July 6, 2010, - 1:09 pm

Who is Behind “Son of HAMAS”? Meet His Anti-Israel Ghost-Writer (Published by PJM)

By Debbie Schlussel

For several weeks, many people have asked me why I haven’t written about Mosab Hassan Yousef a/k/a “Son of HAMAS”?  They’ve naively bought into the gushing on the right and by the clueless professional counter-jihad class over this guy and the book someone else wrote for him.  They gush over cleverly evasive FOX News videos and programs touting this strange new hero.


Things Are Not Always What They Seem . . . or What They Tell You For Money

But I do not.  That’s why I said nothing when Youssef fought deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a fight in which the government relented last week.  It’s not just that Youssef is yet another in the post-9/11 professional Muslim-and-Arab-frauds-denounce-Islam-for-Jewish-and-Christian-cash industry.  I don’t know about you.  But my savior against Islam does not have an Arabic accent.  It has my own accent.  It’s my own actions and critical thinking and my own G-d.  It’s my own beliefs, my own will, and my own analysis and inquiry. If you need to gush over these charlatans (who are laughing at you all the way to the bank) to feel you’re fighting Islam’s takeover of America, you aren’t . . . and you’re a fool.  Worse than useless.  You’re sheep, and not the kind that tastes best on my barbecue. You are so weak personally that you need some Former Muslim version of a Sham Wow salesman to confirm what you think but aren’t quite convinced of. Sad. And that’s why America won’t likely beat Islam.

But there’s more to Youssef’s story.  His book, “Son of HAMAS,” was written by Ron Brackin, a very nice, decent guy with whom I once worked . . . but a VERY ANTI-ISRAEL guy.  I liked him personally and am hesitant to write about him.  But it must be done.  Ron does missionary work in the so-called Palestinian territories and is proof positive that not all Evangelical Christians are pro-Israel.   When I once–over two decades ago–worked with this man, he was generally very sweet, very pro-Israel, and philo-Semitic.  But, once, he made sure to point out to me that Judas was a Jew.  As a teen-aged kid at the time, it bothered me.  And, now, he’s very anti-Israel,  a hatred that came out in a telephone conversation I had with him a couple of years ago.  That explains Youssef’s anti-Israel and not-so-veiled anti-Semitic comments in the book.

You may remember in 2008, when Congressman Mark Siljander–my employer over two decades ago–was indicted for lying to the FBI and laundering money from an Islamic charity which was shut down after being classified by the Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity.  As I wrote in 2008, Siljander was one of the earlier leaders in Congress who “got it” on jihad and Israel, so he knew better and clearly did this for cash.

Ron Brackin was Mark Siljander’s press secretary during the brief time that I worked there.  He was a sweet man who also “got it” on jihad and Israel.  But, since then, he, too, turned away on the Israel issue.  While Brackin does missionary work, converting Palestinian and Iraqi Muslims to Christianity, his views on Israel are inaccurate and hateful.  In a telephone conversation we had after Siljander was indicted in 2008, my jaw dropped as I listened to Brackin spew forth allegations about Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinian Christians and persecuting them.  It’s the same stuff that comes from every sector of the anti-Israel, pan-Arab amen crowd.

In his freshly warped view, Ron believes in the apparent moral equivalency of HAMAS, Fatah, and the Jews/Israelis.  And it’s not his private view.  That’s the theme of a book he wrote for someone else, “Between 2 Fires:  The Untold Story of the Palestinian Christians.”  In that book, the ethnic cleansing and persecution allegations against Israel are repeated.  It’s no secret what the book is about, since the cover shows Palestinian kids crying underneath an Israeli flag.  Pajamas Media could have easily learned this, if the editors who run that insipid site bothered to google the guy or look up his books on Amazon.com.  But, typical for that site, they’re far too lazy to do even the most basic bit of research and fact-checking.  And, instead, they ran and promoted an article by the anti-Israel Brackin on Mosab Youssef.

While not all of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments have been removed from the book Brackin wrote for Yousef, I’m told that it was deliberately toned down to appeal to the Christian and Jewish audiences of FOX News who largely support Israel and are philo-Semites.  They would not buy a book that truly contained Brackin’s–and apparently Yousef’s–true views on Israel.  And the same goes for FOX News’ gushing coronation of this “savior” with an Arabic accent and Muslim past who is, in fact, no savior at all, but someone who possesses the same old HAMASian views of Jews and Israel, no matter what he did or didn’t do as an alleged spy on the Islamic terrorist group.  Sadly, those who watch FOX News are just as gullible and empty as those who drink up MSNBC and CNN.  No difference.  They don’t read between the lines and question what they’re being told, including about this guy.

I am very suspicious of Youssef.  I don’t know how much he actually aided Israel as a spy, and I’ve seen no proof or official Israeli government confirmation of it.  And even if he did as much as he claims, so have many other anti-Israel Jew-haters Israel recruits as spies.  There are no swans in the sewer. . . and the sewer is the general habitat of informants.

The only thing I know for sure is that Yousef converted to Christianity and had a book published (for a good deal of money) in his name, under the auspices of a very anti-Israel Evangelical missionary.  I welcome Evangelical Christian support for Israel and have, throughout my life, denounced liberal Jews who attack these important friends of Israel.  But I have no use for Evangelicals who use their positions of influence to spread anti-Israel hate and propaganda.

Mosab Hassan Youssef is, first and foremost, a Son of THAT.  And, now, he’ll be granted asylum here, where he can father children and further perpetuate his views about Jews and Israel on American soil.

And that’s a good thing because .  .  .  ?

