March 10, 2008, - 6:31 pm

A Little Late: Family of Pancho Villa Assassin Wants $ From U.S.

By Debbie Schlussel
One question arises from this story:
Why did they wait so long to ask for the moolah?
Oh, and one other thing. Here’s an obvious tip: Any time someone asks for money and says it’s about “honor, not about money,” guess what? It’s about the money.

Nearly 85 years after he was killed in an ambush, Francisco “Pancho” Villa is remembered in this border town as both a revolutionary hero and the man who invaded the United States on a March morning 92 years ago today.
A statue of him riding his horse Рgun drawn, hat pulled back – romanticizes his exploits.


But for the family of Jose Saenz Pardo, one of Villa’s assassins, the statue is a reminder of a $50,000 reward he never received, a bounty reportedly offered by Uncle Sam for Villa’s capture or death.
“At this stage, it’s a question of honor, not about money,” said Maria Fernanda Carrillo Saenz Pardo, 28, Mr. Saenz Pardo’s granddaughter, who lives in Ciudad Juarez and works in El Paso. “We want the United States to make good on its word. They wanted Villa, dead or alive. We fulfilled our end of the bargain.”
Although historians have noted the reward in accounts of the time, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City said the U.S. government offered no reward. She said a resolution authorizing a $50,000 bounty was introduced in Congress but apparently never passed.
In 1916, no one was more hunted than Villa.
On March 9 of that year, he and 500 of his men crossed from Palomas and launched an early-morning raid on Columbus, N.M.
They killed 18 Americans, including eight soldiers. Outraged, President Woodrow Wilson sent Gen. John “Black Jack” Pershing to hunt down Villa.
Villa’s motives for the invasion remain a topic of debate, although one theme remains constant: Villa felt betrayed by the Americans, who had once befriended him. Two years before, Gen. Pershing had posed for a photo with Villa at Fort Bliss, outside El Paso.
But the Americans later aligned themselves with Villa’s hated foe and political rival, Venustiano Carranza, who became president. The Columbus raid was Villa’s revenge, according to historian Friedrich Katz, author of The Life and Times of Pancho Villa.
Even today, zeroing in on Villa’s legacy is no easy task. He is both revered as a hero of the revolution launched in 1910 and remembered as a notorious border bandit and killer. He was a leader in toppling Mexico’s dictator, Porfirio D??az, and was later named provisional governor of the northern state of Chihuahua. Many still view him as a defender of the people.
The Saenz Pardo family is among those who see Villa as a hardened criminal who made enemies throughout Mexico. This is particularly true in Chihuahua, they say, where he seized some of the most prized haciendas from wealthy families for his personal use.
He and his gunmen also angered many by killing their loved ones, including several family members of Mr. Saenz Pardo. That bad blood, not a reward, is the reason Jose Saenz Pardo helped kill Villa, they say.

Yeah, but, um, now, they want money.

Years later, Mr. Saenz Pardo did find Villa. Said to be motivated by the deaths of his two brothers-in-law, an uncle and two cousins, he joined his cousin Militon Lozoya and five other men and planned Villa’s assassination. . . .
The gunmen rode into the desert and hid out. Two of them later served months in jail. Others, including Mr. Saenz Pardo, were commissioned into the military. He later received a military pension, underscoring suspicion by historians that the men had a deal with President ?Ålvaro Obreg??n that they wouldn’t be punished for assassinating Villa.
“My father-in-law made it clear that President Obregon knew about their plan and supported them,” said Jose Carrillo, Mar??a Fernanda Carrillo’s father. “That’s why he had military status and military escort for many years.”

Then git yer money from Mexico. We’re only supporting their whole economy with our jobs and welfare benefits going to that country’s people. Time for Mexico to contribute something. Here’s a great opportunity.
Sadly, Villa is remembered as a hero, not just as an anti-American terrorist.

Today, Columbus will observe the 92nd anniversary of Villa’s raid, still a source of local debate. For example, a decision by the state of New Mexico to name a local park Pancho Villa State Park is something that many locals, including historian and archivist Richard Dean, want reversed.
“There’s an awful lot of people who want to change that, given that he was a terrorist,” said Mr. Dean, 75, whose great-grandfather James Dean died in the raid. “That group came in and killed my grandfather. The name has to change.”

The man who assassinated Villa, whose descendant is now demanding money, clearly did so out of a vendetta motivation and a deal with the Mexican government. This is not our responsibility. The interest on this money would be enormous. But we are already paying billions more than that to Mexico’s citizens in the form of jobs, benefits, and other things they steal from America by virtue of being here illegally.
That’s enough. Let Mexico pay this woman.

