February 15, 2008, - 12:08 pm
Declining Nation: Disgusting “Dexter” Snuff Film Comes to CBS (Yet, No Libs Whining About “24”-Style Torture)
By Debbie Schlussel
In late 2006, I was scheduled to be on an ESPN show with Michael C. Hall, the actor who plays “Dexter”–on the eponymous hit Showtime series. The show was canceled, and, thankfully, I never met up with this creepy conspirator in the further coarsening of America.
After hearing rave upon rave about the “Dexter” series, I watched the entire first season on DVD over the holidays. I was thoroughly disgusted at this depraved, nauseating show about a police blood splatter expert who is also a serial killer. (And this program is schlocky, amateurish, and boring, too.) The disturbing news: CBS will now broadcast “Dexter,” beginning Sunday Night.
“Dexter” is nothing more than a multi-episode snuff film. The ruse that gives it a phony “kosher seal of approval” is that those “Dexter” slices to death are, themselves, bad people–drunk drivers, child molesters, killers. So what? That doesn’t make the violence, torture, and snuffing in this film any more palatable or acceptable. For those who think it does, you are fooling yourself into a distinction without a difference.

The show is graphic, sickening in its detailed display of brutal murders conducted by Dexter and those he “investigates,” and only contributes to America in a negative way. I love how liberal ACLU types complain about alleged “torture” on the PC “24,” but they don’t give a damn about such coarsened abominations like “Dexter,” which far outweigh shows like “24” in their desensitizing of and encouraging America to commit unspeakable dismemberment and other fatal violence. The torture on this show far eclipses anything you’ll see Keifer Sutherland’s Jack Bauer commit. But according to liberal doctrine, it is okay to torture to death fellow Americans, just not the terrorists who want to destroy us.
But, I reasoned, “Dexter” is only on Showtime, so it will never gain a wider audience, even with DVD releases. How wrong I was. Because of the now-defunct writers’ strike, CBS will show “Dexter”‘s entire first season, starting this weekend.
It’s yet another downward-marching benchmark in the decline of America. That such bloody slaughter and dismemberment would be shown on the free, conventional broadcast airwaves is a horrible thing.
CBS ought to be ashamed. I am sickened. We should all be outraged. But, sadly, we are not.
Too many Americans are already drinking the “Brawndo.” Just waiting until we have the House of Representin’ giving the makers of “Dexter” Congressional Medals of Honor.
[For readers who are unfamiliar with Brawndo and the House of Representin’, you must see the great movie “Idiocracy,” in which America has declined into a nation of complete idiots who drink a green drink called, “Brawndo,” that is sprinkled on fields to make sure no crops grow.]
Tags: actor, America, Brawndo, CBS, creepy conspirator, Debbie Schlussel, Dexter, Idiocracy, Jack Bauer, Michael C. Hall
Uhhh…. Deb… That would be “Brawndo”, THE THIRST MUTILATOR! (It’s got electrolytes). It’s got what plants crave. Yo! South Carolina, represent!
Yiddish Steel on February 15, 2008 at 1:33 pm