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75 Responses

The guys Shin Bet handler testified at Yousef’s trial. He would only testify if Israel said it was OK. It follows that Yousef is what he said he was.

Until The record shows Yousef did not risk his life to whack Hamas terrorists and then convert to Christianity, I think he deserves at least a pass. This puts him under a double death sentence.

Whatever his views about Israel, he worked courageously with the Shin Bet, if he had been found out he would have gotten the full Monty of Hamas: slow torture and brutal execution.

Bracken being part of the book is troubling but only a reason not to buy the book.

G: You make a lot of assumptions with absolutely no proof. In fact, his asylum hearing was closed and not open to the press or public. We do not know what was said, who actually testified, and how they identified themselves. We did not see the government’s case for deporting him, either. We do not know if the man to whom you refer was, in fact, Yousef’s handler, whether he actually testified, and if he did so with anyone’s approval. And so what? That’s the point. There are many HAMAS spies for Israel. I wouldn’t want any of ’em here, and yet all of ’em have death sentences on their heads. If he’s so fearful for his life, why is he living openly and without body guards in San Diego? HAMAS can’t reach him there? Think again. The record does not show anything you claim. These are only his and his supporters’ allegations. The burden is on him to prove his record (and he hasn’t), not on me to disprove the negative. Brackin is his handler, period. That’s beyond “troubling.” DS

Ghilmeini on July 6, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    Hey Mo Ghilmeini:

    Are you serious when you say “Whatever his views about Israel”?

    Really, Mo?

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:58 pm

I am very suspicious of Youssef too & of many that do convert
not for the right reason.

Jacqueline Hanna Youssef on July 6, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    Talk is cheap. You should question whether his conduct reflects this so-callled “conversion.”

    What makes him a Christian? We all know muzzies are liars. He is a LIAR. There’s nothing Christian that I can see about him.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:16 pm

Debbie’s right. Whether he converted or not for the right reason is immaterial.

What is material is his handler’s views and what kind of Christian Mosab Hasan Youssef purports to be. If they are of the kind represented by Ron Brackin, then it was a mistake fighting to keep him here.

If he saved Jewish lives that’s one thing. But whether any of what he says is true, is as Debbie says, not shown by the record. And we don’t know for a fact what went on in the asylum hearing in San Diego last week.

And a spy isn’t necessarily pro-Israel. The only thing is ICE never put as much as effort into deporting Parlak as it did with getting Youssef deported. When you read about what is written here, was the effort to keep him in this country worth it? I guess we’ll have to see if it was in fact justified.

NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 1:58 pm


    It’s perfectly fine to question, and challenge, his conversion.

    Nothing about him is Christian. Nothing.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:18 pm

First, Mosab Hassan Yousef is a creep capitalizing on the starry-eyed Americans who buy his bull. He can “say” he is Christian, but I see no outward proof. I judge him my his actions… ripping off Americans. This is NOT Christian.

Second, “…liberal Jews who attack these important friends of Israel (True Evangelican Christians).”

Most importantly, God has no use for them. I turn my back on them, too.

Third, “But I have no use for Evangelicals who use their positions of influence to spread anti-Israel hate and propaganda.”

Again, God has no use for them, either. He is a just God.

As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:14 pm

Israel, spot on!

Youssef has to be proven sincere by his actions. Is he really a Christian or is it just taqiyyah to fool the dhimmis? I suspect only he knows and Brackin knows for sure.

Liberal Jews side with the enemies of Israel and hate any one who supports the Jewish State. I have no use for them.

Christians who spread anti-Semitism and hate of Israel as are bad as the Muslims in my book. I have no use for them also.

As for the rest of it, G-d will make the truth known to us in due time.

NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    My pastor says it this way,

    “Saying you’re Christian doesn’t make you Christian any more than a ribbon, bath, and a bar of soap makes a PIG a POODLE.”

    He is the BEST!

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:47 pm

My feeling is he should be carefully watched, but let him keep getting his anti-Islamist message out. It is a very strange situation, but I heard a clip of him denouncing Islam and calling Mohamed a terrorist.

Jewish Marksman on July 6, 2010 at 2:22 pm

Christian Arabs can be anti-Muslim.

It doesn’t follow they are pro-Israel.

NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 2:34 pm


    If you’re anti Israel, you aren’t Christian. It’s that succinct. No true Christian is anti Israel. As a Christian, you must be pro Israel.

    So, “Christian” Arabs who are against Israel are NOT Christian. It is not possible.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:50 pm

      For thousands of years, it was considered Christian to hate the Jews. That has only changed very recently and not all Christians have deserted the “teaching of contempt,” as the French Jewish historian Jules Issac once put it. There are still Christians who believe the worst about the Jews – like Brackin and company.

      And Islam has never repudiated its hatred of the Jews.

      NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 3:15 pm

        Under the sign of the cross, the Romans (Roman Catholic Church) sent soliders to kill Jews. The Roman Catholic Church has since renounced but continues in its anti-semitism. You must watch the actions to see if they line up with the words uttered. The Pope doesn’t pass the test.

        The crusades were not “Christian” even if participants claimed to be Christian [Catholics are not Christian – their belief is in the Eucharist – not Christ] (because Thou shalt not kill; treat others are you would like to be treated are Christian beliefs).

        I would say if the people who claim to be “Christian” were in fact Christian, the world and the US would be a different place. Most people claiming to be “Christians” are not Christian. And, I would venture a guess that most people claiming to be “Christians” are in fact anti semitic. Anti-semitism is rising worldwide and one day the US will turn on Israel. Then the US will fall. United we fall.

