October 8, 2010, - 6:01 pm

Weekend Box Office: “Secretariat,” “Waiting for Superman,” “Ghettophysics,” “Never Let Me Go,” “Kind of a Funny Story,” “My Soul to Take”

By Debbie Schlussel

Sad to say, I really did not care that much for any of the new movie releases.  But since I suffered through ’em, please suffer through my reviews (because of dueling movie screenings, I did not see “Life As We Know It”):

*  “Secretariat“:  This is billed as feel-good horse-racing/sports movie of the year.  But it’s really a movie promoting feminism and the original Sarah Palin, Penny Chenery, the owner of Secretariat, the horse that won the Triple Crown in 1973.  Chenery (played by the beautiful Diane Lane) abandoned her family and left to a horse farm for a long period of time to raise a winning horse.  Was it worth it? Only if you think having a winning horse is more important than being there to raise your family.  Chenery had four young children, and she wasn’t there for them.  We’re shown scenes of her missing family events and talking to her kids and husband on the phone.

Chenery’s husband, Jack Tweedy, is, of course, the villain, because he has the nerve to want his wife home raising the family while he practices law.  The nerve.  But, predictably, he comes around to Gloria Steinem’s worldview and tells her,

You’ve taught them [their kids] what a real woman is.

PUH-LEEZE.  She taught them what selfish, neglectful mother is.  And that’s about it.

Even before winning the Triple Crown, Chenery proclaims,

I’ve already won by not quitting.

But, actually, she lost because she abandoned her family–her husband and four kids–for a horse.

In several scenes, we see Chenery’s daughter engaging in protests and “pageants” against the Vietnam War.  And Chenery, being Hollywood’s version of world’s greatest mother, is very supportive of her daughter’s subversive activities while our troops were being murdered in Vietnam.

At the end of the movie, they show us what everyone is up to and has done since the Triple Crown. They don’t tell us what happened to the radical Vietnam protesting daughter, and I haven’t been able to find that info. Did she drop acid at some ashram, then become a far left activist? I wonder why they don’t let us know.

John Malkovich as the horse’s trainer is entertaining as usual. And the movie had super period costumes and clothes, which I enjoyed looking at, and they are well worn by classic beauty Lane.  But the story is predictable and preachy . . . from the lips of the ghost of Betty Friedan.


Watch the trailer . . .

*  “Waiting for Superman“:  Liberal propaganda “documentary” blaming the failure of America’s public schools solely on bad teachers and their unions and not America’s declining social structure.  Read my complete review column.


* “Ghettophysics: Will the Real Pimps and Hos Please Stand Up?“: Not possibly the most moronic movie I’ve ever seen. DEFINITELY the most moronic movie I’ve ever seen. Some dumbass named E. Raymond Brown made a movie that seems like it was made by a Marxist sixth-grader hooked on hip-hop. It argues that because Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney “are major pimps” and America is “a major ho,” therefore, the real pimps and hookers are just fine in what they are doing because they are a microcosm of the larger picture. Yeah, you keep telling yourselves that, scumbags.  Irrelevant aging liberal Norman Lear manages to appear in this absurd baloney and, of course, gives lip service to this wacko “theory.” I feel I lost several IQ points during the course of forcing myself to watch this utter garbage. The only highlight is when a Black man on the street tells the interviewer that “Nancy Pelosi is also a pimptess [his word].” Why does Black America make these movies? And why does White America finance and greenlight them? Samuel Goldwyn is turning over in his grave knowing his name appears on this trash.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “Never Let Me Go“: Based on a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, two girls and a boy grow up in a love triangle at an English boarding school at a time when all disease and illness has been eradicated. But a mystery awaits them. Who are they? Where are their parents? They soon learn **** SPOILER ALERT**** that they are actually clones of real humans and their purpose is to serve as organ donors for their “originals.” The message is that clones are people, too–a hackneyed old message that I saw in a million other films, like “AI: Artificial Intelligence” and others. Carey Mulligan stars, looking a whole lot like Michelle Williams. I found this movie long, slow, boring, and preachy. Wouldn’t waste ten bucks and two hours on it.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “It’s Kind of a Funny Story“: Actually, it’s kind of a boring, slow self-absorbed story about which I didn’t care an iota. A neurotic, academically successful kid (don’t know his name and don’t care enough to check the credits, he was that entertaining to me) from a caring, loving middle class family gets depressed and decides to check himself into the hospital after he considers jumping off a bridge to commit suicide. Once checked into the mental ward, he realizes that he just wanted attention and is a self-absorbed jerk compared to those who really have legitimate mental issues (kinda like all the self-absorbed jerks in the mental ward in this movie). In the end, the Chassidic Jew on the ward eats non-kosher pizza (which–reality check–he’d never eat) and dances with the Egyptian on the ward to Egyptian music. We are the world. We are the children. The end. Next.


