May 4, 2010, - 4:35 pm

Boneheaded: Obama/Hillary Reveal Number of U.S. Nukes

By Debbie Schlussel

In the wake of the news about the capture of Times Square Islamic terrorist Faisal Shahzad, another important story from yesterday is going largely by the wayside:  Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s deliberate and boneheaded disclosure of the number of nuclear warheads to the world.



Although experts guessed the number of nukes we have and were fairly close to the number, no-one ever knew for sure.  And it was a guarded national security secret, for obvious reasons.  But no longer, now that ObamaClinton decided to spill the beans at the United Nations at the start of a conference to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

So, why on earth did BarackHillary give this secret away?  Well, they have this stupid notion that if we disclose the reduced number (far too reduced, frankly) of warheads we have now, we’ll convince China and Iran to be more open and reduce theirs, too.

Hilarious.  A crack-induced fantasy, indeed.  That’s exactly what you wanna do in a time of war (or peace): tell your enemies the size of your arsenal, so they can better plan how to beat your ass.

Yup, I’m sure that because we told the world we now only have 5,113 nuclear warheads, down from 31,255 that we had during Vietnam, that Ahmadinejad made an immediate call to his fellow Ayatollah-backed minions and demanded they stop or reduce his nuclear development.

Uh-huh.  Right.  And I’m sure the Chi-Coms did the same thing.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  The Muslims AND the Chi-Coms are laughing  As they should be.  In fact, Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already smartly seized on this by demanding the U.S. submit to verification of the number of warheads.  That was predictable.  Once you go down the slippery slope of moral equivalency, you keep sliding.  And there’s no end.

America’s national security (or, rather, the ever-declining state of it) continues to be a huge joke.

Maybe these people are on drugs.

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33 Responses

Does it hurt to be THAT stupid? I will email each and ask that question.

goldenmike4393 on May 4, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    hurt? it probably feels great like when you’re getting a fine beer buzz started… but then later the room starts spinning around and… AND… BAAAAAAARF

    howardroark on May 4, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    We (the US) might not survive this administration!

    Spyglass on May 4, 2010 at 5:51 pm

      Iran is going to hit us with an emp attack. It would kill between seventy and ninety percent of Americans within a year. The right wingers in this country have done a pitiful job of talking about this kind of attack but its definitly coming and the sad part is we could avoid the deaths for a hundred million dollars. That came out under bush and no ones done a damn thing. Trillions to the banks but a hundred million cant be spent to save millions of lives.

      tyler on May 5, 2010 at 3:09 am

At what point will this stop? I just feel like sinking into a deep depression, rather than make a lengthy comment. It is more than one can handle.

Worry01 on May 4, 2010 at 4:44 pm

[Debbie – So, why on earth did BarackHillary give this secret away? Well, they have this stupid notion that if we disclose the reduced number (far too reduced, frankly) of warheads we have now, we’ll convince China and Iran to be more open and reduce theirs, too.]

Although that certainly is a plausible explanation for why the number was disclosed, I believe they disclosed the number for another reason. They have taken away at least one excuse Israel might use not to disclose information about its Nuke program. Either that, or the Obama Administration itself is going to disclose what it knows about Israel’s nuke program and will use this disclosure to deflect criticism for having done so.

I_AM_ME on May 4, 2010 at 4:54 pm

Well, we have to remember that this disclosure will help the moderates in the countries that the far right such as the awful John Bolton or Debbie Schlussel sees as enemies. There are moderates in Iran for instance who will gain more leverage from President Obama’s disclosures (they are still moderates even though they have said that their bombs can wipe out Israel; don’t let a stray comment ruin your theory if you’re a liberal).

I’m sure the liberals can also detect moderates in North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, China (the latter two full of moderates; that’s why we have relaxed Iranian sanctions so much, not to mention not bombing their military installations). Liberals always point to the ‘moderate’ element that we have to reach. Just like ‘moderate’ Republicans point to so-called moderate voters that the ‘extremists’ won’t be able to reach.

Little Al on May 4, 2010 at 5:07 pm

‘their military installations’ of course referring to Iranian military installations

Little Al on May 4, 2010 at 5:09 pm

I’ll help BHO get rid of our nukes. I can think of thousands of places that deserve to be obliterated. Of course, the majority of those killed would be terrorists, aka muzzies. Afghanistan is a great place to start, it’s a sh#thole anyway. Nuking it wouldn’t change the landscape too much, and it would probably raise the average IQ of the country.