        As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 3:36 pm

          Generally good post, AS, but “(because Thou shalt not kill; treat others are you would like to be treated are Christian beliefs).” and actually it’s Thou shalt not MURDER, big difference, are JEWISH beliefs. The First one is found in the Big Ten and the other, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” is found in Lev. 19:18

          mk750 on July 7, 2010 at 12:32 am

          The Ten Commandments are found in three places in the Old Testament. In the New Testatment in the Book of Matthew, we are told if we want to be great in heaven, we will keep these commandments.

          Ex 20.12 Thou shalt not kill.

          This law does not prohibit killing as punishment for crimes, or killing in war, which God Himself commanded these same people to do; but it does prohibit killing for malice, and premeditative and willful destructiom of man who was made in the image of God. All violence, hatred and anger, vengeance, and danger to human life in general was forbidden.

          As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 1:51 pm

        Then how do explain that Jesus is Jewish, or that Paul, John, many of the disciples and apostles (as well as prophets) were Jews?

        If Christianity were anti-Jewish don’t you think that these people would have had something to say about that (as well as God, in fact they preached against any Christian division Jew or Gentile) and DID NOT hate the Jews..!

        Jeremy on July 6, 2010 at 5:34 pm

          You are mixing up two issues: being born of the Jewish race and practicing Judaism.

          A Gentile can practice Judaism and claim to be “Jewish” (Sammy Davis Jr).

          Or a Jew can accept Jesus Christ as Messiah therefore becoming Christian.

          Members of the first century Christian Church were Jews! In Acts 10, Peter in a vision is commanded to take the gospel to the Gentiles.

          You Posted:

          “If Christianity were anti-Jewish don’t you think that these people would have had something to say about that (as well as God, in fact they preached against any Christian division Jew or Gentile) and DID NOT hate the Jews..!”

          The Bible doesn’t teach readers to hate Jews. In action today, how many churches are supporting Israel? Are you aware of the false doctrine in many churches teaching replacement theology?

          There is an organization called Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Many denominations are meeting in Washington DC to campaign for Israel support. From those members, you will know who is truly “Christian”. http://www.cufi.org

          As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:06 pm

      [If you’re anti Israel, you aren’t Christian. It’s that succinct. No true Christian is anti Israel. As a Christian, you must be pro Israel.
      As goes Israel – so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 3:16 pm]

      AGI, you don’t know what you’re talking about. If you’re a Christian stick with the NT, and stop quoting from the OT.

      Norman Blitzer on July 6, 2010 at 3:25 pm

        Mo Norman Blitzer:

        What bothers you about the Old Testament?

        As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 3:39 pm

SIDEBAR HERE: Just got a card from the Bill Randall for Congress folks thanking me for my donation. He is a class act all the way and I pray that he wins.

This mid-term election is going to be critical to the future survival of this Republic as we know it.

Moi on July 6, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Norman F is correct. Some Christian Arabs can be anti-Israel and anti-Semitic (all I have to do is look across my yard).

I saw this Youssef interviewed on Fox TV. His facial expression was not what you would expect while speaking of sincere support for America. He revealed a “tell” (yes, its my field to know). I would described it as a distinctive lack of facial muscle movement – people often call this “cold eyed.” After 9/11/01, when spokemen from the Muslim world were featured on TV interviews offering their condolences to the USA, I often saw this type of facial expression and verbal response pattern. It signals “I am lying.” Could I be mistaken? Sure. But now, it seems there is evidence to support my impression that this is not a man to be trusted….not a friend to the USA or Israel.

Cat K on July 6, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    I will post this until I am blue in the face:

    A Christian can’t be anti Israel. These Arabs claiming to be “Christian” in one breath and anti-semitic in the next breath are FRAUDS.

    Read Genesis 15.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    I have a simple rule: Never trust a muzzie.

    It has saved my life.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 4:39 pm


You don’t address the Shin Bet handler. While Brackin’s views (and if they are held by him, Yousef’s views) are troubling, I cannot believe the Israeli government would have allowed Yousef’s Shin Bet handler to expose his identity and testify on Yousef’s behalf if he had not provided benefits to Israel. That doesn’t make sense.

CIJ: Actually, had you read my response to Gilmeini, I do address it. The Shin Bet is not a reliable organization. They infiltrated Israel’s settlers and ginned up one of them to assassinate Rabin. This is the group you now trust. It’s irrelevant whether or not he had a Shin Bet handler (and we’ve been shown no proof there is a Shin Bet person or that the person claiming to be Shin Bet is in fact from the organization). Or what he really did or didn’t do for Israel. What’s relevant is that he’s an anti-Israel propagandist as is his handler and ghost writer. There are plenty of spies for Israel from HAMAS. And I repeat, as I did in the comment to Ghilmeini, that I don’t want any of them living in the US and getting citizenship. And as you well know, none of what the sleazy Shin Bet does makes sense. They protect horrible people and throw good assets to the wind all of the time. Ever hear of South Lebanon in the year 2000? DS

Carl in Jerusalem on July 6, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    Who says the Israeli government authorized him to speak on Youssef’s behalf? We don’t know who testified at the asylum hearing and who spoke on his behalf. The Shin Bet handler may have had personal reasons to intervene on behalf of his charge. Whether he provided benefits for Israel adds nothing to the issue surrounding his personal views regarding the Jews and Israel. One can have absolutely nothing to do with the other. Self interest is not a predictor of whether one is in fact a philo-Semite and a friend of Israel.

    NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 3:21 pm

Carl in Jerusalem:

Doesn’t Israel have to show that they will protect people who help them, no matter how unsavory they are?

