July 9, 2008, - 11:09 am
Conservative?: Sean Vannity Promotes Leftist Ted Koppel’s “Insights,” Anti-Semite Buchanan . . . Again!
By Debbie Schlussel
As much as he wishes he were Rush Limbaugh, yesterday offered us yet another insight to why Sean Hannity will never even come close. He’s simply a clueless individual who doesn’t know much about being conservative unless he’s mimicking what he just hear on Rush’s show or repeating some talking points the FOX News producers provided him.
Yesterday, on his nationally syndicated radio show and on his FOX News TV show, Vannity not only featured, but gushed over, both left-wing “journalist” Ted Koppel and anti-Semite Pat Buchanan.
On his radio show, Vannity gushed to Koppel. “Don’t be a stranger. We love having you on, and we love hearing your insights.” Perhaps one of Hannity’s tutors needs a refresher on just who Koppel is. For over two decades, Ted Koppel hosted a nightly late-night news show in which he repeatedly took up the mantle of left-wing causes. In the few occasions when “both side” of an issue were provided, he was condescending and rude to the conservative and helped the liberal along with friendly, softball questions. “Nightline” would have been more appropriately called “Leftline.”

Now, with a gazillion cable channels and the internet, Koppel has basically disappeared from the scene. He was ousted by ABC from “Nightline,” the ratings of which sagged tremendously in his last years at the helm. And he considered taking a job at Al-Jazeera’s English language network. That’s how anti-American and left-wing Ted Koppel is. But, instead, Koppel took a job doing documentaries for the Discovery Channel. Still, he is basically out of the limelight.
So, who swoops in to rescue and promote Koppel and his documentary glorifying the Chi-Comms? None other than Sean Vannity. You’d never see this from Rush Limbaugh. Rush regularly and rightfully lambasted Koppel and his one-sided nightly “news” show. It’s simply nauseating to see, now that Koppel has fallen into relative obscurity, to see a so-called conservative–Sean Hannity–promote him and push him back into the mainstream.
Then, there’s Sean’s other friend, Pat Buchanan. As I recently told you, Vannity promoted Buchanan and praised and gushed over him and his new pro-Hitler book. But once wasn’t enough. Vannity promoted this draft-dodger–whom he calls “a great American”–on his radio and TV show again, last night.
Nauseating. And it should put the lie to Sean Vannity’s claimed pro-Israel positions. Sure, Vannity spouts the pro-Israel line. But it’s not heart-felt. He does it because he knows that, today, you really can’t be a star in the conservative movement if you’re not pro-Israel. It’s all an act for him. Otherwise, why would he promote this blatant anti-Semite Buchanan, the left-wing/anti-Israel Ted Koppel’s “insights,” and have been friends with neo-Nazi Hal Turner?
A refresher on some of the things Sean Vannity’s “Great American” Pat Buchanan said about Jews:
* Read Meryl Yourish’s “Pat Buchanan: Hitler’s Willing Prevaricator“.
Reader Thee Bruno:
William Buckley, years ago, said that Pat Buchanan was an anti-Semite and wrote a very long article in his National Review magazine supporting his charges.
Pat Buchanan said that Desert Storm was a war started by G.H.W. Bush at the behest of Israel.
Pat Buchanan engaged in Holocaust revisionism as to his defense of John Demjanjuk, the notorious SS guard at the Treblinka death camp during WWII, saying that its gas chambers could not have inflicted so many deaths.
Pat Buchanan & Sean Hannity: Perfect for each other.
Reader Charles:
I don’t know if you read his recent insane article, “Was the Holocaust Inevitable?” As I read it I knew the man had finally lost his mind. He first says Germany did not want any of it’s land back from the Versailles treaty!? Are you kidding me, that is how Hitler rose to power. He preached it! He sent troops into the Rhine to take it back! Those territories were where its’ industrial heartland! Second Hitler did take some of the French fleet when they surrendered. When we began our landings of North Africa they were firing on us! Second, Hitler was building a fleet, but rushed ahead with war. There were plans for a German aircraft carrier but they were scrapped. Hitler’s problem was he was impatient. He built defenses in the Rhine because if his invasion failed he needed defenses to bring troops back from the east! Brittan only lost her empire because of FDR. Churchill never wanted to give it up, but FDR forced him to. Too many conservatives still let him on the air. Another one of them is Laura Ingraham. She is another one who needs to be told to keep this jackass off the airwaves. When he is finally marginalized in the conservative movement I am throwing a big party.
Bottom line on Sean Vannity: When he’s not plagiarizing the work of others, the man is completely clueless and promotes the likes of Buchanan and Koppel.
If you promote the views of anti-Semites and leftists, you are no different than they are.
Pawn Vannity?
Radio contract with ABC.
TV contract with FauX.
Pushes DisneyWorld. (ABC)
Is he Democan or Republicrat?
Great American putz.
F Islam.
Nuggler on July 9, 2008 at 12:55 pm