January 16, 2007, - 9:50 am
More Burka-Clad Crime: The Burka Terrorist
By Debbie Schlussel
On this site, I’ve detailed several cases of Muslim criminals, terrorist, and others using burkas and niqabs (full Muslim face veils) to try to elude law enforcement and cover up crimes. There’s the niqab cop-killer, the burka Hezbollah terrorist, and burka burka jewel thieves.
The latest burka-clad crime news is that Islamic terrorist and July 21 British bomber, Yassin Omar, fled London dressed as a woman in a burka. From Yahoo News UK:
Yassin Omar was captured on CCTV at Golders Green coach station in north London and at Birmingham coach station disguised in the traditional Muslim women’s dress.
He was picked up on the CCTV just a day after the attempted attacks, Woolwich Crown Court was told.

Prosecuting counsel Nigel Sweeney said: “CCTV shows him and his fiancee at Golders Green coach station and him at Birmingham coach station that evening disguised in the burka.”
He was eventually arrested at a house in Birmingham by armed police on Wednesday July 27.
And Muslims wonder why we object to the wearing of burkas and niqabs (full face veils) by witnesses in court, those wishing to cross our borders, and those taking driver’s license pictures.
Actually, they don’t wonder. They know. They just want this behavior to continue by their burka-costumed terrorist and criminal co-religionists. Or they’d be in the streets, protesting it.
Don’t hold your breath for that to ever happen.

Tags: and burka burka jewel thieves, Birmingham, Birmingham coach station, Burka Terrorist, burka-costumed terrorist, counsel, Golders Green coach station, Hizballah, law enforcement, London, Nigel Sweeney, Omar Prosecuting, terrorist, Woolwich Crown Court, Yassin Omar
Just look at the cave-man mentality of the brain-dead in that picture. They look like the grim reaper because that’s who their “profit” was.
Thee_Bruno on January 16, 2007 at 12:58 pm