Yousef’s “handler” could be retired from active service.

Jan Mel Poller on July 6, 2010 at 3:24 pm

If all this is true, why isn’t anyone in Israel or the Israeli government decrying Yousef?

EM: Why doesn’t Israel say they did or didn’t do the terrorist assassination in Dubai? Same reason. They don’t discuss operations. And whether or not he helped them–as many HAMASniks are spies for them–doesn’t make him a decent guy or change the fact that he wrote an anti-Israel book and has Israel-hating handlers. Wake up. DS

Erin Maxfield on July 6, 2010 at 3:38 pm


    I will give you a different viewpoint. My old dad taught me that you can’t buy a muzzie, you can only rent him for a little while.

    This guy is “for rent” not sale.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    More accurately, he chose someone who hated Israel to ghost-write his book for him. A decent guy wouldn’t do it.

    Debbie reminded us the Shin Bet is crawling with leftists. They set up Rabin to be killed so they could blame the Right for it and they betrayed Israel’s Christian allies in southern Lebanon. So they really know the value of a good asset? That’s not a reputable organization in my book.

    Would we want them here? If they betrayed Hamas then, what is to say they won’t betray us later? Its something that gets over looked in this debate about Youssef’s bonafides.

    NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 5:21 pm


It’s inconceivable that a Shin Bet agent would have testified like that without the government’s permission.

Jan Mel Poller,

Yes, of course they have to, and the agent resigned once he exposed his identity to testify for Yousef. But he would never have done that if Yousef had not done something for Israel in return.

I haven’t read the book and while I have no reason to doubt Debbie’s claim that the ghost writer is anti-Israel and that the book contains anti-Israel statements (Yousef himself admits he was anti-Israel until he was imprisoned), I question the claim that he was not an informer and did nothing for Israel. It doesn’t jive with the way the Government of Israel has handled (or not handled) the whole situation.

CiJ: I never made any such claim that he was not an informer and did nothing for Israel. I merely said we don’t know one way or another. We only know what he claims. And that isn’t enough for me. even assuming he did do this, so what? That entitles him US citizenship because . . . ? We don’t have enough Muslim Israel-haters on our own soil? Should all HAMAS spies get to live here? Should any? I say no. DS

Carl in Jerusalem on July 6, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    I think I will print signs that read:

    Mo for Rent!

    I bet I fill the demand…

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    And if they renounce Islam, that would still make them persona non-grata? It seems to me we should encourage them to adopt Judeo-Christian values. As for the rest of it, yes Debbie by all means let’s keep unreformed Muslims out of this country. We have far too many here already,

    NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 5:25 pm

      NormanF posted (to DS I think but I am butting in!)

      And if they renounce Islam, that would still make them persona non-grata?

      IMO: The Koran teaches them to lie to infidels to gain their trust then essentially slit their throats. That’s good enough for me to RUN the other way regardless of their empty words.

      It seems to me we should encourage them to adopt Judeo-Christian values.

      IMO: “A leopard doesn’t change his spots.”

      As for the rest of it, yes Debbie by all means let’s keep unreformed Muslims out of this country. We have far too many here already.

      IMO: Letting any in will lead to our DownFall. United We Fall. We can’t police everyone all the time. It’s not possible.

      As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:16 pm

I smell taqqiyah here, guys.

Remember in the good old Cold War when Soviet spies would defect to the west, ingratiate themselves with the authorities, then start sending data back to their real friends in Moscow?

If it could be done then, I can be done better now.

As for that evangelical x-tian paid to be his ghost writer, I would never trust a Bible pimp regardless of benefit. The Romans created and organized x-tianity to control people. Muhammad realised this potential and stole from the Romans to apply to the Arabs.

I believe that religion is always tied to race or nationality. Both faiths have beefs with the Jews long before “Jesus” (aka “Mithras”) or any of the “Muhammads” have been born, mainly due to the race-/geo- politica of the day. When you take all the political variables found in both the New Testament and the Koran, the Jews are truly alone in the world going to Gehenna.

Feel free to say anything different. I prefer that Mosab Hassan Yousef, or any other “apostate” renounce all religions and dogma stick to freeing trapped, hostage minds in the Arab world. Now that would be a miracle, if such a concept were to exist.

The "Reverend" Jacques on July 6, 2010 at 6:34 pm

A question for Debbie…Obviously I’m not nearly as into this as you and have absolutely no horse in this race, but I’m curious to know your opinion: Which of these five women (listed alphabetically) do you believe are sincere (if any), and which ones do you believe are just opportunist posers like this Yousef character:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Nonie Darwish
Brigitte Gabrielle
Irshad Manji
Wafa Sultan

DH: That you asked and only mentioned Arabs/Muslims tells me you don’t get my point. Why do you only ask me about them? Is there something about having an Arabic accent or Muslim background that makes them of any more legitimacy to you about Islam? If there is, you don’t get it. Again, I don’t need someone with an Arabic accent to confirm for me what I’ve long known and been saying about Islam. Why do you? My savior from Islam doesn’t have an Arabic accent or Muslim name.

