February 20, 2007, - 2:28 pm

Riding in a Cab While Infidel Update

Did we learn a thing from 9/11? Hardly, based on reports that , had previous run-ins with the police, including a high-speed chase to evade police. And he stole a car. Model “Religion of Peace” member, this guy. So why is he here–and why was he free to drive in a cab and attempt murdering at least two of his passengers?
Independent Conservative, who correctly surmised that the cabbie is Somalian, is on the case and has the details and media links.
There’s a reason that whenever I’m in a cab with a driver I suspect is Muslim or an Arab, I hide my Hebrew jewelry and avoid discussing politics and religion. My life depends on it, as we are now at risk in our own country–thanks to the PC forces who’ve made that so. And this is simply more proof. And by the way, don’t forget that at least one of the men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a cabbie.

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15 Responses

Why are we importing Muslims into this country at a time of war with some of their fellow IslamiNazis? If you can’t tell a good Muslim from a bad one, err on the side of caution and stop them all. We didn’t import members of the German Nazi party into this country during WW2. Why bring in someone with a contageous disease? Islamism is a diseased threat to freedom.

FreethinkerNY on February 20, 2007 at 2:43 pm

WASHINGTON — President Bush instructed the nation’s new spy chief to focus on finding more recruits with the language skills and cultural background to collect information on al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.
In other words, rather than spend the money on language – which had they done that starting in 2001 there would be a BUNCH of up and running translators – Bush has forced open the classified door to al qaeda.
Lets see how the clearance program works… Backround checks amongst all your moslem buddies? Check. Poly for someone with a culture of lying to infidels? Check.
Golden keys to our classified material? Check and checkmate.
And you are worried about taxi drivers?

infidel! on February 20, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Dear Debbie,
Has anyone confronted President Bush on any of this?
What is he thinking? I’m sure he has all the information to help him make intelligent decisions and THIS is what he does!!!!! I am stunned!! What can we do????Who can we call to complain???

Theawakenedone on February 20, 2007 at 5:19 pm

I think Bush needs to start drinking again because, obviously, the stress is starting to show by way of his half-assed and irrational decisions he makes, and by the people he appoints who are charged with protecting America.
This is the kind of crap you get when LIBERALS are in charge of changing immigration policy (going back to the mid ’60’s) and continuing to this day. On the one hand you have the LIBERALS who are hell-bent on destroying America by importing poverty, by importing disease, by importing the unskilled and the uneducated and lying about it by saying it’ll make America stronger..and on the other hand, you have feckless Republicans who are afraid to be called racist and xenophobic if they dare do or say anything to change it.
My advice is the same as always: Boycott ALL muzlum businesses (including cabs) and ostracize them.
Heil allah!

Thee_Bruno on February 20, 2007 at 5:40 pm

This incident where a Muslim taxi driver tries to run down 2 people over a religious argument reminds me of another incident. I think it was 2 years ago when a Muslim was selling pirated CDs or DVDs out of his car at a strip mall parking lot, maybe in Ohio. 2 Christians were doing evangelism and handed out tracts and talked to him. Next the Muslim guns them down, killing one and injuring the other, if I recall correctly. Anyway, can someone recall more detail on that and find a URL for me? Thanks.

Bruce Keegan on February 20, 2007 at 5:48 pm

Tell me Debbie, when you’re in a cab with an Arab Muslim driver, and you hide your Jewishness, do you guys get along? Are you treated with respect by the driver?
My point being, politics aside, aren’t we all the same deep down inside?

