April 12, 2010, - 4:21 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah Made Up Rape Story, Has Nickname “Negro” (From BFF Gayle)

By Debbie Schlussel

The biggest story in the mainstream media about “Oprah: A Biography” (the new Kitty Kelley “tell-all”) is the mainstream media’s refusal to cover the book.  It’s no surprise that Barbara Walters, the entire ABC Network, Larry King, and many others have announced they won’t discuss the book because Oprah’s a “friend.”  They protect their friends in a way they’d never protect corporate CEOs, Catholic priests, etc.  Others fear that Oprah could really hurt them, and they simply don’t have the journalistic integrity and objectivity they frequently claim.


(Oprah artwork by Six Meat Buffet/Preston Taylor Holmes)

And don’t think Oprah’s the only one.  ABC News put the kabosh on a “20/20” story by Geraldo Rivera because then-ABC News Prez Roone Arledge was friends with the widow of its subject, Robert F. Kennedy (the story was about his affairs with Marilyn Monroe and others).  But since Arledge wasn’t “friends” with anyone Israeli, his network never spared other objects of his operation’s news “reporting,” like Israel, conservatives, etc. 

The same goes for the mainstream conservative media.  FOX News regularly protects its friends.  You won’t ever see a thing on the network about certain allegations regarding Sean Hannity, while you saw plenty of the same about that of John Edwards before it was proven true.  You’ll hear nothing about the oodles of money Hannity’s Freedom Concerts operation makes for his friends and apparently himself–not the wounded and fallen soldiers’ kids, like he claims.  And he and the other FOX News personalities and anchors won’t cover certain stories about China or Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, etc. Rupert Murdoch has interests to protect, just like Oprah’s friends do.

Back to the Kelley Oprah book.  Kelley isn’t the most credible writer in the world, but she uses the right words to avoid lawsuits.  She wrote that Nancy Reagan had “long lunches” with Frank Sinatra in the Reagan White House.  No one’s gonna sue over lunches, but she clearly meant to imply “long” something else.  To me, her allegations about Oprah’s personal life aren’t that important.  More important is what’s out in the open:  Oprah’s horribly influential, negative effect on American society and the culture war–her attacks on men, marriage, Israel, etc.;  her promotion of Muslims, Islamic terrorism, vibrators and sex toys for young girls, and other similarly sickening fare.

Still, I find some of the allegations in the Kelley book interesting:  Oprah’s made up, phony baloney, down-with-the-struggle, “I was raped as a child” story.  Then, there are Oprah and her likely gay lover Gayle’s nicknames for each other, which would never be tolerated from the rest of us.  Gayle is “Blackie.”  Oprah is “Negro.”

This is the prism through which you should view anything Oprah-esque:

Winfrey confidante and author Erica Jong adds: “I would not be surprised if Oprah is gay. If she is, she is. It certainly fits.”

Names Winfrey and King affectionately call each other, revealed on a Valentine’s Day segment titled ‘Girlfriends’:

•”Oprah was ‘Negro,’ Gayle was ‘Blackie,’ ” Kelley writes.

Is boyfriend Stedman Graham just a front, ‘camouflage’? . . .

•”Stedman is probably gay or neutral, but they have a bond. … Her being gay would be the right reaction to the sexual abuse she says she’s suffered and the mistrust she’s always had of men,” Winfrey’s longtime friend Jong says.

I’m guessing Erica Jong won’t be invited to Oprah’s WNBA viewing and sensible shoes party, this year.


Kelley spent three days in Winfrey’s hometown, Kosciusko, Miss., chatting up Katharine Esters, Winfrey’s cousin who goes by “Aunt” Katharine, then talked to Vernon Winfrey in his Nashville barbershop. (He raised Oprah early on but says he’s not her father.)

Neither believes Winfrey’s stories about sexual abuse in her youth. (Winfrey says she was “continually molested” from age 9 until 14, and she did give birth to a baby boy at 15 — her uncle was suspected of being the father.)

“I don’t believe a bit of it,” Esters told Kelley. “No one in the family believes her stories (of sexual abuse) but now that she’s so rich and powerful everyone is afraid to contradict her.”