Of those you mention, the only one who is 100% genuine is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Nonie Darwish and Hanan Tudor (the real name of the fraud who goes by the fake name “Brigitte Gabriel”) are complete whores and phonies who are in this for money only. Tudor and her husband’s business was failing and they made a business plan to seek out Jewish money. It succeeded, b/c so many people believe her fraudulent story. A lotta gullible people. Tudor and Darwish are ignoramuses who know less than most readers of this site and they are big liars. Manji is anti-Israel, now that she’s squeezed every last drop of dollars she could get from the Jews and left her lesbian Jewish girlfiend. Wafa Sultan is okay, but I’m suspicious of any surgeon/MD who leaves her profession to become a professional speaker on Islam, starting out with an appearance on Al-Jazeera. That’s exactly what the uber phony Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser tried to do. For most of these people, other than Ali, it’s “no dolla, no holla.” DS

Daniel H on July 6, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    Most of them are opportunists. There’s a fraudulent industry and its hard to tell the sincere ones from the fakes and poseurs. We have to think for ourselves and not follow it around like sheep. Until we know their bonafides, let’s verify. And only then trust.

    NormanF on July 6, 2010 at 9:35 pm


    You can’t buy them. You CAN rent them for a little while.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    Wala sultana is not a surgeon she is only a psychiatrist. You have to score well to get a surgical residency position.

    Rama on December 20, 2010 at 12:24 am

This is a very valuable column, Debbie.

skzion on July 6, 2010 at 8:56 pm

“This is a very valuable column, Debbie.”

skzion on July 6, 2010 at 8:56 pm



“If you’re anti Israel, you aren’t Christian. It’s that succinct. No true Christian is anti Israel. As a Christian, you must be pro Israel.

So, ‘Christian’ Arabs who are against Israel are NOT Christian. It is not possible.”

As goes Israel – so goes the World on July 6, 2010 at 2:50 pm


I hope that Pat Buchanan, his followers, and anyone else who purports to be Christian–Arab or not–but is anti-Israel, reads this post, as it is written by a Christian, because it is exactly true.

JeffE on July 6, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    That is so sweet of you to say!

    Thank you JeffE.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 12, 2010 at 6:23 pm

The post itself is classic DS, calling people sheep,useless, etc. while making some interesting points.

The comments on the other hand…I wasn’t aware that there are “levels” to Christianity. Either you accept that Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation, or you don’t. I’m not at all well versed on the Bible but I’ve believed (since being born again) that is what makes you Christian. But thank goodness we have y’all to point out what a real “true” Christian is!

Amy on July 6, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    Amy, that’s basically the argument. That those who are “born again of the Spirit” are “real” Christians and those who are Catholics, most specifically, aren’t because they don’t believe in the born again paradigm. They believe you have to be baptized AND do good works, etc. Like As Goes Israel thinks, Catholics believe in the eucharist. Well, no. I went to Catholic school. That’s an oversimplification. THey believe in Jesus but their idea of access is totally different from the Evangelical. I suggest you get a good Bible and start reading. I suggest, since you’re Christian, “The Complete Jewish Bible” edited by David Stern. It’s available thru Amazon. I don’t agree with a lot of the OT translation but I’m not going to cram my beliefs down YOUR throat.

    mk750 on July 7, 2010 at 12:49 am


      The only advise you should take as a Christian is read the Bible (not someone’s idea or interpretation of the Bible) from cover-to-cover. mk was Catholic and now Jewish. She has only “read” what Christians are. I have followed Christ since 1979 (late conversion – God had to get my attention).

      The Lord Jesus Christ

      We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world.


      We believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin. We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it.

      The Holy Spirit

      We believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and in His interaction with man. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as manifested by the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.

      The Sacred Scripture

      We believe in the scripture as the inspired Word of God and that it is the complete revelation of God’s will for mankind. We believe in the absolute authority of the scripture to govern the affairs of men.


      We believe that every man is the steward of his life and resources which ultimately belong to God. We believe that tithing is a measure of obedience to the scriptural principles of stewardship.

      The Church

      We believe in the Church as the eternal and universal Body of Christ consisting of all those who have accepted the work of the atonement. We believe in the need for a local assembly of believers for the purpose of evangelism and edification.

      Prayer and Praise

      We believe in the worship of the Lord through singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands. We believe in the authority of the believer to ask freely of the Lord for his needs.

      Body Ministry

      We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church.


      We believe that evangelism is the obligation of every follower of Jesus Christ. The Lord commands us to go out and make disciples of all the earth. We believe that each person is first responsible to evangelism in their own family as the Holy Spirit leads them and gives them the ability.

      Water Baptism

      We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion in obedience to the Word of God. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior should be baptized in water as a public profession of their faith in Christ and to experience what the Bible calls the “circumcision of the Spirit.”

      Our Commitment to Israel

      We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful.

      The Priesthood of the Believer

      We believe that every believer has a unique relationship to the Lord. As His children, every Christian has immediate access to the throne of Grace and the ability to manifest the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.

      As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:34 pm

        As Israel Goes, I was never Catholic, there’s a big difference between attending catholic school for the quality of the education available in one’s area and ” being a catholic.” For someone who likes to proclaim her love of Israel you sure take plenty of glee in slandering an individual Jew any time you think you have an opportunity. I also lived in several Souther States, had Evangelical friends, attended their services and even a few Bible studies so as to BE informed. You need to take a reading course because your reading comprehension is at the level of a fourth grader. Because too many Christians are unable to think hypothetically, you are unable to understand the framework of my comments. I don’t feel like explaining it to you. If you choose to read the Bible totally literally, that is your privilege but that is not how most writing is done, particularly in a discussion OUTSIDE Biblical topics. Amy was lumping all Christians together. You yourself have said Catholics are not christian. I was telling her, that from the Evangelical perspective that is correct and why. YOu prefer to attack when you see the name “mk750” rather than try to understand what I’m saying. Too bad because a lot of the time, I agree with your posts. BTW “The Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern is a legitimate Christian version, that included the NT and has a Jewish context to it. I have not merely read about Christianity. As I said, I lived in the South for over 20 years and actually I lived in MO when John Ashcroft was Lt. Gov. His wife was in a women’s group I joined and she introduced me to Evangelical Christianity. I studied for years before deciding to remain Jewish. Can you say the same about your decision to choose Christianity?
        Please stop the ad hominems. There is no reason for them and you certainly present a very poor testimony of Christian “fruit” thru them.

        mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 4:45 am


          “If you choose to read the Bible totally literally, that is your privilege but that is not how most writing is done, particularly in a discussion OUTSIDE Biblical topics.”

