November 7, 2007, - 4:39 pm
Men, the New Women, Alert: No, Balls of Yarn Are not Cojones
By Debbie Schlussel
In my ongoing examination of our society’s largely successful attempt to feminize America’s men (and masculinize the women), I’ve been watching the growing trend of knitting for boys and men. Just when less and less women in America are knitting, we compensate for it by . . . having young boys knit?! And men, too?! Yup, it’s been the craze for a couple of years or so.
The latest point on this downward decline of masculinity is the book, “Knitting With Balls: A Hands-On Guide to Knitting for the Modern Man.”

The book came out last year, but for some reason–ie., the growing push by stupid mommies to make their boys knit–it’s getting a lot of press now. Gushing press. One of my hometown newspapers raved about it over the weekend. I’m guessing the woman who wrote the review also likes her son to figure skate and is sending him to flight attendant school next.
Here’s a note for those who mistakenly think knitting is for men: It ain’t. Despite the title of this book, cojones do not equal balls of yarn and two wooden sticks. And the same holds true vice versa.
If you’re a scientist in a remote Antarctic camp of all men studying the extreme cold and you need a new scarf or hat, then knitting is okay. But, other than that, if you’re a guy, don’t scratch that itch. Knitting ain’t very manly.
Just an observation. If you must knit, the jockstrap does not fit.
For the record, I do knit. Or did. Takes waaaaay too long to make anything decent. It’s strictly for the very bored, IMO.
Tags: America, Antarctic, Debbie Schlussel, scientist
I disagree. Any man with an inclination to knit should be encouraged to do so. Rather such a poof occupy himself with that than other activities that would actually annoy the rest of us. If they knit instead, there would be no ACLU to harrass and molest American culture. They could knit holsters and winter socks for the troops, instead of trying to join the military themselves. Knitting could possibly solve many problems by giving such “men” something more productive to do with their idle hands.
melchloboo on November 7, 2007 at 5:36 pm