Kelley says she found that many of the stories Winfrey has told over the years may be “elaborated.”

“I tried to give both sides,” Kelley says. “Oprah’s stories are colorful and a bit over the top. Maybe they’re just little exaggerations.”

“Little exaggerations”? More like big lies. Kinda like her vapid daytime talk show, which is eaten up whole by so many gullible American women.

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21 Responses

I’ve been reading a lot of stuff about this book in the last cpl of days, including your take on it, Debbie. Ultimately, I don’t care what or who Oprah does in her private life – accent on keeping private! But I do care about, in addition to having to worry about political bias in the media, we also have to worry about them being intimidated into ignoring or skipping over things by various people. So, my question to you is – what kind of “sanctions” can the public (regardless of political leanings) employ to counteract this bullying? Obviously it has to be severe ECONOMIC sanctions. Money talks, and…well, you know..

Sarah Leah Lawent on April 12, 2010 at 4:46 pm

Oprah makes me break out in hives. she orchestrates prejudice and then covers her opinions with disclaimers. the one show that is on the internet comes to mind. the one where they bring a woman on who is a Satan worshipper from a Jewish home… and Oprah breaks in with her escape… “of course not all Jews are Satan worshippers”… um… yeah so Oprah has no intentions? doubtful. I’m surprised by the level of respect the show gets.

Noah David Simon on April 12, 2010 at 4:47 pm

Wouldn’t it be funny if Oprah were guilty of the same lying-by-embellishment that James Fry was in “A Million Little Pieces” that she got so upset about???

Richard Anderson on April 12, 2010 at 5:08 pm

I find it interesting that so many ‘alternative lifestyle’ or minority folks are up with the struggle: acting militant and tough and pushing their cause until it’s alleged that someone called them a ‘bad’ or non-PC term, or is effectively critical. Then they crumble in fear and near-apoplexy seeking the equivalent of miltary protection and forceful prosecution of those ‘harmful deeds’, even if the criticism is accurate.

It is also interesting to note that the Dinosaur Media was puffing Kitty Kelly bigtime when the subject was Nancy Reagan. Attacking a conservative…in any way is always credible to the dinosaurs.

P. Aaron on April 12, 2010 at 5:27 pm

By the way Gayle King was a news anchor at WFSB-TV in Hartford…WHICH HAS CARRIED HOPRAH FROM HER FIRST SHOW IN 1986! Well it seems as if WFSB, owned by Meredith seems to have its share of people with bad judgment. Just ask Mika Brzenski of MSNBC. THE ONLY REASON SHE IS WHERE SHE IS…HER DADDY MR. TRILATERAL COMMISSION AND OVERALL NWO PUPPETMAN ZBIGNIEW!


Bob Porrazzo on April 12, 2010 at 5:39 pm

Latest issue of “skeptical Inquirer” has a story on Oprah. This magazine is so great because it gets to the facts and deals with real science. The article is titled ‘Oprah Winfrey: Bright (but gullible) Billionaire’.

It discusses how she falls for psedoscience in the guise of actors who think they know better than doctors etc. As I have said before, Debbie this magazine is great because they cut through the garbage such as vaccines and autism.

spaceship22 on April 12, 2010 at 5:46 pm

All Kelley has to do is write a book about any Bush and she will be welcomed with open arms, especially from “60 Minutes.”

JeffT on April 12, 2010 at 6:27 pm

Oh my. Who will she write about next? She missed her chance on Tiger Woods. Maybe our president?

Little Al on April 12, 2010 at 6:45 pm

You are really a sick f*ck to think that someone would make up being RAPED as a child. Really, this is shameful. I agree that she’s narcissistic and pretentious and probably wields her power to protect her image, but she has also done incredibly good things for the world, 100 times more good than you’ll ever do. If she hadn’t made claims of being sexually molested as a child, she’d be just as rich and powerful as she is now; that wouldn’t have made any difference. So there’s really no reason to expose that kind of shame and humiliation unless it was true. Shame on you Debbie, for saying that.

