July 14, 2006, - 1:52 pm

Get Out the Violin: Jailed Islamic Terrorist Misses Family, AP Sobs

We’ve , several times, that Islamic Jihad fundraiser and unindicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing suspect –Imam of the Cleveland Mosque–is still here.
He’s here, as we’ve written, because as we’ve written no country will take the man who was stripped of his citizenship for lying about and participating in terror activities that funded the murders of many innocent victims, including American college student .
We were the only media outlet to attend and (and we of his plea agreement to be deported). We watched in disgust as his family members and prominent members of the Cleveland Islamic community showed their support for this wimpy-looking, cold-blooded terrorist.
Now, AP feels bad for this financier of mass murder. Today, in an article on this cretin, the newswire sniffles:

Islamic Terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra: May He Rot in Jail

An Islamic religious leader convicted of concealing ties to terrorist groups remains jailed in Michigan seven months after he reached a deal with the U.S. government to be deported. . . .
There is no definitive rule on how long Damra can be held in jail, according to his attorney, Robert Birach. . . .
Damra is having a difficult time in jail and misses his wife and three children, who still live in the Cleveland area, friend Haider Alawan said.
“He’s a man without a country,” Alawan said.

So sad, too bad. We’re sure the Unabomber, Ted Kaczinski, and plenty of other jailed criminals miss their families, too. But no weeping AP stories over their state of melancholy. They don’t merit AP’s sympathy, since they did not openly praise murdering Christians and Jews at a mosque–and raise money for it to actually be carried out, like Damra did.
Since our government was too Erectile Dysfunction-stricken and didn’t seek the death penalty against this mass murder funder, we won’t mind our taxes going to his eternal rot in jail. That would be a whole lot better than his deportation to freedom in an Islamic banana republic where he’ll be feted.
But if he must be released to freedom and misses his family so much, we’d be happy to see his terror-sympathizing concubine and progeny deported with him. Unfortunately, because he fraudulently obtained entry and citizenship, they get to stay by virtue of the accident of birth.
Time to change that. And get rid of them all.
Thanks to reader “Anonymous Twit” for the tip.

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3 Responses

Intersting that there is no by-line. I’d like to know who wrote it.

Bill on July 14, 2006 at 3:11 pm

They have to change that ‘anchor baby law’. Immigration status (illegal entry) should automatically pass down to the spawn of this ugly bastard, and they should be thrown out of my country. I can’t believe that infidel-hating Muzlum countries don’t want this scum. If they don’t, then let’s send this SOB to some glacier in Antarctica.

Thee_Bruno on July 14, 2006 at 4:41 pm

AP Article Presents Sympathetic Portrait Of Terrorist In America

Of all the audacity! Fawaz Damra admits to having raised money in this country for terrorist activities here and abroad. But the AP and UPI (and, by extension, many newspapers around the country) choose to depict him as a sympathetic…

Rhymes With Right on July 16, 2006 at 2:58 pm

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