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17 Responses

I personally know of a man (white gringo) whose father served in Pancho’s military during the revolution. Ironically, their neighbor in Mesa, Arizona was none other than General Pershing who was a friend of the family. This man (the son) went on to fly the B-24 Liberator during WW2 and later served in the OSS and CIA. The father was for a time based in Cuba and thus the family did spend quite a number of years there. The father and son being baseball “freaks”, they included one of the neiboring kid in their evening games. Guess who the kid was? Yes, none other than Fidel himself.

rj pad on March 10, 2008 at 8:26 pm

Ooops, I forgot to add a little more. The family did aquire some property in Cuba after falling in love with the land. When Fidel came to power, he seized their property which led to their falling out. By then the son was already in the CIA and his Cuban experience came in handy when the planning for Bay of Pigs took place. However, during the planning he became suspicious. He felt the USA was not seriously committed in the enterprise. Not wanting to be seen as betraying his Cuban “brothers” who had volunteered for the invasion, this man quit. Both JFK and RFK tried to silence him. He is in his 80s now and still lives in Mesa,AZ. Lastly, he was one of the first group of operatives sent by the OSS to Palestine to help train the Hagannah forces but he quickly returned and told his superior “Sir, these guys can fight better than us!!”. Strangely, for all of Pancho Villa’s misdeeds on American soil, he is still proud of his dad’s service in Pancho’s army.

rj pad on March 10, 2008 at 8:37 pm

rj pad once again illustrates that truth is stranger than fiction

ParaLyzer on March 10, 2008 at 9:27 pm

Dear Debbie-
Thanks for running this interesting site. I’m struggling though with some of your logic on these issues. Also, for a woman who claims to be so unbelievably educated in this arena I find it hard to reconcile your racist ideology on the religion of Islam. According to your logic, all Muslims are evil and you can produce explicit suras from the Qur’an that support your thesis? I do have to apologize, I’m just a simple High School Religion teacher, certainly not a lawyer or fluent in Arabic or an “undercover Muslim” (!) but I typically teach my students that it’s not really a neato idea to hate entire groups of people. Making this whole situation all the more baffling is that you mention your parents are holocaust survivors. I mean, this is a joke right?
Stumbling across two or three or your articles on-line led me to believe you were some meaningless hate-monger who would spew uninformed rhetoric to get a rise out of people. But if your political resume is real then it would appear as though some people have granted you credibility. Leading me back to me initial question. This is a joke right? I mean, a person with your background, education and linguistic skills can’t possibly be this bigoted can they?
Patiently waiting on your thoughtful response,
Kevin J Kery
PS- reposting a Dallas Morning News article counts as investigative reporting now?
PPS- I’m so sorry, there’s just so much to talk about! You describe yourself to your fanclub as “Attorney, Columnist, and Hip, Conservative Info-Babe Commentator, Debbie Schlussel is the VRWC’s latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator” referring to your looks so often has got to be an indicator that this is all a con right? I mean, I’ve never seen Bart Erhman or John Meier (if you haven’t heard of them they’re actual Theologians, you know, people who’s opinion on religion actually matters) refer to anything but their body of work (that was a terrible pun, but come on, you have to see the irony here!)

kkery2 on March 10, 2008 at 11:02 pm

>kk .. your racist ideology on the religion of Islam. According to your logic, all Muslims are evil and you can produce explicit suras from the Qur’an that support your thesis?
KK where have you been hibernating? The vast majority of violence in the world against innocents comes from Islam. Pakistan, India, Iraq, Sudan, Spain, UK etc.
There has never been a significant protest by so called moderate Muslims against all this unprovoked violence.
If you want quotes from the Koran, visit Jihad Watch and you will find reading for the next 3 months of violent and threatening statements.
kk> .. but I typically teach my students that it’s not really a neato idea to hate entire groups of people.
I guess you love the Nazis and the KKK. We wouldn’t want to discriminate against whole groups of people, would we?
kk> Making this whole situation all the more baffling is that you mention your parents are holocaust survivors. I mean, this is a joke right?
Your “logic” here escapes me. Someone who has a history of being persecuted by a very large group of people, should especially be wary when all the evidence points in a certain direction.
kk> I mean, a person with your background, education and linguistic skills can’t possibly be this bigoted can they?
Not bigoted. Just aware. I stand agape at how unaware you seem of the situation in the world and even in our country.
kk>I mean, I’ve never seen Bart Erhman or John Meier (if you haven’t heard of them they’re actual Theologians, you know, people who’s opinion on religion actually matters)
Why does their opinion matter?
Wake up and smell the coffee and rise beyond your ultra liberal platitudes.

Facts of Life on March 11, 2008 at 12:48 am

My Kevin. if you are a religious teacher in anything but a Mosque, i suggest you study religion. Your ignorance of Islam borders upon the absurd. Why do you not learn a bit more. Take a vacation, with your daughter, to Saudi Arabia. Take the Mecca tour.

Pat on March 11, 2008 at 1:57 am

Villa was NOT one of the good guys. You can read about his raid on Columbus. It was murder by anyone’s account, and in no way justified. His activities in Mexico were no more honorable. He is loved in Mexico for killing Americans. They forget that he did the same in their country.

