January 10, 2008, - 1:09 am
Coinky-dink?: National Human Vacuum Cleaner Reappears at “Auspicious” Time
By Debbie Schlussel
Not sure if Barack Hussein Obama is paying her to suddenly be back in the news, but I’m one of those who believes that B. Hussein is as scary–and as sneaky–as Hillary Rodham Cankles. He just has a more GQ veneer to hide the wickedness, which makes him perhaps even more scary than the visible Wicked Witch of the West.
Anyway, TMZ reports that Monica Lewinsky is suddenly appearing all over the place. Hmmm . . . I wonder why. Timing is everything, and this is a timely reminder to America’s primary voters about what happened the last time a certain gruesome twosome occupied the White House. As the French would say, Quelle Coincidence – Whatta Coincidence.
So, here’s the latest photo. One prob: It would make more of a statement if the dress were blue. But, hey, Louis Vuitton gets an interesting product placement (check out the luggage) . . .

TMZ asks:
If Hillary becomes president, will Monica get her old job back?
Well, I heard the White House already has new vacuum cleaners. On the other hand, it reminds me that the campaign theme song for Bill Clinton appearances on the Cankles campaign trail should definitely be this ditty from the late Sylvester James . . .
Tags: America, Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Clinton, Cankles campaign trail, Debbie Schlussel, Hillary Rodham Cankles, Louis Vuitton, Monica Lewinsky, President, Sylvester James, White House
Weeeelllll, he does have that catchy islamic name to consider. Not to mention the rev that he admires so much and the connection to calypso louie. Yeah, it’s got to be a coincidence.
samurai on January 10, 2008 at 9:56 am