August 29, 2011, - 4:53 pm
BSPN: ESPN’s Liberal Double Standard for Paul Azinger on Obama
If you work at ESPN, you can utter all the liberal, race-baiting crap you want. But if you are a conservative, well, the corporate line is shut the heck up.

ESPN: No Conservative Tweets for Azinger; Just Liberal Insults & Cries of “Racist!” From Fowler
You may have heard about pro golfer and ESPN golf commentator Paul Azinger’s tweet on Twitter (follow me on Twitter) over the weekend. It was about golf, Barack Obama, and jobs, and it was spot on.

ESPN, though, got very upset, publicly chastising Azinger that politics are not allowed. And, yet–and, yet–ESPN had no prob with its uber-liberal college football moron Chris Fowler using ESPN’s airwaves (not his own private Twitter account, like Azinger) to call all of us who did not vote for Barack Obama, “racist.”
In fact, ESPN did nothing publicly to chastise Fowler as it did with Azinger, and ESPN only responded privately in a few e-mails after I and readers repeatedly badgered network publicists. USA Today TV sports columnist Michael Hiestand declined to write about Fowler after I contacted him about it, but he wrote about Azinger. Yet another double standard.
So, the lesson learned here isn’t that ESPN doesn’t want its employees engaging in political commentary. It’s that it doesn’t want its employees engaging in conservative political commentary.
ESPN . . . Extra Stupid Progressive Numbskulls.
Get this: after ESPN admitted to me in writing what Chris Fowler said and did was wrong, he now claims he never said it (in his tweets to me, today, on Twitter). Maybe they should change the name to BSPN.
Tags: Barack Obama, BSPN, Chris Fowler, conservative, ESPN, liberal, Obama, Paul Azinger, racist, tweet, Twitter
I said it before and I will keep repeating it to everyone who will listen. Contact the sponsors of these shows, and tell them you will boycott them as long as they continue their sponsorship. Tell them why. Corporations hate boycotts.
Quit whining and do something constructive to stop this hatefest against conservatives.
Jonathan E. Grant on August 29, 2011 at 5:19 pm