          Answer: God says what He means and means what He says. That’s how the Bible should be interpreted in its true literal, historical, and cultural context. You don’t need “The Complete Jewish Bible” to figure it out. It’s pretty easy to understand. Just read The Book.

          Answer: As far as your other opinions, and your opinion of me, it doesn’t mean that much to me to mean that much to you (taken from Neil Young). So, think and say what you want. We are given a commission to go boldly teaching the uncompromising message of the Lord Jesus Christ. I will never go along to get along.

          If you want, you can put it in your pipe and smoke it.

          As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 8, 2010 at 12:39 pm


      You have little knowledge of Christianity.

      As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:40 pm


    You will know a Christian by his fruits. IOW, his actions will speak louder than his words of believing in Christ. Demons believe in Christ. They tremble at his name. But, do they obey? It’s obedience to the Word of God that makes you Christian – that’s following Christ.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:26 pm

Debbie, you should have pointed out to Ron that so was Jesus a Jew along with the other Eleven Disciples. According to his believe so was a guy named Paul. You could have also pointed out that Iraneus, Augustine, Chrysostom and Martin Luther were all Christians who had some very “interesting” ideas about what should be done to Jews.
However, I don’t know how you, a Jew can call an Israeli basher “a decent guy.” That is the epitome of indecency.

mk750 on July 7, 2010 at 12:17 am

    Debbie, you should have pointed out to Ron that so was Jesus a Jew along with the other Eleven Disciples. According to his believe so was a guy named Paul.

    Saul of Tarsus was a Jew, he took the name of “Paul”. He’s hardly “a guy”. He had the most brilliant mind and wrote most of the New Testament (the book you faile to acknowledge). Before his converstion, he was an attorney who got his kicks murdering Christians! Then, things changed up drastically.

    You could have also pointed out that Iraneus, Augustine, Chrysostom and Martin Luther were all Christians who had some very “interesting” ideas about what should be done to Jews.

    Why take man’s ideas when you can consult with God Himself through his Word?

    However, I don’t know how you, a Jew can call an Israeli basher “a decent guy.” That is the epitome of indecency.


    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 2:48 pm

      See, As, you’re trying to convince everyone here that Paul, Y”S, existed when there is no evidence for that. Worse if he did, by the evidence of his writings, there is little to support his being Jewish or his claims to be a student of Hillel.
      I have every right to refer to him as a “gu” because to us, he is one of the most vile apostates (again, assuming he was Jewish) who ever lived. He totally distorted the teachings of Jesus, twisting them to deny Jewish teaching. If you read the Talmud, which you seem to think doing will send you to Hell, (Oh wait, you have eternal salvation, you can do anything you want) you will see which teachings of Jesus are in concert with it and which show his Jewishness. Paul’s lies stand in stark contrast to the man he claimed to serve. You, if you accept those teachings are no Christian and no follower of the Jewish man you call savior.
      Jesus never deified himself, that was Paul’s heresy and the lies of the false church.

      mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 4:53 am

        should read “guy”

        mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 4:56 am

        This post proves that you are insane. You are flat out nuts!

        You don’t have a clue. Get totally lost, idiot.

        As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 8, 2010 at 12:41 pm

Thank you, Debbie, for another eye-opening article. Most people, including me, are indeed ignorant sheep busily trying to live our lives, raise our families, and serve in our communities.

All these twists and turns in our global communications systems are overwhelming and often too difficult to navigate. How can we ever really know who in politics, economics, religion, or the media is speaking with a forked tongue?

As a recent subscriber I want to say that I very much appreciate your newletters because you demand so much from your readers. Frankly, often times you’re mind-blowing. At least that’s what I experience as one who’s relatively new to being awake and trying to pay attention.

Thank you again for the time and energy you invest in your work.

Aurora on July 7, 2010 at 10:45 am

D. Schlussel: DH; “That you asked and only mentioned Arabs/Muslims tells me you don’t get my point. Why do you only ask me about them? Is there something about having an Arabic accent or Muslim background that makes them of any more legitimacy TO YOU about Islam? If there is, you don’t get it. Again, I don’t need someone with an Arabic accent to confirm for me what I’ve long known and been saying about Islam. Why do you? My savior from Islam doesn’t have an Arabic accent or Muslim name.”

Whoa! Calm down! Of course I get “your point.” Obviously neither you nor I need to hear from anybody to be convinced that the phrase “Radical Islam” is a redundancy. As a matter of fact, it’s obviously pointless for either of US (and most of the people who post at this site) to be listening to ANYBODY (with or without any kind of an accent) speaking on the dangers of global jihad, as WE are merely the choir who is being preached to.

Unfortunately, that is not the case with a large chunk of the rest of the English speaking world, who probably DO feel that information of this nature sounds more legitimate when coming from someone with an Arabic background, who claims to be a victim of global jihad…Because of course, in their eyes, the mainstream media is all run by “The Jooos.”

