February 7, 2007, - 2:32 pm
Homeland Security, ICE Professional Responsibility Chieftess Protect Drug Smuggler Alien
By Debbie Schlussel
Last year, I was one of the first to write about the outrageous saga of the prosecution of Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos & Jose Compean (here and here).
Now serving sentences of at least 10 years each in federal prison because the Bush Administration wanted to make “examples” of them and aided and abetted a drug smuggler alien in the process, we’ve all read the stories, yesterday, about how they were put in prison facilities with illegal alien criminals, and violently attacked by them. Coincidence or deliberate? That’s very clear–It’s very predictable that if you put Border Patrol Agents in a prison with illegal alien criminals, they’ll certainly be attacked.
Today, the Department of Homeland Security “released” a 77-page “report” about the Office of the Inspector General investigation of the agents. It’s interesting that throughout the report, the illegal alien drug smuggler’s name is redacted and protected.

But more than that, it struck my attention that the name atop the investigation to whom it is written (See page 5 of the report) is the extremely disreputable and dishonest Traci Lembke a/k/a “The Cheater Chick.” Would love to know exactly what her role is in all of this. Clearly, she has some sort of involvement in this.
I’ve written about Ms. Lembke, who heads Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) OPR, on this site. The woman’s “investigations” are hardly that. She protects her friends and card-playing buddies and goes after her personal enemies with a vengeance.
And there are a lot of questions about improprieties and clear conflicts of interest regarding some of her “relationships” as they relate to ICE activities and outside business dealings. If anything, she’s the last woman who should be heading up OPR (and the first one OPR should be investigating), and that’s exactly why the incompetent ICE chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” picked her and made job conditions and hours lax and “flexible” for her.
I’ve had my own experience with Ms. Lembke, as a complaint I filed against Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian M. Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” is allegedly still being “investigated,” but almost two years later, I–the complainant–have yet to be interviewed by the the agent Lembke assigned to the case, Michael Finnerty. Some investigation.
For some reason, Lembke was personally overseeing the investigation of Abu Moskowitz. And that has everything to do with the fact that Lembke is friends with Abu Moskowitz from their days in Arizona, a fact she denied to me on the phone. But, sorry, I’m not into buying the land from the desert, which she was trying to sell me. There was so much audio-fertilizer coming from her end of the phone, it would have made several lawns grow.
So this is the woman whose name appears atop the investigation of these two mal-treated Border Patrol agents, and to whom the memo is addressed. And look inside the report. It protects the drug smuggler. Almost everywhere in which names are redacted, it’s the illegal alien drug smuggler talking.
This is how we “investigate” Border Patrol agents risking their lives and trying to do the job. And this is how we protect and reward the illegal alien drug dealers out to get them.
Again, what is Lembke’s involvement in this?
And the woman doing it is the new GrrlPower BFF (Best Friend Forever) of The ICE Princess. Another reason why both of them need TO GO.
Tags: Arizona, Bush administration, Debbie Schlussel Last, Department of Homeland Security, ICE Special Agent, Ignacio Ramos, Jose Compean, Julie L. Myers, Michael Finnerty, Michigan, Office of the Inspector General, Princess, Traci Lembke
Dear Debbie;
I heard about this on the Sean Hannity radio show today. This is so despicable. These two decent men were severly railroaded. The Bush administration should be ashamed of themselves for the way these guys were treated. They should also be ashamed of their nitwit illegal alien policies.
And everybody involved in this travesty of justice should be fired.
EJO on February 7, 2007 at 9:48 pm