January 4, 2007, - 5:25 am
Guess Who Cheered Saddam’s Hanging?: Meet Moqtada’s American Insurgents
By Debbie Schlussel
By now, you’ve heard about the cheers for Shi’ite extremist Moqtada Al-Sadr at Saddam Hussein’s hanging, last Friday.
But you probably haven’t heard that many of those Arab-Americans dancing in the streets of Dearborn, Michigan are extremist Shi’ite supporters of the murderous Al-Sadr, too. They fervently support Hezbollah and HAMAS, too.
There’s a reason food was reportedly half off, that night, at La Shish–the restaurant chain owned by fugitive Hezbollah financier and federal indictee Talal Chahine.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was an evil, mass-murdering terrorist leader. He deserved what he got. But the group of radical Muslims dancing on his grave should disturb us. And many of them are on our soil.

Meet Husham Al-Husainy. In Iraq, he was an aircraft engineer. But in America, he’s an extremist cleric and disciple of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who enjoys huge mainstream support.
Imam Al-Husainy organized the “spontaneous,” “impromptu” rally, Friday Night, and was featured in most national and international press reports about the celebrating Iraqi-Americans.
Al-Husainy heads one of Dearborn’s three largest Shi’ite mosques, the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center mosque. The mosque is also among the largest is North America. And he enjoys prominence in the media as a respected Islamic authority.
Hussainy was one of the imams shown in photographs around the world being hugged by President Bush after we invaded Iraq, and he was invited to the Pentagon to confer with top officials.
But make no mistake. Imam Al-Husainy is no moderate. He was an advisor to the late Mohammed Bakr Al-Hakim, leader of the Iran-backed Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution. He’s allied with the mainstream of Iraq’s Shia Islam, which is terrorizing and driving out the few Christians left there.
Friday Night, Associated Press quoted Al-Husainy’s teenage son, Ali Al-Najjar:
This is the first time I’ve seen my dad this happy.
But I’ve seen him this happy on several occasions.
This past summer, Al-Husainy seemed very happy leading almost-daily protests of thousands of Hezbollah supporters on the streets of Dearborn and Detroit, swarming with swastikas and anti-Semitic, anti-American signs.
Later, I watched him very much enjoy himself at an anti-Semitic rally of 3,000 Hezbollah supporters at Dearborn’s Bint Jebail Cultural Center. He was among several who delivered hate-filled, anti-American rhetoric. I watched him cheer others on when they called for the hastened destruction of the Jews and when they said Americans are “diseased.”
After the event, he seemed very happy when he put his arms around Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s favorite rabbi, Yisroel Dovid Weiss of the Neturei Kartah, who attended the recent Holocaust-denial conference. “We make a great team,” he said of Weiss, who was flown into Detroit for the Hezbollah rallies.
Husainy seemed very happy in August 2004 when he led anti-Bush, anti-American rallies on the streets of Dearborn, which gave aid and comfort to the enemy in Iraq, at a time when Al-Sadr’s terrorist thugs, the Mehdi Army, were actively making life tough for American soldiers, as they are, again, now. (The Mehdi Army recently kidnapped an Iraqi-American soldier.)
Imam Husainy was also in great spirits when he led a number of pro-HAMAS and pro-Arafat rallies in the area. Yes, Shi’ites who hate Sunnis to death in Iraq, love Sunnis in Israel when they’re killing the Jews. In late 2004, he seemed thrilled to lead a rally on the streets of Dearborn, commemorating Arafat’s death. He and his followers held signs featuring enlarged photos of Khomeini at the rally.
Husainy was very happy to attack American soldiers in an interview:
I heard that many soldiers are running away or committing suicide or getting psychological treatment. I’m not surprised. . . . They act like an occupation force . . . . Iraqis don’t see the soldiers as friends.
In the same interview, he was very happy to engage in bizarre anti-American, anti-Israel conspiracy theories and rhetoric:
Saddam . . . he handed Iraq to the coalition. I believe he is an agent of America. . . . Saddam created a bunch of gangs who have no faith . . . . We also think some outsiders, with some Iraqis, and, by the way, I don’t want to exclude the Zionists. I think some extremists from the Mossad came in and took a chance to have some revenge, because we don’t know who killed [Imam Mohammed Bakr] Al-Hakim or Sergio Vieira De Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Imam Al-Husainy and other Shi’ite leaders in Dearborn are not just followers of Khomeini, they are supporters of Moqtada Al-Sadr and proteges of his late uncle, Imam Mohammed Bakr Al-Sadr–who was murdered by Saddam Hussein. Every year, the Al-Sadr Foundation holds a fundraising banquet in Dearborn. Does any Foundation money go to fund the Mehdi Army?
A brochure announcing the 2005 event, quotes Bakr Al-Sadr’s Islamo-supremacist worldview with approval. It encompasses the separatist view the Shi’ites here in America, who produced the brochure, embrace:
One can either love Allah or love the world. But both the loves cannot be contained in one heart. Let us examine our hearts to see whether the love of Allah or the love of this world prevails over them. If the love of Allah prevails over our hearts, let us make it deeper. If, Allah forbid, the love of this world prevails, let us try to save ourselves from this dreadful malady.
The brochure also quotes Sadr on Khomeini:
The only thing I have sought in my life is to make the establishment of an Islamic government on earth possible. Since it has been formed in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini, it makes no difference to me whether I am alive or dead because the dream I wanted to attain and hope I wanted to achieve have [sic] come true, thanks to Allah.
Remember, this is the same Khomeini who took Americans hostage for 444 days in Tehran. And few Shi’ites disapproved.
America’s Shi’ite enemies are not just in Sadr City or Central Beirut and Southern Lebanon. They are in America’s own Little Sadr City–East Dearborn, where they danced on the streets after Saddam Hussein’s execution.
Proving the old adage wrong. The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
Sometimes, he’s just our enemy. And, unfortunately, he’s living on American soil with permanent citizenship. And a lot of easily-incited followers.
Tags: Advisor, aircraft engineer, Al-Husainy Meet, Al-Sadr Foundation, Ali Al-Najjar, America, Arafat, Associated Press, Beirut, Bush, Dearborn, Dearborn's Bint Jebail Cultural Center, Debbie Schlussel By, Detroit, Education Center mosque, extremist cleric, favorite rabbi, financier, Hamas, High Commissioner, Hizballah, Human Rights, Imam Al-Husainy, Imam Husainy, Imam Husham Al-Husainy, Imam Khomeini, Imam Mohammed Bakr, Imam Mohammed Bakr Al-Sadr, Iraq, Islamic Education Center, Islamic government, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, leader, leader of the Iran, Lebanon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's favorite rabbi, Mehdi Army, Michigan, Mohammed Bakr Al-Hakim, Moqtada Al-Sadr, Mossad, North America, Pentagon, President, reason food, restaurant chain, Ruhollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Sergio Vieira De Mello, Southern Lebanon, Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution, Talal Chahine, Tehran, United Nations, Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Why O why do we let these people into OUR country. The government is so damned cetain to make EVERYBODY welcome and to heck with the citizens of this country. My folks came here in 1685 and to my knowledge we have never called for the death of Americans nor have we called for the destruction of the Country called America. The pols should all go home and listen to the real folks and not just listen to egg heads and cool aid drinkers.
paul on January 4, 2007 at 7:19 am