November 1, 2006, - 3:02 pm
On 10th B-Day, English “Al-Jazeera” Re-Launches for Gazillionth Time
By Debbie Schlussel
In honor of its tenth anniversary as an Arabic language channel, Al-Jazeera–the Terrorist News Network–claims it will launch its “new” English language channel, Al-Jazeera International, on November 15th.
But, in fact, the channel has already launched in April of this year. And it was a complete failure. No cable providers would carry it. It was the sound of a tree falling in the forest, and no-one being there to hear it (thankfully, in this case). They’ve actually had several launches of the English channel. Hopefully, this latest one will be as successful.

I’ve written about the dummies and suck-ups they’ve reached out to (and I’ve been cited for my work on that), including the idiotic Marine Lt. Josh Rushing of “Control Room” fame (read my column on this dolt and Jazeera’s terrorists, “Al Jazeera’s American Boob“). He was supposed to be the military press liaison to Jazeera and other America-haters in Iraq. But Rushing was demoted back to Hollywood when the pro-Jazeera producers of “Control Room” got him to agree with every bit of anti-Israel, anti-American jingoism and propaganda his Islamist press buddies pimped to him. He was supposed to be the press handler but they sure handled him. Al-Jazeera was the only company that would hire him.
From Incompetent Marine Press Person to Al-Jazeera Tool . . .

Then, there’s former “Nightline” hack Dave Marash, the anchor of this “network.” He was picked because he’s a Jew–so he could see, “Well, I’m a Jew, and I don’t think the only place that would still pay me after ‘Nightline’ is anti-Semitic because . . . .” As I’ve said before, trust me, Marash wasn’t hired for movie-star anchor looks. He told the Philadelphia Daily News’ Gail Shister:
I do not see Al Jazeera as the antagonist of the Jews or the Israelis. It is a friend of the Jews, a friend of Israel, a friend of peace and harmony in the Middle East.
As I said then:
Uh-uh. Keep telling yourself that, Dave.
And then, there’s Ted Koppel. He considered working for Jazeera, too. But why work for them, when he can find an American tax-funded media outlet that hates America as much as Jazeera (or even more)–NPR (a/k/a National Palestinian Radio)?
Yes, I’ve appeared on Al-Jazeera. Somebody has to defend the Infidel position. But that doesn’t mean I’m a fan. I’m not.
Like I said, I only hope that Al-Jazeera’s gazillionth launch of it’s English network is as successful as the previous ones . . . and that it quickly goes the way of the 8-track, disco, the VCR, and Hillary Clinton’s cookie-baking career.
And, by the way, Josh Rushing, you’re nothing more than an Islamist tool. Useful idiot, baby.
Tags: Al-Jazeera Tool, America, Control Room, Dave Marash, Debbie Schlussel, English Channel, Gail Shister, Hillary Clinton, Iraq, Israel, Josh Rushing, Josh Rushing Then, Middle East, tax-funded media outlet, Ted Koppel, the Philadelphia Daily News
Semper FOOLis…now that’s funnyñ
The Canadien on November 1, 2006 at 6:55 pm