Note that I have never bought, or even checked out any of these women’s books at the library, as I’m sure they have nothing to say that I don’t already know. The reason I mentioned the five women that I did (and the fact that they are all female is merely coincidental) is because they are the ones I’m mostly familiar with, because they keep popping up on various TV and radio talk shows, hawking their latest wares.

Yousef, Darwish and Gabrielle (or “Tudor” or whatever the hell her name is) might be liars and ignoramuses, but even you have to admit that at this particular juncture in history, they could be useful ones. There are alot of Joe and Jane six-packs out there in America’s heartland who are really on the fence about who are the good guys and who are the bad, (them “Ay-Rabs” or them “Joos”) and hearing from “them Ay-Rabs” saying these things about other Ay-Rabs serves as a much needed counter balance to “them Joos” saying nasty things about other Joos (think Noam Chomsky).

Alright. I’ll shut up now.

Daniel H on July 7, 2010 at 12:09 pm

I too very much appreciate this article — and great dialogue on the way to the Truth and to seeking knowledge and remaining ever vigilant as to who is appropriate to remain with us here in the US, who is definitely not. Heretofore I was glad the decision came down to allow asylum for Youssef.
Your hard-hitting and deep X-faith are impressive and a beacon to us all — thank you Debbie. Rock on…I am always attuned to your site and all you impart to us.

SUZE MARKS on July 7, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    Mo Suze posted: “I was glad the decision came down to allow asylum for Youssef.”


    You want more Mo’s here in America?

    Will that further your agenda, miss mo?

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 7, 2010 at 3:53 pm

      AS, you just hung yourself on the reading comprehension petard with your answer to Suze.

      READ, dammit! she said “heretofore.” That means in English above the 4th grade level, that BEFORE she read Debbie’s article, she was in favor or asylum. Now she is thanking Debbie for opening her eyes with, “I too very much appreciate this article — and great dialogue on the way to the Truth and to seeking knowledge and remaining ever vigilant as to who is appropriate to remain with us here in the US, who is definitely not.”

      You know what? I think you are an anti-semitic troll. YOu scan talkbacks for what seems to be non-Christian phrases and jump on them attacking with ad hominem nonsense. You claim love of Israel but show very little towards Israelites.

      Note to Suze Marks: Words like “heretofore” are beyond the scope of the average reader of this blog. If they are Fundie Christians, they only see black and white and take EVERYTHING literally. They cannot absorb transitional words e.g. ‘heretofore.” The literal interpretation is good for some laughs tho. I can’t wait to get to Heaven and see G-d decked out in hen feathers so He can gather me under His wing.

      mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 5:06 am

        mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 5:06 am

        Like I said, you’re nuts.

        As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 8, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Suze, What’s X-Faith? DS is Jewish.

    mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 5:08 am

“…my savior against Islam does not have an Arabic accent. It has my own accent. It’s my own actions and critical thinking and my own G-d. It’s my own beliefs, my own will, and my own analysis and inquiry.”

That’s where you went wrong Debbie. Believing your own bullshit is bad enough – but to publish it and find other people believe it!

Astonishing – bet you’re raking it in

Stephen Bennett on July 8, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    Hey Mo Stephen Bennett:

    Keep it Classy, like mk750

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 8, 2010 at 1:35 pm

As goes Israel, I am so touched by your Christian love for Israel and her people. Didn’t Jesus teach a parable about who your neighbor is? Samaritan, nut? Doesn’t matter, we’re all G-d’s children except some of us like to have hissies over the fact that others of us got some special recognition, not because we deserve it but because G-d is, well, G-d and he can choose to prefer whom He will.
But getting back to your love for me. When you disparage me, you violate Genesis 12:3,4. I don’t want to be in your shoes when you stand before the Master of the Universe.
Tell me, how will you explain your hatred for His chosen ones when you claim to serve one of us as lord? You going to tell Him that the apostate Paul, said it was ok? You going to say you “loved” us but never gave us a drop of water or morsel to eat? You going to tell him you “helped” by writing vile talkbacks to Debbie Schlussel claiming to love Israel while slandering one of her daughters? Do you remember what your Scripture says the answer to that is? I’ll tell you. It says he will say, “Begone, I never knew you.”

You again hung your self when you told Amy that Christians are known by their fruit. Yep, that’s true and right now someone needs to take out the stinking garbage.

mk750 on July 8, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    Your ignorance is boring to me now.

    Buh bye.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on July 8, 2010 at 3:48 pm

I read in several news reports that he travels with Bodyguards….Does anyone know if that is true?

Usually you see bodyguards around someone however, I have seen no bodyguards so far.

I think one thing that concerns me is that he is just as open to terrorists taking him out here in America as he would be in the Gaza.
Maybe not as quick, but nonetheless if they really wanted to get to Mosab in America they could.

I do believe his conversion to Christ is valid, however,
I noticed a while back he did make a couple of remarks about Israel doing “too many assassinations”, and that struck me kind of odd, considering the amount of pressure that Israel is under continually–After all Israel deals with the worst of worst murders who seek not only to take out Israel but seek to take down the West.

Debbie you made some valid points. I am one of those ones who have been quick to jump on his bandwagon—but will do some further researching. I will admit I have had a couple or even more than that Red Flags.

I did notice on Mosabs page on Facebook he posted a statement saying Gonen could be arrested immediately once he arrived in Israel for having exposed his identity.

I thought that was odd as well….Why would Israel arrest Gonen if they gave him permission to come to America?

By the way, please know that if you are a truly born-again Christian you will support Israel no matter what. There is no in between. And someone who supports Israel will have a track record of it; Not just words.