Jarhead on May 4, 2010 at 5:16 pm

And let’s not forget the Obami want Israel to disarm, too. Who said the meek shall inherit the earth? The wicked see to it that they don’t.

Just stupid, stupid and stupid!

NormanF on May 4, 2010 at 5:22 pm

I’m sure we’ll be hearing any day now that Russia and China have reduced their Nuclear arsenal…right?


Ebayer on May 4, 2010 at 5:45 pm

Honestly, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton have got to be the laughing stock of the world right now.
I am embarrassed that they are the leaders of this country.
They embrace the enemy and alienate our allies.

And then they are so f*cking stupid to reveal how many nukes we have.

What morons they are.

I cannot believe that we are stuck with these clowns for 2 1/2 more years.

Stephen on May 4, 2010 at 5:59 pm

Honestly, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton have got to be the laughing stock of the world right now.
I am embarrassed that they are the leaders of this country.
They embrace the enemy and alienate our allies.

And then they are so f*cking stupid to reveal how many nukes we have.

What morons they are.

I cannot believe that we are stuck with these clowns for 2 1/2 more years.

Stephen on May 4, 2010 at 5:59 pm

Of course in a few weeks Obama will also give away detailed maps to the locations of each missile, the number of guards protecting each one, the guards’ names and addresses, etc.

He’ll probably also stop our fleet of silent submarines and convert our spy satellites to climate monitoring.

Why should we keep secrets from those that love us?

Jewish Marksman on May 4, 2010 at 6:25 pm

I’m concerned that, more than stupid, this is intentional. Everyone learns that when you play cards, you don’t show your hand. This is an intent to weaken America (not to mention destroy Israel), and bring Islam to the US. I believe Clinton and Biden may be stupid, but Obama has an Islamic agenda.
This is indeed frightening. Where is everybody?

Tabitha Korol on May 4, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Another excellent post, Debbie.

I am not sure if Barack Insane Obamanation and Hillary Rotten Clinton did this because, they are incompenent, evil, or both. My theory is that it is both.

JeffE on May 4, 2010 at 9:11 pm

There id no national security.

The Times Square bomber bought his one way plane ticket at the air port and paid cash. No red flag there. He was on the plane ready to go when they finally realized it was him and reopened the door to take him off.

We have become a parody to the rest of the world.

ender on May 4, 2010 at 10:43 pm

All I wanted revealed was a copy of his original birth certificate. Revealing national strategic nuclear assessment data? Pfffffffffft!

Shy Guy on May 5, 2010 at 12:18 am

Didn’t Biden reveal where the “secret” security bunker for the VP is right after the election?

why yes, yes he did.

ender on May 5, 2010 at 12:19 am

Hmm..maybe Obambi will auction off some of our older nukes, you know, to raise some money for more of his entitlement programs. Why not, he’s selling everything else including our safety and security.

kenny komodo on May 5, 2010 at 1:29 am

Ah, isn’t it great to have a “smarter” foreign policy now?
What could be worse than our current regime? Hillary at
State, Jan the Man at Homeland Security, Eric as Atty Gen,
Geitner as Treasury, et al. At least they’re consisitent,
they’re all rotten, just like the “commander of chief” (as
Obambam likes to say.) These people may be overeducated, but
they’re just not that bright.

Daniel K on May 5, 2010 at 8:47 am

…and what’s more distressing, that little bearded weasel,
Ahmabadjihad, outfoxed us at the UN with his speech. He’s
a religious fanatic, a Twelver, a serious nut, and he’s able
to out shine our “best and brightest.”

Daniel K on May 5, 2010 at 8:52 am

    A Twelver?

    Ken Blazek on May 5, 2010 at 9:47 am

The goal of this administration is the neutering of this country. Obama hates this country and he is dedicated to bringing us down to our knees. We are the reason for the turmoil in the world, he believes, and we must pay the price. I’m surprised Clinton didn’t tell the world where are nuclear arsenal is housed, as well, during her “give-it-away” speech at the fairyland known as the U.N. Our enemies are laughing at us. Hopefully, they won’t have the last laugh.

