December 14, 2007, - 10:56 am

The Feds Blow Two More Terror Cases: Sami Al-Arian Now FREE To Go?! Ditto for Miami Sears Tower Plotter

By Debbie Schlussel
On this site, I’ve repeatedly detailed the feds repeated losses in terrorism cases in court, most of which I’ve predicted (not a hard thing, given the feds’ track record). There was Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, then the Detroit Al-Qaeda terror cell (a case prosecutor Rick Convertino won, then the feds sabotaged it and asked the judge to throw out the convictions), then Sami Al-Arian and his co-defendants, then the Holy Land Foundation defendants, and so many more.
Score two more HUGE losses for our deliberately incompetent Department of “Justice” on the War on Terror.
Remember the Miami Muslims who plotted to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago? They trained in the martial arts in abandoned buildings in a warehouse district of Miami–exactly like the jihadist plot in Showtime’s first season of “Sleeper Cell.”


Convicted Islamic Jihad Terrorist Sami Al-Arian Going Free

Well, despite an FBI undercover informant and lots of evidence against the seven defendants, we lost . . . again.
Late yesterday, one of the seven–a lawful alien seeking citizenship–was acquitted and a mistrial was declared on the other six, as the jury of O.J.-The-Sequel actors was unable to reach a decision. Yet, more bad news that the feds fail to make their cases, with shoddy jury-picking, shoddy courtroom presentations, and “everything-but-the-kitchen-sink” presentations of even the most inconclusive evidence to dilute their cases against terrorists:

Some believed the government’s conspiracy case was strong because the seven defendants took an oath to al Qaeda and had videotaped alleged target sites.
But other jurors thought the defendants, especially ringleader Narseal Batiste, were simply trying to con thousands of dollars out of an FBI-directed informant, who infiltrated the group and led the seven men deeper into the alleged terrorism plot. . . .
Batiste and his men believed he was a member of the terrorist group and gave him lists for weapons, ammunition, vehicles and other resources for their fledgling Islamic army.
The challenge for prosecutors was proving the defendants’ criminal intentions to join the conspiracy — one that an FBI deputy director said was more “aspirational than operational.”

A problem with this case was that an Arabic FBI informant was paid $80,000 to persuade these Black mostly immigrants to take the Al-Qaeda oath and give them a camera to videotape sites to blow up. But, yet, with so many fervently Muslim Arabs (and other Muslims) in America who openly support and endorse terrorism, the FBI–instead of entrapping them as they did with these guys who are not as much the genuine article–sponsors their banquets and hangs with them in “outreach.”
This is why we are losing the domestic War on Terror and will continue to do so.
Then, there is Sami Al-Arian, the Islamic Jihad founder and worldwide chief in the ’90s. Despite the fact that he is a terrorist who–from our shores–openly financed bus bombings of innocent people, including the murder of New Jersey college student Alisa Flatow, he is about to go free. Why?
Well, ask your feds. Ask the incompetent Justice Department officials whose salaries you pay and who threw Al-Arian’s trial. Then, they made a deal with him–a plea agreement. Because Al-Arian knew that he beat a trial in Federal Court, would probably beat a retrial, but would lose in Immigration Court, where the standard and the judges are tougher, he and the feds made a deal.
He would cooperate in prosecution of Islamic charities in Northern Virginia, which were laundering money from the Saudis to Al-Qaeda (and had laundered mucho moola to Al-Arian and Islamic Jihad). He agreed to testify against them. In exchange, he was sentenced by a tough-acting judge to a soft five years in prison, which he’s now served. Then, he would be deported to Egypt, where a guy like that is a hero.
But Al-Arian refused to testify against the charities and other defendants. He violated the plea deal because, he claimed, he only meant to testify if people’s lives weren’t ruined, according to his lawyer, George Washington University law professor Jonathon Turley (thanks to Bill Warner for the tip). Hello . . . ? All such testimony destroys people’s lives–the people who deserve it because they committed crimes and ruined other people’s lives. So, did he get punished for that. Why, no. Of course, not.
Although originally, the federal judge put Al-Arian in contempt, the judge has now lifted that contempt order, pursuant to acquiescence by the feds.
Gee, way to get terrorists to abide by plea deals and testify against their compatriots. Why should they, if the agreement means nothing? If they are freed from jail anyway?
Now, Palestinian Al-Arian is going to Egypt to freedom and party-time. If you think he will give up his terrorist activity once he’s there and away from FBI/ICE scrutiny, think again. This will be the base of operations, from which he will share his expertise on how to terror fundraise in the U.S. and plan bus bombings of Jews. Love how we punish those terrorists.
A collective, non-stop laugh is coming out of the Muslim world. And they are laughing at you, America.
Congrats, your “justice” system is a circus. And the Islamic terrorists are P.T. Barnum. They’re running the show.

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2 Responses

The DOJ keeps advertising for criminal prosecutors in my district, and despite my initital misgivings about applying (discussed in your Convertino post) I was reconsidering and was going to send my resume. But again I have to ask if that isn’t just a fools errand, given the present state of the DOJ.

melchloboo on December 14, 2007 at 12:03 pm

Someone has to take these kinds of things in hand and do something. This is either more political backroom antics or incompetence and most likely a little of both. What can decent people do about this? EVERYTHING. We outnumber these idiots 1,000 to 1. Our only problem is that we don’t act often enough, or strongly enough.
I’m with Laura Ingraham (I know she isn’t always right, but on this she is). . .POWER TO THE PEOPLE. It is the way the nation was founded.
Chris Tune
Los Angeles, CA

Chris Tune on December 16, 2007 at 4:47 pm

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