November 9, 2011, - 2:29 pm
Mohammed Mahfouz: Your Day in “Islamic Modesty”
Since 9/11 we’ve repeatedly been lectured by public officials (from the President on down) and the media about Islamic “modesty,” as if Muslims’ sense of (and demand for) modesty–in many case, fraudulent–is somehow more important and more intent than the modesty of religious Christians and Orthodox Jews. This was especially hilarious when the media–and conservative Islamo-panderer Jeff Jacoby–got all upset over sexy female interrogators allegedly brushing their breasts against the backs of Islamic terrorists at Gitmo. Yup, the same Islamic terrorists and “modest Muslims” who hung out in strip joints and patronized hookers. Remember pious Muslim Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan’s fave hangout joint aside from the mosque? Strip clubs. And, as I’ve noted, the largest strip joints in the Detroit area are owned by rival Shi’ite Muslim families who claim they are sooooo modest. Now, comes yet another example of “Islamic modesty”–Mohammed Omar Mahfouz of Bullhead City, Arizona.

Methinks his idea of “modesty” is deciding between pasties or no pasties, and he predictably went with the “no pasties” choice, as they all do. And I wonder if he got his stash from his Shi’ite friends in the Bekaa Valley. On the other hand, his surname is the same as the key financier in the Al-Qaeda “Golden Chain” of Sunni money men, Khalid Bin Mahfouz.
Police arrested the manager and several dancers at a Fort Mohave nude strip club for allegedly selling marijuana.
An undercover operation was conducted at Dream Girls, located in the 5400 block of Highway 95, after detectives learned of possible drug and prohibited alcohol sales, according to Emily Montague with the Bullhead City Police Department.
Police executed a search warrant at the club Saturday night and arrested the manager, Mohammed Omar Mahfouz, 41, for possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale, sales of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and misconduct involving weapons.
During the course of the investigation, police discovered that Mahfouz was selling marijuana out of his vehicle at the business. Montague said police found a small quantity of marijuana, a digital scale and a handgun inside Mahfouz’s vehicle.
Religion of peace, g-strings, and a halal potato chip munchies. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
Remember, “Islamic Modesty” Looks. Like. This. . . .
Tags: Alcohol, Arizona, Bullhead City, dancers, digital scale, Dream Girls, Drugs, Emily Montague, Fort Mohave, handgun, islamic "modesty", marijuana, Mohammed Omar Mahfouz, Muslim Modesty, strip joint, strippers
That Muzzie with the G-string looks like she may have a hot body, but I bet her face looks like a meatloaf.
Jonathan E. Grant on November 9, 2011 at 2:46 pm