JeffT on May 5, 2010 at 10:58 am

I wouldn’t put it past the so called world community to designate Iran as the place to store our used nuclear fuel rods AND of the disposed radiological material from our weapons. Nothing could go wrong there, right? I know that sounded absurd, but the UN just appointed Iran to the UN’s Commission on Women’s Rights. I would like to know who voted yes or no in the UN for that appointment. I wouldn’t put it past B. Hussein Obama to tell Shrillary to OK this appointment.

Jarhead on May 5, 2010 at 11:28 am

Foreign powers will save millions of dollars on their spy programs…all they have to do is wait until our “leaders” tell them what they want to know.

Spyglass on May 5, 2010 at 2:35 pm

NormanF writes, “And let’s not forget the Obami want Israel to disarm, too. Who said the meek shall inherit the earth? The wicked see to it that they don’t.”

Indeed, just today the US committed with the other permanent members of the Security Council to make the Middle East a “nuclear free zone”, and calling for countries that aren’t signatories to the NPT (India, Pakistan and Israel) to join. This follows an Egyptian initiative for a conference next year to rid the ME of nuclear arms. This is transparently directed at Israel, of course, and with Obama’s blessing.

To Ken Blazek: A “Twelver” is a Shiite who believes the 12th imam (the “hidden” one) will return and usher in the victory of Islamic “justice”. He’s both a Messianic figure and an apocalyptic one since that new era will follow calamity and confrontation. That’s what the Iranian bomb is for – to provoke that confrontation. (Ahmedinijad is a believer, as is his spiritual mentor Yazdi.) Those who believe a nuclear Iran can be “contained” don’t know what they’re talking about.

Raymond in DC on May 5, 2010 at 3:18 pm

The Times Square bomber bought his one way plane ticket at the air port and paid cash. No red flag there. He was on the plane ready to go when they finally realized it was him and reopened the door to take him off.

islamicnet on May 6, 2010 at 7:46 am

How dare they reveal information which has been public record since Reagan? And to disclose that we have merely enough bombs to completely obliterate the earth a couple dozens times. Disgraceful!

Mnut on May 10, 2010 at 1:55 pm

    you fuckhead, we have enough nukes to mearly dent our enemies countries.

    our total Megatons are in the mere thousands to tens of thousands.

    if you cant figure out that ONE nuke only takes out the area of a large city, then you need to go fucking die.

    we cannot wipe out the earth even once, so go read up on shit before you sling your hippy bullshit around.

    Blutbadmann on September 5, 2010 at 11:11 pm

i think this is just something that will lead to the demise of america. personally, yay. i fucking hate where we are now, why we didnt fucking nuke Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan when we first could is beyond me, anyone with common sense could see that they are all scum, and if you wipe out home field, where the fuck are the rest going to turn for help/orders?

my thoughts are this 9/11 or next years 9/11 will be the end, the ninth year of 9/11, or the decade anniversary.

fuck barack, fuck hillary, fuck the pussified america.
once someone with balls gets into the ring, then we will be talking.

and as for this ZERO bullshit, way to go fucknards, congratulations on wanting america to be TOTALLY fucking defensless.

Blutbadmann on September 5, 2010 at 11:09 pm

Democrat=Traitor, with the exception of Leiberman. That’s it. I include Senator Jim “Asshat” Webb.

Occam's Tool on December 29, 2010 at 12:26 am

I hate to be the one liberally minded straightly thinking person on here, but I happened to stumble upon this and was startled by the shear stupidity that all you you bible thumping republicans are getting all riled up and believing in. You all do realize that just because another country knows how many nukes we have doesn’t mean that they have any clue where they are or any other information that would let them “beat our ass”. Secondly, if you are all not acquainted with nuclear strategy or M.A.D. then you should read up. There’s a reason that the big powers of the world haven’t all destroyed each other and that reason is that the second one ICBM gets fired every single other country will fire there’s straight back, making the entire conflict useless and self destructive. If all you gullible, uninformed, sheep of republicans can digest and understand the whole of that, I would be extremely and pleasantly surprised.

Kelso the 4th on June 1, 2011 at 10:51 pm

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