January 26, 2007, - 1:06 pm
He’s Baaaaack: The Worm Won’t Go Away
By Debbie Schlussel
Dennis Rodman will have his own reality show, “Geek to Freak,” starting on February 16th on HDNet.
That figures–it’s the standardless Mark Cuban‘s network, which is also the new home of Dan Rather.
The theme of this “classy” show: Rodman takes nerdy people “for a walk on the wild side”–the kinky side. Here’s a more complete show description:

Geek to Freak with Dennis Rodman changes seven contestants’ lives forever with the help of the world’s most outrageous sports figure-Dennis Rodman. With his avant-garde style and flair for the extreme, Rodman will take willing subjects for a walk on the wilder side of life. Whether it’s an accountant who wants to become a stripper or a construction worker who dreams of performing in drag, no transformation is too radical for Rodman!
What a great contribution to America.
Says he:
It’s been an incredible journey transforming everyday people into the freaks that they’ve always wanted to become.
Hard to call that a “journey.” More like a fall into a deeper part of the sewer from the point to which he’s already fallen.
More evidence why Rodman’s nickname, “The Worm,” is an appropriate one.
Tags: accountant, America, construction worker, Dan Rather, Debbie Schlussel Dennis Rodman, Dennis Rodman, Geek to Freak, Mark Cuban, outrageous sports
All of these degenerate “reality”, “outrage TV” shows were given to us by LIBERALS.
Phil Donohue started it (although it was tame by today’s standards, he broke the ice in bringing weirdness, unconvention, and perversion-tolerance into America’s households). Then we got MTV (Real World), and it further degenerated with Maury Povich, Ofrah, Rosie, Jenny Jones, Jerry Springer, et al. AND, they’re ALL LIBERALS. This is what LIBERALS are famous for: Glorifying the perverse; the degenerate; the profane; the evil, yet condemning decency and love of country.
Gone are the days of Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin, etc.
Thee_Bruno on January 26, 2007 at 1:57 pm