September 21, 2011, - 6:20 pm
IHOP Jihad UPDATE: Raided Managers Were Previous Terror Suspects
Another update on the jihadist IHOP franchises owned by Tarek Elkafrawi a/k/a Terry Elk a/k/a “Terry Elks.” While you watch this video (the station doesn’t give embed codes, so you have to click on the link to watch) remember that these morons in local Midwestern TV news don’t know what they are talking about. (The aging fratboy reporter can’t even pronounce the name Tarek properly. It’s “TAHR-ik,” not “Tuh-REEK.”) In fact, these Egyptians were never “cleared” or “exonerated” of involvement with terrorism back in 2001. They merely weren’t charged because there wasn’t enough evidence to convince an O.J. Simpson/Casey Anthony jury or because we need to be kind to Muslims who take advantage of us. Also note that YES, in fact, the raids on the IHOPs in Ohio and Indiana, yesterday, were connected to a terrorism investigation. I know this FOR A FACT. I know that the Joint Counterterrorism Task Force headed up the investigation and I even know the names of some of the agents and what they work on. So, ignore these morons when they say it’s “not” connected to terrorism. I know a lot more and that will be forthcoming in the next few days. Stay tuned.

Today’s IHOP raids are reminiscent of the case of the Crazy Tomato restaurant on Green River Road a month after the terror attacks of 9-11.
And there is a connection.
The manager of the IHOP in Evansville, Tarek Omar, was one of the nine men detained in the Crazy Tomato case.
The men were Egyptian and about half of them worked for the Crazy Tomato. They were suspected of having material information on terrorist activity. But after being detained and interrogated in Chicago, they were exonerated and released.
Again, they were never “exonerated.” That’s just BS. And, as I said, I’ll be telling you a whole lot more about this very soon.
Tags: 9-11, 911, Crazy Tomato, Egyptian, Egyptian Muslim, Evansville, FBI, Hamas, ICE, IHOP, Illegal Aliens, illegal workers, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Indiana, International House of Pancakes, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorist money laundering, Islamic terrorists, Jihad, Joint Terrorism Task Force, JTTF, money laundering, Muslim, Ohio, Palestinian, Sunni, Sunni Muslim, Sunni Muslims, Talmadge Road, Tarek Elkafrawi, Tarek Omar, Terry Elk, Terry Elks, Toledo
“Good shootin’, son. What’s your name?”
“DEB-BIE”* (from “Robocop”)
Once again, you nailed it, Debbie. These filthy interloping terrorists will never rest easy while you’re on the job.
DS_ROCKS! on September 21, 2011 at 6:28 pm