Burt on March 11, 2008 at 11:32 am

Pancho Villa suffered from terminal bad sombrero syndrome. The assassin family’s claim reminds me of black and/or Jewish reparation claims. Remember the two Auschwitz survivors that actually dared sue the Bush family for Prescott Bush’s Union Banking ties to Thyssen making them do slave labor? Yeah, what gall! Like The Bushes or anyone after a half-century should have to pay for their granddady’s atrocities. Sheesh!
FoL wrote: ” The vast majority of violence in the world against innocents comes from Islam. Pakistan, India, Iraq, Sudan, Spain, UK etc.”
Not entirely true. The number of innocent civilians killed by the US ARMY is at least equal, if not greater than all those, save for the Sudan. Not to mention the number of lives lost in the UN Iraq embargo, and those lost via the Afghanistani opium traffic the US and UK restored and now protect, now up to 92% of the world total.
Come on, Kevin K, in spite of the self-parodying aura, this is not some sort of campy joke. This is a woman for our time.
Think of a female Geraldo. Is that any better? (Gag…I think I just threw up a little)
The Holocaust Heiress thing commingled with the bigotry and rich GOP Neo-Nazi legacy sooooo kinkily guilds this lily.
Now, if she’d only wear hobnail black patent leather stilettos on FOX, she’d bury O Reilly in the ratings, but I digress! 🙂
Ms. S’s daringly subversive er…skeptical take on 9/11 could get her a free ride to an all-season spa/camp in a KBR cattle car packed with liberals in the near future.
Mr. Kery, let me put it simply, in a way anyone can understand: Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Debbie Schlussel.
Is that any clearer?
yawning gulf

yawninggulf on March 11, 2008 at 12:39 pm

Yawning one,
>YG FoL wrote: ” The vast majority of violence in the world against innocents comes from Islam. Pakistan, India, Iraq, Sudan, Spain, UK etc.”
>YG Not entirely true. The number of innocent civilians killed by the US ARMY is at least equal, if not greater than all those, save for the Sudan. Not to mention the number of lives lost in the UN Iraq embargo, and those lost via the Afghanistani opium traffic the US and UK restored and now protect, now up to 92% of the world total.
The people killed by the US army are either enemy combatants or guilty civilians, the type that collaborate with the enemy or don’t bother to get out of the way when we are killing the bad dudes.
In any case, all the numbers claimed for US Army casualties are inflated false Leftist damn lies and statistics financed by Sorrows (purposely misspelled).
>YG Think of a female Geraldo.
Why, Yawning Gulp, Geraldo is one of your type of guys. Why make fun of him?
YG> The Holocaust Heiress thing commingled with the bigotry and rich GOP Neo-Nazi legacy sooooo kinkily guilds this lily.
The Nazis happen to have been Leftists of the ilk of the current crude lot. Check it out.
>YG Ms. S’s daringly subversive er…skeptical take on 9/11 could get her a free ride to an all-season spa/camp in a KBR cattle car packed with liberals in the near future.
My, my the typical friendly Liberal death wish. What is KBR?
>YG Mr. Kery, let me put it simply, in a way anyone can understand: Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Debbie Schlussel.
I guess you feel intimidated by intelligent women. Foul mouthed Wonkette or Huffpo more your speed? or maybe Hoprah?
Most of the hatred and intolerance on the web by far comes from the sanctimonious Left.

Facts of Life on March 11, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Debbie’s Hot

tita2juju on March 13, 2008 at 1:34 am

Hey!!! you are on Mexican soil!!!! which you stole!!!

Hugo on April 7, 2010 at 11:24 am

Why would Mexico pay a person a reward for assassinating a hero?? Americans admired him but the politicos wanted a puppet in charge and turned on him.
He helped oust a dictator who opressed the people for 30 years. learn to read history (both sides).
The American Ambassador conspired with General Huerta to assassinate Fransisco Madera, a man who was striving to make Mexico a Democracy.

bob in exile on July 4, 2010 at 11:40 pm

Funny how much scape-goating goes on, trying to justify their cultural hate of my brown brothers,so the deed was done , he’s dead it makes little difference now. Money should be of little importance since it was not given directly to Militon Lozoya or Prado.The attack by via Palomas was a result of bad munitions sold by a gun dealer in Colombus which cost Villa to loose a battle. The pancho villa park should keep it’s name. Just like no money should be spent on useless expenditures.

j on December 3, 2012 at 1:09 am

well its sorry that maria carrillo saenzpardo is asking for this reward when the saenzpardos are wealthy. Im also a grandson and my grandpas is still alive to tell me the whole story over and over. even though there are alot of us out there who are related to this story there had to be one to ruin the whole story to this she needs to get a better job. If you want the real story get a hold of me at this email. personally i can take you there because my grandpa is still alive if you want a documents get a hold of me. But the reward they can have as long as I know the truth.

edgar vazquez saenzpardo on October 23, 2013 at 11:27 am

What a racist woman, I have the last name too, I don´t want any money!!! this woman is absurd and idiotic!! and a racist!!

hugo saenz on January 12, 2014 at 11:54 pm

Oh by the way “Sclussel”!!! where do you think your ancestors came from? Inmigrants yeah!!! thay are not native americans!!! Schlussel!!!

hugo saenz on January 12, 2014 at 11:56 pm

I agree on not giving any money to the family but us(i m usa citizen), paying billions to the mexicans, are you idiot?, after all the ilegal invasions our ancestors did in Mexico stealing their territory in the most ilegal way?, you are definatelly idiot.

Justin on December 10, 2018 at 4:36 pm

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