August 7, 2008, - 10:36 am
World Peace in a Passport: More Wisdom from Half of the Ambiguously Gay Damon-Affleck Duo
By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site and elsewhere over the years, world travel and more exposure between cultures and countries doesn’t help us at all. In fact, it hurts us. The Muslims who come here from other countries hate us even more. Sayyid Qutb, Osama Bin Laden’s late spiritual guru, hated the West even more after he went to college in Greeley, Colorado and saw–horror of horrors–men and women ballroom dancing. Oh, and those 19 men a few years ago who mingled with Americans for months and then murdered 3,000 of ’em? Hmmm . . . .
But don’t tell that to Matt Damon, the femme half of the ambiguously gay Damon-Affleck duo (which, by the way, endorsed Barack Hussein Obama). Nope, that “genius” Damon–who, like Red Ben, likes the anti-American screeds of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn–has the solution for world peace . . . in a passport.
Damon tells the September issue of Conde Nast Traveler (out August 19th):

He wishes that Americans were less insular, and quotes the fact that only 21 percent of Americans have passports. “I think many of our problems as a country would be solved if people had thick passports,” he says. “There’s just no substitute for actually going and seeing things.”
Yes, gas would be back to 91 cents a gallon, if only we all tried to get permission from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to visit (except the Joooos, who aren’t supposed to be there).
And the rising inflation and unemployment in America would be instantly solved, if we all just traveled to Fiji.
By the way, Matt Damon, did you perchance see the passport of Mohammed Atta? He travelled to Hamburg, to other parts of Europe including purportedly the Czech Republic, to his native Egypt, to America, etc. I’d say he had a “thick passport.” He saw America. He went and saw The Pink Pony. And guess what? That didn’t stop him from murdering 3,000 Americans.
Ditto for Bin Laden’s passport. Much thicker than Damon’s.
There are plenty of Americans who’ve never ventured outside our borders. And I’d take them, any day, over “world travellers” like Damon, George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Madonna, to run America.
“Actually going and seeing things” abroad doesn’t make America better. It only helps the travel industry and someone else’s economy–usually the economy of those who hate us.
Jimmy Carter’s passport is pretty thick, too. Anyone want him back in the White House?
Deb, I think your criticism of Damon is unjustified. Americans getting passports, traveling abroad and learning more about the world is a good thing. And in the article, Damon mostly addresses the problems of Africa, particularly Darfur.
Norman Blitzer on August 7, 2008 at 12:48 pm