Sue on April 12, 2010 at 6:48 pm

    To Sue, Debbie’s only reporting this story, just as other media outlets have done all day. As far as doing a lot of good for the world, Oprah’s done some good things for some children. However, she spends a lot of time misinforming her many fans on many subjects that she knows so little about. Kitty Kelly’s book implying that Oprah is a fake, phony, fraud is a read that shouldn’t be discounted.

    Neil on April 13, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Sue, Oprah has spread so much wrong info on a multitude of subjects that it outweighs the good that mostly her sponsors have done. I place her right up there with the fake tv evangelists.

    Hermster on April 14, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    Tawana Brawley anyone? Get your head out of your a$$ moron people make up sexual exploitation stories all the time. Duke rape case – remember that one? Oprah is so full of S_ _ t anyone who watches her show is just plain stupid!

    MRobs on January 3, 2012 at 1:59 pm

Oh my!!! Nobody makes up being raped? Come on now. Don’t you remember the travesty at Duke not too long ago? Lots of female opportunists out there. Maybe she would be as rich and maybe she wouldn’t.

But think logically for a minute. The important thing is not whether Oprah would be as rich or not. The important thing is what Oprah THOUGHT would be the financial outcome of pushing these lies. And like I said, lot’s of opportunists out there. Remember Tawana Brawley?

And the farce of date rape?

And of course, Sue is so offended at the thought of lying about rape, but has no problem using the inflammatory language associated with rape. And as we know, there is a strong connection between language and action.

Little Al on April 12, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    Want to explain why date rape is a farce?

    hellcat on April 13, 2010 at 9:26 am

Another celebrity who is a liar, immoral, and possibly a homo.

Well, nothing new there. Basically Oprah is your typical celebrity.

Just another reminder not to place your faith into people, making them your idols. Not to hero worship and slobber all over someone. If you do, you are usually, eventually, gonna be let down.

Once again, more biblical common sense. “Let God be true, but every man a liar”.

Christopher Nelson on April 13, 2010 at 1:57 am

What’s nastiest about HOprah,isn’t so much her lies and private life filth. Its that,like too many Black celebrities,she never hesitates to screech claims of “racism” ,”unfairness” to Blacks,”oppression”,etc,etc,and throw The Race Card at any knee-jerk moment, makes anti-White/Jewish statements at any given moment,and the media always immediately jump through every hoop to take her side.

Phineas on April 13, 2010 at 12:09 pm

HOprah is nothing more than the female version of Al Sharpton. She has pimped race in a more discreet manner, but ultimately uses race to get what she wants out of her viewers and the media. What a surprise the media is playing favorites with HOprah. I always thought Steadman was nothing more than a limo driver.

HOprah does have the power of Jim Jones. As seen in this video.


CaliforniaScreaming on April 13, 2010 at 1:36 pm

It does seem ironic that people who are criticising Oprah for making money out of “false” claims, are themselves making
money out of “false” claims.

As to interviewing her family…Is Kelly really that ignorant of the data regarding rape and abuse, especially within families, to believe that she can get unbiased truth from the very family in which the abuse took place. I think someone who is publishing on such a serious topic should have intellectual integrity to ask medical experts about the subject.

isntitironic on November 13, 2010 at 7:20 pm

I’m glad I never watch “Oprah”.

Tony on January 2, 2011 at 7:11 pm

SUE “You are really a sick f*ck to think that someone would make up being RAPED as a child.”

You are a laughably naive to think not. Roseanne Barr did it, hundreds of ‘victims of Catholic priests’ had never even been in the schools where they were supposed to be abused. In our present culture ‘being sexually abused as a child’ is like a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card. Casey Anthony is hoping to use it to ‘excuse murder’.

dan on May 26, 2011 at 7:52 am

Oprah WAS raped as a child.She gave birth to a stillborn child at 15.
How did she get pregnant? Immaculate conception?!
I have to admit however that she is so ugly her face could be used as a contraception! Who in their right mind would fuck that creature?!!!

The Mule on October 13, 2014 at 1:51 pm

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