December 22, 2006, - 12:22 pm
Hello . . . It’s Just a TV Show: Did You Buy Your Festivus Pole?
By Debbie Schlussel
AP reports that way too many people are taking the “Seinfeld” concept of “Festivus” seriously. (Festivus is a non-descript, secular replacement for Christmas and Chanukah, celebrated by George Costanza’s father, Frank.)

In fact, so many people are celebrating this stupid, fictional holiday that the Milwaukee-based Wagner copmany is briskly selling its line of Festivus poles, this holiday season.

Just remember, these fools are celebrating a fake holiday from a television comedy, with what amounts to a stripper pole. Nice. “Festivus for the Rest of Us”? I don’t think so.

Tags: Chanukah, Christmas, Debbie Schlussel, Frank, George Costanza, Milwaukee
i plan on getting THAT and a Michael Richards Sambo doll for ALL my homies this Kwanzaa…another made-up holiday
EminemsRevenge on December 22, 2006 at 1:06 pm