October 12, 2008, - 11:06 am
“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Illegal Aliens Brutally Attack Gay Georgetown Med Students; Finally FOX Outlet Says it , “They are MUSLIM”
By Debbie Schlussel
**** Bumped Up From Friday Morning, 10/10/08 on 10/12/08, 11:06 a.m.: Thanks to reader Gina for helping me with this important video:
If any of my tech savvy readers can figure out how to upload this video to YouTube, so I can post it here, please e-mail me. In the meantime, this is Must Watch Video.
Kudos to Washington, DC’s FOX 5, which had to the guts to identify by religion the two Muslim men who brutally attacked two gay Georgetown Medical students, telling them, “If you were in my country, we would stone you.” Glad they’re finally acknowledging this isn’t their country.
Both Muslim attackers, 19-year-old Saad Elorch and 19-year-old Abdulgader Ruddad, are illegal aliens who have previous criminal convictions for drugs and asault and are wanted for deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). And they’re not just Muslim, they’re religious Muslims, as evidenced by their mother’s hijab-encrusted visage on the video. Oh, and not so religious that it didn’t keep ’em from drinking alcohol and using the vodka bottle as part of the vicious attack. Here’s the complete story:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A pair of men charged with attacking two Georgetown University students went before a judge for the first time on Wednesday, but what happened in the courtroom came as a surprise to many.
Prosecutors say 19-year-old Saad Elorch and 19-year-old Abdulgader Ruddad targeted and taunted their victims, then assaulted one of them because they are gay. In court on Wednesday, Elorch, the alleged ring leader, jumped up and begged the judge to let him go. But the judge in the case denied his request.
After the hearing, the parents [DS: the mother was wearing a hijab–Muslim headscarf] of one of the men charged in the attack ran from cameras without saying anything to the media. Both Elorch and Ruddad were denied bond by the judge in the case.
Police say the two men approached two Georgetown University students early Friday morning, and Elorch allegedly asked them if they were gay.
On Tuesday, one of the victims talked exclusively to FOX 5. He said Elorch and Ruddad, who are both Muslim, began walking with the victim and his friend, and Elorch continued to shout homophobic comments. The victim claimed Elorch said if the two were in his country, they would be stoned to death.
Investigators say the victim began walking more quickly to get away, but turned around often to encourage his friend–who was walking in between Elorch and Ruddad–to hurry up. Then, investigators say Elorch told Ruddad to hit the man, and he did.
The victim told FOX 5 he was hit in the face with a vodka bottle the suspects had been drinking from, and he was knocked unconscious for about 30 seconds. The bottle used in the alleged attack hasn’t been found.
Police reports show the two men were quickly arrested, and investigators say Elorch then unleashed a rage of racial slurs on officers.
Both Elorch and Ruddad have prior convictions on charges like drug possession and assault. Elorch was on probation in Virginia at the time of the incident.
The two men are also now wanted by ICE and the U.S. Marshall Service for deportation, but that will wait until the outcome of the current proceedings.
Elorch and Ruddad will be back in court on November 12.
Where the heck has ICE been until now. They could have prevented this by deporting these two a long time ago.
Fortunately, the “Evil Zionist” judge denied them bond, so we know they’ll be forced to show up to court on that date.
Judge Weisberg, “Evil Zionist” judge, doing the work that some Americans–ICE–won’t do: Keeping violent criminal illegal aliens locked up.
Where they named because the students are gay? Usually its a matter of political correctness not to name Muslims as the attacking party. This is a case in which the Left’s support for both is caught in a culture cross-fire and leftists are blind to the fact that Muslim homophobia far exceeds loathing for homosexuality from other religious groups. Jewish and Christian believers want gays to stop assaulting traditional values like marriage and we’ll leave them alone. Muslims just want them dead, period.
NormanF on October 10, 2008 at 12:18 pm