February 4, 2007, - 5:07 pm
Schlussel Superbowl Prediction; UPDATE: Glad I Was Wrong
By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Well, I was wrong. As you know by now, the Bears got shellacked by Manning & Company. And I, for one, am glad that my prediction, for once hasn’t come true. Tony Dungy overcame tremendous personal hardships (the suicide of his son and many years toiling in the NFL without a Superbowl ring), and he deserves it. Good for him. And as for Tank Johnson, hopefully he’s already been to Disney World–travelling all over to play in the Superbowl, when you’ve violated parole and have a long rap sheet is like being in your own personal amusement park. Glad to see that, this time, at least, crime did NOT pay. Stay Tuned for my commentary on this year’s lackluster ads. ****
Well, of course, Da Bears will win, complete with criminal thug, Terry “Tank” Johnson. Can’t wait until they win, and he gets asked,
Tank Johnson, You just won the Superbowl. What are you going to do next?
Tank: I’m going to Disney World . . . right after I’m finished with my jail sentence for violating probation and new gun charges.
Crime Pays . . . Just Win, Baby.

Tags: Chicago, Chicago Bears, Criminal Thug, Debbie Schlussel, Manning & Company, Miami, National Football League, NFL, Tank Johnson, Terry "Tank" Johnson, Tony Dungy
dont think so, colts in a landslide and maybe the loins in 2008!!!!!!!!!! fire matt millen
PNAMARBLE on February 4, 2007 at 6:30 pm