November 20, 2007, - 4:40 pm
Hmmm: If Only the Dutch . . .
By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Fought as hard for the life of Anne Frank (and the other Jews they let the Nazis take to slaughter) as they fight for the life of her . . . tree?!
Yup, the Dutch have their priorities straight. Go green, baby!
She was murdered by the Nazis in Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp (in Germany), the last camp in which my grandparents were imprisoned and worked (and where my mother was born after the war). My grandfather told me he remembered her, beyond emaciated and dying.
Remember – In the Netherlands: Trees, direly important. Jews, not so much.

Tags: Anne Frank, Bergen Belsen concentration camp, Debbie Schlussel, Germany, The Netherlands
The Dutch were a conquered people occupied by foreign invaders (the Nazis). I think the suggestion that the Dutch just “let” the Jews get taken off to concentration camps is a little dishonest.
JasonBourne81 on November 20, 2007 at 4:56 pm