Norman Blitzer on February 20, 2007 at 6:17 pm

Abnormal Blitzed vomited;
“My point being, politics aside, aren’t we all the same deep down inside?”
Why don’t you ask any of your fellow barbarian muzlums that same question and you’ll get your answer with verses quoted from the qur’ an, such as;
1. Qur’an:9:88 “The Messenger and those who believe with him, strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in Allah’s Cause.”
2. Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
3. Qur’an:9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”
4. Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
5. Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
6. Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
7. Qur’an:9:14 “Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them.”
8. Qur’an:8:65 “O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.”
9. Qur’an:9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”
10. Qur’an:8:72 “Those who accepted Islam and left their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause with their possessions and persons, and those who gave (them) asylum, aid, and shelter, those who harbored themóthese are allies of one another. You are not responsible for protecting those who embraced Islam but did not leave their homes [to fight] until they do so.” [Another translation reads:] “You are only called to protect Muslims who fight.”
11. Qur’an:8:73 “The unbelieving infidels are allies. Unless you (Muslims) aid each other (fighting as one united block to make Allah’s religion victorious), there will be confusion and mischief. Those who accepted Islam, left their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause (al-Jihad), as well as those who give them asylum, shelter, and aidóthese are (all) Believers: for them is pardon and bountiful provision (in Paradise).”
12. Qur’an:47:4 “When you clash with the unbelieving Infidels in battle (fighting Jihad in Allah’s Cause), smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Thereafter either generosity or ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burdens. Thus are you commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam.”
13. Qur’an:2:193 “Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers.”
14. Qur’an:2:217 “They question you concerning fighting in the sacred month. Say: ëFighting therein is a grave (matter); but to prevent access to Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, to expel its members, and polytheism are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they make you renegades from your religion. If any of you turn back and die in unbelief, your works will be lost and you will go to Hell. Surely those who believe and leave their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause have the hope of Allah’s mercy.”
16. Qur’an:4:94 “Believers, when you go abroad to fight wars in Allah’s Cause, investigate carefully, and say not to anyone who greets you: ëYou are not a believer!’ Coveting the chance profits of this life (so that you may despoil him). With Allah are plenteous spoils and booty.”
You barbarian muzlum hordes have demonstrated for the last 1,400 years that you are incapable of letting people live in peace. You have demonstrated that you are nothing but evil, Satan-worshipping scum who are hell-bent on destroying any vestige of civilization.

Thee_Bruno on February 20, 2007 at 6:38 pm

I did an informal study that revealed only 10% of the cab drivers in one American city had documentation that allowed them to live and work in the U.S. These cab drivers had access to a major international airport- curbside.
First, they should have to have papers to get permits to pick up passengers at the airport.
Second, they don’t pay taxes on their tips, are paid with 1099’s improperly and don’t report their income honestly.
The Egyptian who murdered the El Al girl had driven a cab of sorts, an airport shuttle van, had he not he would not have known where the closet parking was enabling him to walk a much shorter distance thereby decreasing his odds of someone noticing his handgun and knives with his awkward walk or suspicious nature.
Check out Phoenix for example, chances are when you land some muslim Somali in a robe is going to direct you to his cousin’s cab. They’re so concerned with illegal immigration of Mexicans, they can’t see the threat from all sorts of muslim extremists at the f–king airport! Nasty.

code7 on February 20, 2007 at 8:01 pm

Oh, come on Norm.
Pedophiles, sadists, murderers and cannibals are also “all the same deep down inside” as you and I. Does that mean we have to accept their actions and beliefs?
If someone wants to kill or enslave me (as commanded in the qur’an) I don’t care if they are “all the same deep down inside”, I will fight against them.

WillPower on February 20, 2007 at 11:48 pm

We’re not talking about people who’ve committed crimes. I’m talking about the average Muslim who does live and work peacefully. You don’t have to accept anything, but there’s no need for hatred since the average American Muslim has done nothing wrong.
Hey, Will, when Jesus says to love your enemies, what does that mean to you?

Norman Blitzer on February 21, 2007 at 12:21 am

Perhaps we could use the “Rico” act in civil court to sue the employers for violating our rights under title 41.
Didn’t a nazi news paper in Cali get shut down this way? It was after they “inspired” some skinheads to kill a Ethiopian immigrant.
just thinkin, I’m no lawyer.