Watch the trailer . . .

* “My Soul to Take“: This Wes Craven horror film wasn’t screened for critics, and I should’ve taken the hint. But, out of dedication to you, my readers, I went to see the Midnight showing. After 40 minutes of forcing myself to sit through this dumb, unscary, imbecillic, waste of time, I finally walked out. Wes, you disappoint me. The story: a man with multiple personalities murders his wife, daughter, and a number of cops (that’s the only scary part of the movie). He escapes and was never found. On the same night, seven kids are born in his town and on their sixteenth birthday, they gather and are picked off by what appears to be him.  It’s in 3D, but that didn’t help.  Soooo stupid. Couldn’t take it anymore.  Skipworthy to the max.


Watch the trailer . . .

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28 Responses

Ewww. Looks like a very bad crop of movies! How painful it must have been for you to watch.

Karen on October 8, 2010 at 6:06 pm

Maybe you should do a documentary on you watching all these terrible movies, that would be a true “horror” fest.

Dave on October 8, 2010 at 6:35 pm

Debbie hasn’t reviewed the new Oliver Stone flick.

I guess she found it as boring as the original.

And speaking of originals, Hollywood can’t seem to turn out $40 worth of really good movies in the fall.


NormanF on October 8, 2010 at 7:16 pm

You’ve taught them [their kids] what a real woman is.

I’ve already won by not quitting.

These have to be the two worst lines of the year.

Little Al on October 8, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    I use to say that to my father when he was alive. He was always on me to quit smoking, and I would tell him ” You did not raise me to be a quitter”… our little moments.. I miss my dad.

    sharon on October 9, 2010 at 12:55 am

“Why does Black America make these movies? And why does White America finance and greenlight them?”

Because making an entire race of people into a misrepersenting view of what they never was is instant money to these idiotic jackasses.

Squirrel3D on October 8, 2010 at 9:52 pm

Secretariat. Hey, isn’t she married to Prince Charles? I must’v missed something…..

Not Ovenready on October 8, 2010 at 9:58 pm

I am waiting for the candidate, or the movie that states the truth.. While there definitely are serious issues with the union, and a FEW bad teachers, the complete truth is social structure as you stated, and BAD PARENTING… period. If your son or daughter cannot read in the third grade, you cannot blame the school.

sharon on October 9, 2010 at 12:52 am

I seem to remember that Samuel Goldwyn the filmmaker famous for his malapropisms once said, “Pictures are for entertainment – messages should be delivered by Western Union.” Totally lost on those running the company bearing his name (into the ground) with agenda-driven dreck like “GhettoPhysics” – or, for that matter, on the rest of today’s “moguls.”

ConcernedPatriot on October 9, 2010 at 1:38 am

I checked – the daughter’s name is Kate Tweedy – she’s an attorney (although I couldn’t find any indication that she is currently practicing), author, and ESL teacher in Colorado.

LF: No, that is the younger daughter. The older daughter is the one who was the VN war protester and whose current and past activities are largely unknown. DS

LindaF on October 9, 2010 at 11:48 am

Not having seen the movie, I’m rather surprised at your review of Secretariat. Of the dozens of folks I spoke to leaving the theater last night, every last one of them GUSHED about how great Secretariat was. Oh well, there’s always Narnia.

Aside from how boring this flick looks, and that I couldn’t give a whit about costumes and such, definitely skip-worthy for me.

R: Sadly, the “dozens of folks . . . leaving the theater” are morons, like many moviegoing Americans, most of whom lack a single critical thinking skill. DS

Robert on October 9, 2010 at 4:23 pm

“Why does Black America make movies like this, and why does White America finance and greenlight them?”

1.White America doesn’t finance them ,it’s mostly Jewish,since they dominate every studio,big and small. The only Whites that finance these travesties are,like the jews,Left Wing and brilliantly pretend to be self-loathing and loving of Blacks.

2.This is anything but new Leftist,Blame-Whitey-For-Every-Problem-The-Blacks-Have documentaries have been dumped on us,since at least the late ’60s.

