty on April 23, 2007 at 12:08 pm

Started out with 30 day supply, 2 months later still have 7 pills remaining, so it really doesn’t take much. ,

vbxzcnm on June 3, 2011 at 7:05 pm

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