January 23, 2008, - 5:10 pm
Who Has a Harder Time Getting Into Canuckistan . . .
By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Islamic Terrorists or American Citizens?
If you answered the former, think again. If you answered the latter, you know our America’s neighbors to the north, well.
The fact is that while thousands of Muslims with terrorist backgrounds continue to flood into Canada, due to its lax immigration laws and lack of sufficient background checks (even more lax than our own in America), Canadians are getting tough on the evil, dangerous . . . Americans!:
Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to get into Canada, as border agents with better access to American criminal databases are turning people back for offenses ranging from assault to drunken driving to shoplifting. . . .
“An indiscretion can be anything from a DUI to when you were 18 and scalped tickets to a Red Wings game.” . . .

Randy Kutter, a firefighter from Princeton, Minn., had been taking fishing trips to Canada his entire life. But Canadian border agents barred him in 2005 because of two DUI convictions in the 1980s.
“I couldn’t fault any nation for trying to protect their borders,” Kutter said. “I think that people who have paid their debt to society need to be forgiven at some point.”
Although the United States has similar access to Canadian records the policy here does not appear to be as stringent. Michael Friel, a spokesman with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, says convictions for crimes like DUI, simple assault, disorderly conduct and breaking and entering do not make a person inadmissible to the United States.
Yup, this is the country that allowed many malefactors, like the Khadrs–a family of Bin Laden advisors and mujahideen (one of whom, Omar Khadr, is at Gitmo for trying to murder Americans), to enter, no questions asked. But when it comes to Americans, if you stole a pack of gum when you were 15, stay home, eh?!
If only our border agents, the guys from Customs and Border Protection, were allowed by higher-ups to be this tough. Or at least tougher on admitting Muslims–a significant portion of whom wish to do harm–into our midst.
Well, no-one ever accused Canad of not having a problem setting its national security priorities straight. This is the country, after all, that recently hauled conservative Ezra Levant to a star chamber to be inquisitioned over publishing Danish Mohammed cartoons.
Priorities, priorities.
“(Un)Welcome to Canada.”
Tags: advisors, America, bin Laden, Border Protection, Canada, Debbie Schlussel, Ezra Levant, Michael Friel, Minnesota, Omar Khadr, Princeton, Randy Kutter, spokesman, U.S. Customs, United States
That begs the question: Why would anyone want to go to Canada? Their health care? I can’t think of any reason, really. I’ve been to Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. Ho hum. Although I hear that Vancouver is beautiful and very un-Canadian. In other words, interesting.
lexi on January 23, 2008 at 5:59 pm