Phineas on October 9, 2010 at 10:43 pm


    [“1.White America doesn’t finance them ,it’s mostly Jewish,since they dominate every studio,big and small. The only Whites that finance these travesties are,like the jews,Left Wing and brilliantly pretend to be self-loathing and loving of Blacks. …”

    Phineas on October 9, 2010 at 10:43 pm]

    I don’t know why you thought it necessary to state that Hollywood is dominated by Jews, but since you brought it up, let me state that most of them are JINOs (Jews in Name Only). The JINO’s happened to be Jewish by birth, but are either indifferent or hostile to the Jewish people and Israel. At One example of this is a movie that came out almost a year ago, “An Education”. Please read Debbie’s review of that movie.


    JeffE on October 9, 2010 at 11:37 pm

      Re: my 11:37 pm post.

      Please ignore the word “At” at the second-to-final sentence of my post.

      JeffE on October 9, 2010 at 11:40 pm

Looks like these are six more must-skip movies.

Thank you for the reviews, Debbie.

I do have one question about the movie Secretariat based solely on watching the trailer.

Do my eyes deceive me, or was former Senator and former Presidential candidate Fred Thompson in that movie (0:39-0:43 of the clip)? If it was Fred, then after finding out information about him that was reported by Debbie, it would be yet one more argument against this movie.

JeffE on October 9, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    Re: my October 9, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    I just clicked on the link to the movie.

    Fred Thompson is indeed in the movie.

    JeffE on October 10, 2010 at 12:24 am

My final thought about Secretariat and Fred Thompson:

Given that the movie has a feminist line as Debbie reported, and Fred Thompson is in it, it is also one more argument against him.

JeffE on October 10, 2010 at 12:42 am

From JeffE:

“I don’t know why you thought it necessary to state that Hollywood is run by jews,but since you brought it up,let me state that most of them are JINOs(Jews In Name Only).The JINOs happen to be Jewish at birth,but are indifferent or hostile to the Jewish people and Israel.”

Yes,Jeff,I’ve been aware of that fact for a long time.It’s been stated,by many,for decades now.But,JINOsor not( And the same goes for the Whites in that business), they’re still there,ruling the studios,pumping out the cinematic toxic waste,day after day.And what will it take to destroy them,once and for all?

Phineas on October 10, 2010 at 12:06 pm

I imagine if I asked people coming out of an HOprah show taping they would be gushing over HOprah, too.

I’m far from an elitist but Debbie is right about noncritical thinking moviegoing Americans, mainly white bread Americans, who keep supporting this junk. These and the other goofs who pay over $10 for a movie and spend over half of it texting and checking email.

I like Dave’s idea, Debbie. You need to make a documentary about watching this trash.

Lastly, I just can’t believe how lousy this year has been in Hollywood. Who in their right mind is bankrolling this junk?

Jeff W. on October 10, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Actually, the junk from Hollywood is being bankrolled by people in their left mind (ahem).

    ConcernedPatriot on October 10, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Whoa! Don’t come up on me like that, I’ll have nightmares tonight. Those four Betty Friedans have got to be scarier than anything in the Wes Craven movie.

DAN on October 10, 2010 at 7:52 pm

Fall is usually a dumping ground for movies the studios have little faith in. Though, this has been a rather bad year for movies in general.

Agen T. on October 11, 2010 at 8:48 am

Thank you Debbie for watching bad movies ‘in name only’.

P. Aaron on October 11, 2010 at 5:56 pm

I haven’t seen Secretariat but Rush Limbaugh loved it.

I: Rush Limbaugh also loved the idea of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates running our ports. And he loved pro-Muslim “24,” too, because the producer is a friend of his. And he defended Bob Costas’ support for gun control. I sure hope he is not the gospel for you. DS

llano2 on October 11, 2010 at 6:40 pm

And he make fun of the reviewer from Salon.com who didn’t like it. Of course that person didn’t like it for other reasons.

llano2 on October 11, 2010 at 6:41 pm

And of course the comments section degenerates into anti-Semitic ranting. I’m glad I live in a blue state.

Royalewithcheese on October 12, 2010 at 12:05 am

If it was the husband that reared Secretariat, I doubt you would call the father out for abadoning his family. After all it is only males can work 100+ hours per week, never see their family grow up and still win father of the year awards.

Barb on October 12, 2010 at 7:11 pm

Please tell me your remarks are just to get ratings Debbie, because if they’re not, you’re one narrow minded person. Secretariat recently came on TV and I enjoyed it very much. Oddly, I noticed you stated that the husband was the villain, but what about her brother. He would have been more of a villain than her husband. Chenery has gone down in history doing a hugely positive thing while you, my love, write nasty blogs about those that have proved themselves…

Jane on July 27, 2011 at 10:33 am

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