January 17, 2007, - 2:15 pm
Schlussel TV News: Jack Bauer’s Dracula Moment, Rosie O’ Rap-Blasted, End of “Queer Eye,” Etc.
By Debbie Schlussel
Here are are a few showbiz items of interest:
* Did you see Jack Bauer’s Dracula moment on “24,” Sunday Night? In a novel kill, he bites part of the Islamic terrorist’s neck off. Reports today’s USA Today:
Sutherland relished the neck-biting escape in Sunday’s opener – “I liked that,” he says with a grin – and reveals a chunk of cantaloupe substituted for his captor’s Adam’s apple he spat out before his exit.
Coming soon to the show, real-life conservative and “Silver Spoon”ster Rick(y) Schroder (who also left acting for several years to raise his family in Western America). Unfortunately, also coming soon, annoying actor and ex-Mr. Hilary Swank, Chad Lowe. Was on “Politically Incorrect” with him, once. Oy!

* So much for in-your-face “Gays Reform the Straights” shows. Bravo’s “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” will end after this summer.
* Remember Rosie O’Donnell’s anti-Asian “ching chong” routine on “The View”? Michelle Malkin was all over it, saying the ethnic slur was used against her as a kid. Well, now, Chinese-American rapper Jin has a new rap against Rosie, part of it in Cantonese. Nichi Bei Times, a Japanese-American newspaper, reports that it includes voice samples from Donald Trump.
* Divorce Superbowl Karma?: The NFL rejected slutty-mom-with-no-underwear, Britney Spears’, offer to appear in a Superbowl commercial for the NFL Network, the NY Daily News says. Her crotch-flashing was the reason: “She’s too much of a train wreck,” an NFL insider tells the paper.
But Spears’ slacker soon-to-be ex, K-Fed a/k/a Kevin Federline, will star in a self-deprecating Superbowl ad for Nationwide Mutual Insurance, as a fast-food employee dreaming of rapping in a slick video, USA Today reports. And K-Fed’s ad garnered a front-page-of-the-Money-Section article in the nationwide paper.
Unfortunately, Paris Hilton will also be in a Superbowl ad. Eeuuw!
Tags: actor, Adam, Chad Lowe, David Lunde, Debbie Schlussel Here, Donald Trump, Federal Reserve System, food, Hilary Swank, Jack Bauer, Jin, Kevin Federline, Michelle Malkin, National Football League, Nichi Bei Times, Paris Hilton, Queer Eye, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, rapper, Rick(y) Schroder, Rosie O'Donnell, the NY Daily News, USA Today
“Sutherland relished the neck-biting escape in Sunday’s opener – “I liked that,” he says with a grin – and reveals a chunk of cantaloupe substituted for his captor’s Adam’s apple he spat out before his exit.”
Ya know, I remember an interview I saw with him years ago after The Lost Boys came out. He commented on how much he enjoyed doing the shot where he bites a guy’s throat. He said he loved having the warm blood spray up and soak into his blond hair. Do I see a pattern?
Stealthkix on January 18, 2007 at 2:03 pm