Here are my thoughts on his anti-israel sentiment —He had a lifetime of Palestinian(arab) upbringing. Therefore, a lot of that still has to be purged out of him.
In other words you are not going to overcome life long thoughts ways and teaching in 6 short years since his conversion to Christianity, But there should be some progression–with validity.

However, that being said, I do believe he saved Israeli lives..but he also saved Palestinian lives, and Christian lives at least that is what has been told to all of us in his book.
But you make a valid point, other than Gonen coming forward we really don’t have any other proof.

Debbie until I do some further research and reading you have opened my eyes–and I will not be so quick to jump on his bandwagon at this time–I will do further research.

It is true –As Goes Israel–So Goes the World

A born again Christian who loves Israel not just in words, but in deeds, money and support.

Miss Truth on July 8, 2010 at 5:27 pm

One other thought came to mind..

Mosab has come out openly talking about the God of Koran–which is a dangerous thing in Islam–for that and that alone, he could be killed.

That is why I believe his conversion to Christianity(followers of Yeshua Christ) is real.

No one can say “Yeshua is Lord” without the Spirit giving the person ability to say such a thing–and he has openly made that confession before millions.

Romans 10: 9, 10

Miss Truth on July 8, 2010 at 9:13 pm

But I don’t know what to think about him being an Obama supporter if that is true…If he is an Obama supporter than He has lost my support totally!

Miss Truth on July 9, 2010 at 12:06 am

Is this thread dead or what?

Miss Truth on July 10, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Wow Debbie, terrible blog, could barely get through the third paragraph. Try reading some Sultan Kish… wait…or is that who you are trying to emulate? Yep, even your layout is similar.

daveo on August 20, 2010 at 4:46 am

Have you done any follow up on Mosab Debbie? i knew him in Israel and know him in the US. Little concerned about the Palestinian Liberation Theology and was wondering if this is becoming a camp that people, Mosab included are starting to pitch their tent in. That said, I continue to befriend Arab Christians and attempt to give much more balance than what some of the evangelicals are not doing.

Erol on May 6, 2011 at 10:55 am

I’ve read the book, I read a little bit on Ron Brackin’s blog (having not been familiar with him before reading this post of yours), I’ve read on Mosab’s blog from Mosab’s handler as well as the post by a Mosab critic.

From what I have read at Mosab’s blog, he doesn’t accept contributions. He doesn’t have advertising in his blog.

I read sincerity in his love for his dad.

I hope that our creator will grant me the stamina to keep praying for you, as you have some abilities that I would like to see him use.

Thomas Donlon on October 12, 2011 at 5:36 pm

I have a question for Debbie, I am an Evangelical Christian who strongly supports Israel and believes the koran is a Satanic deception. You seem to suggest that nobody with a Arab name can truly be your ally and may even be a lying muslim.

I have an Arab name because my father was a non-religious man who came from an islamic background. I myself have never been muslim, but it disturbs me that you feel that i could never be a savior working against the tide of islam amassing against America.

The Bible strongly urges Christians to convert and spread the gospel to people of other religions, and before Christ, anyone is redeemable, regardless of what color their skin is, hoe big their nose is or what language their name originated in (in the New Testament there is even mention of newly redeemed Christians with pagan Greek names like Hermes and Apollos)

So should we not welcome brown people with foreign-sounding names into the house of God? Should we not always be offering a hand away from the deception of islam? Should we not be glad when people convert out of a false faith and embrace the truth?
How else can Islam be defeated without resorting to an UnChristlike holocaust of 2 billion? Lies need to be defeated by truth and the light of truth is needed to guide the misled out from islam’s shadow.

Sorry for the longwindedness…i generally agree with your views Debbie, but here you are beginning to alienate me by suggesting that someone of brown color with a foreign name cannot be seen as “redeemed”. Please tell me that this is not how your truly feel. Remember, a rose by is a rose by any other name. Christopher Hitchens, while not rosy, had a first name that translated to “Christ-bearer”, but ironically he was seen as a leader by many anti-Christians. So if Christopher can lead and energize anti_Christians, why can’t a Muhammed or Ahmed energize anti-muslims?

E: Huh? I never said any such thing. In fact, I’ve praised Christian Arabs who see the light. Some are good people. Sadly, many are dhimmis for Islam, regardless of the fact that they are Christians. DS

Evangelical Israel-supporter with Arab name on October 29, 2012 at 8:26 am

What I think Mosab Hassan Yousef is all about in summary, after reading his book, his speeches, interviews, etc

1. He has converted to Christianity, a Jesus Christ believer. Denomination is not important to him (and to many Christians too)

2. He is against violence, terrorist acts, especially targeting innocent civilians and children. This he blames the teachings of Islam , so …

3. He is against the teachings of the Koran and because the Koran teaches Moslems to commit all kinds of foul acts, he believes …

4. He believes Muhammed is a false prophet. So he works to relieve the Moslems of their false prophet, so there could be peace in the Middle East

5. He still wants a Palestinian state for his people. He wants that via policies of peace, co-existence, NOT violence

6. He does not believe in a 2 state solution. He believes that Israel belongs to all peace loving Palestinians, Jews, Arabs, included

Above is what I think Mosab is all about. And yes he did save lives, he loves his family, his people, the Christians, the Jews. He’s trying to love all people, including his enemies, people out to harm him.

Fajardin on July 14, 2013 at 4:18 am

This is by far the most hateful, bigoted thing I’ve ever read. I’m shocked this person is an attorney on the radio. Her presentation is about as professional as the folks at West Boro Baptist.

elizabeth on June 9, 2015 at 8:48 pm

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