November 21, 2006, - 1:32 pm
Hijab-Encrusted: Feminist Mag Shows Women the New “Sexy”; Medieval Black is the New Black
By Debbie Schlussel
And now for the latest edition of “Reading Women’s Mags So You Don’t Have To–See What Your Wives/Daughters/Girlfriends Are Reading”:
Marie Claire has done it again. The magazine which equates our female soldiers with female Islamic terrorists; the magazine which claims that Islamofascist TV broadcasts are liberalizing the Arab world (Ha!); the magazine which hates Christianity and loves women’s lib–that magazine suddenly has selectively, yet again, discarded its feminist ethos to show us what it hopes will be a new fashion trend.
It’s lovely how women who think they’re so liberated they’ll cheer anything anti-American, are embracing their future enslavers. Don’t let the cover of December’s Marie Claire fool you. Inside are not photos of Ashley Judd’s breasts, like on the cover. Instead, lurking inside is a 13-page spread of Islamofascist fashion . . . and an article cheering a lawyer for Gitmo terrorists. Yes, this mag is full of chic . . . or full of something that sounds similar:

FYI, the “model” in the middle of the above photo is Samar Breitem, who is “half-Palestinian” and lives in Dubai. She tells Marie Claire that she loves Levi’s. That’s the problem. They love Levis, but hate Levi Strauss. They love Baskin Robbins, but hate Baskin and Robbins. All of them, after all, were “evil Zionists” a/k/a Jews.
By the way, the photos were shot in Dubai, home of the new anti-Jew apartheid. No Israeli passports or passport stamps allowed (unless you’re a Muslim, then it’s okay). Not a peep from the libs that run Marie Claire.
And, last but not least, here’s “Gitmo’s Girl,” Kristine Huskey, who’s depicted in Marie Claire drinking cocktails and having a ball of fun in glam outfits, all while representing Gitmo’s Islamic terrorists. Formerly parading around M-TV videos in purple lingerie, now she’s shilling for terrorists . . . and quite clueless about it, saying:
I sometimes have this nightmare that my clients will get released and go join al Qaeda.

Uh, here’s a clue: They already joined. That’s why they’re at Gitmo, honey. But odds are, they’ll rejoin once you get ’em sprung from there, as many released Gitmo detainees have.
What does she care? She’s too busy sipping a martini (and posing for a silly women’s mag). Cheers to You, Terrorists . . .

Tags: al-Qaeda, America, Ashley Judd, Dubai, iPod, Israel, Jackie O, Kristine Huskey, lawyer, lawyer for Gitmo terrorists, Levi Strauss, M-TV, Marie Claire, Reading, Samar Breitem, Sunglasses Seductively
100% grapefruit-laden, propaganda fluff! I dare you to travel to ANY country with an Islamic Theocracy and find a single one of these “Muslim chic” women in public that can wear that burqua or hijab and have even a scentilla of sex appeal. You won’t! Their 47xyy keepers (errr… husbands) would never permit it. They would rather beat them black & blue and keep them home than let some Western magazine like Marie Claire exploit them as “sexy” or “appealing”. It figures that they’d have that 2-bit nit-wit, Ashley Judd covering her juggs on the cover.
Yiddish Steel on November 21, 2006 at 3:41 pm