February 21, 2008, - 2:00 pm
Et Tu, Rick Springfield?: ’80s Pop Star’s “CoExisting” Dearbornistan Visit; Does “Jesse’s Girl” Wear a Hijab?
By Debbie Schlussel
Ever since 9/11, I’ve been annoyed by airhead celebs wearing those “CoExist” t-shirts with the Cross, Jewish Star/Star of David, and Islamic Crescent on them. They don’t want to “CoExist” with us as evidenced by their planes in buildings, their flying Imams, their women who want walls dividing men and women at gyms, etc., etc., etc.
Well, this weekend, ’80s pop star Rick Springfield performs in Dearbornistan. To advertise his appearance, he donned one of those dumb t-shirts. He thinks that’s a way to please the Islamofascists that increasingly populate the correspondingly-declining city. The problem is, he doesn’t understand that Muslims–when they reach critical mass, as they have in Dearbornistan–don’t believe in “coexistence.”
Springfield’s “coexistence” t-shirt didn’t go over too well, and the facility in which he’s performing this weekend–the Henry Ford Community & Performing Arts Center–had to resort to using a new photo of him in a suit jacket, this week, to advertise his performance there.

I admit that I was one of those swooning girls who loved Springfield in the ’80s. He was hot. I had his posters on my wall and still work out to the tune the great Sammy Hagar wrote for him, “I’ve Done Everything For You” (and some of Springfield’s other ’80s hits, which have a good tempo and pace for my workout routine). And I met (and found him to be very nice and charming, if somewhat gaunt) and interviewed Springfield for an article I wrote for The Detroit Newsistan before one of his Detroit-area concerts about a decade ago.
But I think he should stick to what all professional vocalists should do, “SHUT UP AND SING.” Stay out of politics. Muslims couldn’t care less about your “coexistence” message. They laugh at it.
But one thing is certain: Hagar’s “I’ve Done Everything For You” song sung by Springfield should be America’s anthem about Islam and Muslims.
We’ve done everything for them. They’ve done nothing for us.
Hey, Rick Springfield, Here’s How Dearbornistan “CoExists”:

Rick Springfield: That Was Then . . .

This is Now . . .

Tags: America, Debbie Schlussel Ever, Detroit, Performing Arts Center, Rick Springfield, Sammy Hagar
LetÔø?s run down the list:
1974: Springfield dated and lived with then 15-year-old actress Linda Blair. He considered it his first “grown up” relationship, despite nearly 10 years difference in their ages.
1985: Springfield took break from his musical career to spend more time with his family, and to deal with the depression that had affected him since his adolescence. He had also wrestled with depression in the 1970s, career troubles caused him to “hit the wall” and contemplate suicide.
In 2006, Rick Springfield became a citizen of the United States, but also retains his Australian citizenship.
Ok, besides the bullshine pandering T-shirt, I would think Springfield being an admitted pedophile is reason enough not to hand over your money to him.
Debbie, I think you might be wrong on this one. Mohammed was a pedophile too although he liked them a little younger than 15. Wasn’t Aisha 6 when they met and married when she turned 9 with the prophet at age 52 if memory serves me correctly? Sounds like he fits right in with the Mekkah boys of Dearborn.
A better question is why we give citizenship to trash like this with known mental deficiencies.
West Dearbornistan on February 21, 2008 at 3:58 pm