January 22, 2007, - 12:04 pm
Two Black Coaches Reach the Superbowl
By Debbie Schlussel
We’re constantly hearing whines from the Jesse Jackson’s of the world, moans from the Pam Olivers of the world (Pam Oliver is a reporter for FOX NFL Sunday), and other assorted cries from America’s race merchants that there are not enough Black head coaches in the NFL.
Thus, the “Rooney Rule,” which requires NFL Teams to interview at least one Black candidate before they hire for any head coaching vacancy. The Detroit Lions got fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for not doing so, a few years ago. So, to avoid the fines, teams have meaningless interviews with those they don’t have the intention of hiring–not because of race, but because they have their chosen candidate.

Now, though, both head coaches of teams in this year’s Superbowl are Black–Tony Dungy of the Indianapolis Colts and Lovie Smith of the Chicago Bears. That assures that a Black coach will win the Superbowl. Doesn’t this mean that Blacks have achieved “parity” in the League? Does it mean that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other professional race shakedown artists in America will finally shut up about their claim that the NFL is racist against Blacks, keeping them out of top “front office” jobs?
No, it doesn’t mean that at all. Reaching parity is not something race merchants can recognize or handle. Like the Palestinians and their phony “refugee” issue, they don’t ever want this to be solved. It would take away an issue that they wish to self-perpetuate, that they don’t want taken off the table . . . ever.
So don’t watch for them to recognize this monumental achievement by two Black head coaches in the NFL, who got their on merit–their teams won with talent, not a statistically engineered result.
And don’t ever expect the race merchants to get involved in that other statistic–the lack of Whites in the National Football League. over 75% of all players in the League are Black. And that’s the way it should be–because talent and ability on the field, alone, is the only thing that matters. But Whites are the decided minority. Shouldn’t they merit quotas now?
According to the Jackson/Sharpton/Oliver model, yes.
If it weren’t based solely on talent and merit, the NFL wouldn’t be Black in such vast numbers. That’s what the workplace is all about on the gridiron–talents and merit, not government-mandated equality of results.
Time to move that dynamic to the non-gridiron workplace. And time for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and–yes–even Pam Oliver to shut up when it comes to head-coaching positions in the NFL.
Tags: Al Sharpton, America, Black candidate, Black coach, Chicago Bears, chosen candidate, coach, Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts, Jesse Jackson, Lovie Smith, model, National Football League, NFL, Pam Oliver, reporter, Tony Dungy, Tony Dungy Now, Yes
That is what is so great about sports. The truth is there on the field of play for all to see. Both coaches have earned their success; they are exemplary individuals. Oh how nice it would be if the rules in politics allowed for referees to blow the whistle each time a candidate told a lie or some other infraction of the rules and then penalized them 5 yards or maybe half the distance to the goal line. (What rules?)
Happiness Pursuer on January 22, 2007 at 12:32 pm