Walt from michigan on February 21, 2007 at 8:50 am

Abnormal Blitzed vomited up the following to bolster his propaganda;
“Hey, Will, when Jesus says to love your enemies, what does that mean to you?”
Jesus never said to lie down and let your enemies decapitate you, either. He said love your enemy, but He was speaking in terms of those who do not love you…those who may hate you. He was not speaking in terms of enemies who are armed and who want to murder you. Jesus never preached total pacifism. He never said to allow intruders into your home to murder you and your family. The early popes who fought the Crusades understood this. You, however, like a true deceptive muzlum, twist what God said to suit your own demonic goals. You muzlum swine always employ the same deception, yet you NEVER quote the qur’an as it pertains to kiling the infidel.
If you want to use some quotes, let see what mohammad, himself said;
1. Qur’an:9:88 “The Messenger and those who believe with him, strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in Allah’s Cause.”
2. Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
3. Qur’an:9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”
4. Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
5. Qur’an:8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”
6. Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
7. Qur’an:9:14 “Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them.”
8. Qur’an:8:65 “O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.”
9. Qur’an:9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”
10. Qur’an:8:72 “Those who accepted Islam and left their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause with their possessions and persons, and those who gave (them) asylum, aid, and shelter, those who harbored themóthese are allies of one another. You are not responsible for protecting those who embraced Islam but did not leave their homes [to fight] until they do so.” [Another translation reads:] “You are only called to protect Muslims who fight.”
11. Qur’an:8:73 “The unbelieving infidels are allies. Unless you (Muslims) aid each other (fighting as one united block to make Allah’s religion victorious), there will be confusion and mischief. Those who accepted Islam, left their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause (al-Jihad), as well as those who give them asylum, shelter, and aidóthese are (all) Believers: for them is pardon and bountiful provision (in Paradise).”
12. Qur’an:47:4 “When you clash with the unbelieving Infidels in battle (fighting Jihad in Allah’s Cause), smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Thereafter either generosity or ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burdens. Thus are you commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam.”
13. Qur’an:2:193 “Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers.”
14. Qur’an:2:217 “They question you concerning fighting in the sacred month. Say: ëFighting therein is a grave (matter); but to prevent access to Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, to expel its members, and polytheism are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they make you renegades from your religion. If any of you turn back and die in unbelief, your works will be lost and you will go to Hell. Surely those who believe and leave their homes to fight in Allah’s Cause have the hope of Allah’s mercy.”
16. Qur’an:4:94 “Believers, when you go abroad to fight wars in Allah’s Cause, investigate carefully, and say not to anyone who greets you: ëYou are not a believer!’ Coveting the chance profits of this life (so that you may despoil him). With Allah are plenteous spoils and booty.”
I could go on and on. I could quote from the hadiths and other such sources.

Thee_Bruno on February 21, 2007 at 10:05 am

I said nothing about hatred. I am talking self-defense. There is no hatred involved in defending oneself from death or enslavement. The hatred comes from the muslims who call Jews and Christians – pigs, monkeys and dogs. Are you aware that in islam only muslims are considered innocent? Infidels are NEVER deemed innocent. This is part of the pathology of islam, to avoid remorse they dehumanize their victims or project blame onto them.
As for the “average American Muslim”, how do you know they won’t turn into a jihadi overnight? That is what this post of Debbie shows. Two guys get into a cab, argue with the driver, who then tries to kill them. Also, tell the families of the SLC or Seattle shootings about the innocence of the “average American Muslim”. There may be American muslims who wish us no harm, but the qur’an instructs them to lie and deceive as well as to kill. So, how can I be sure the “average American Muslim” wishes me no harm?
As for Jesus’ statement from Matthew 5:44, the Greek word used is ‘agapao’. This is a ‘spiritual love’ usually describing the relationship between God and man. As such, I interpret it to mean two things. First, be forgiving to ones enemies, as Christ Jesus was on the cross. Forgiveness does not mean accepting or condoning evil. Nor does it deny one the right to self-defense. If a muslim tries to kill me, I should forgive him for trying, but I don’t have to stand passively and let him slit my throat. Second, do not dehumanize your enemies, as islam does. I do not consider muslims as less human than myself. But, I am aware that their qur’an commands them to convert, enslave or kill me. There is nothing unchristian about self-defense. Even the Catholic Church allows killing in self-defense as an exception to the Commandment not to kill.

WillPower on February 21, 2007 at 10:56 am

There is no doubt “love your enemies” and “turn the other cheek” are two of the hardest things to do in life. But as others have said, there is no requirement in Christianity to be pacifist.
In contrast to Judeo-Christian ethics, all Islamic ethics are situational—different rules apply to Muslims and non-Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot be innocent by definition. No 10 Commandments. No Golden Rule. No rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.
An honest read of the Koran shows that the vast majority of the verses pertain to distinguishing between Muslims and non-Muslims. As opposed to the 10 Commandments or the Beatitudes, Islam is all about discrimination.

JSobieski on February 21, 2007 at 2:58 pm

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