December 1, 2011, - 4:17 pm
“Wut I Lurnd in Kollij”: He, She & It Now Share Bathrooms, Dorms, Locker Rms
If the Occupy movement occupied anything, it should be colleges and universities across the country. Their parents paid for and/or they took out loans so they could take valuable, enlightening courses, such as the “The Biology & Art History of Lady Gaga and Her Monsters,” and now they can’t find any jobs to go with the skills they didn’t learn in college. College and university educations are the only things that have rapidly declined in value and yet rapidly increased in price. They are the only places where people teach an hour a week regurgitating notes and presentations they wrote up two decades ago, have job security and benefits for life, and earn well over $100,000 per year, plus generous benefits, including full medical. Now, colleges and universities have stepped up their roles as far-left re-education camps, teaching kids not how to think or produce things of value, but how to appreciate not just the opposite sex, but the used-to-be opposite sex that now parades as the same sex. If I were a parent, I would refuse to help pay for college if my child lived in a dorm with only he/she/it bathrooms.

Male, female, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender — labels don’t matter at Iowa’s Grinnell College. Students can share a dormitory room, bathroom, shower room or locker room with any of the above, if they choose.
This year, the private liberal arts college on the Iowa prairie has added a gender-neutral locker room to its mix of gender-neutral options. It’s the most recent step for the school, which became the state’s only college to offer a gender-neutral dorm option three years ago as part of a growing trend nationwide.
In what the National Student Genderblind Campaign calls a “rapidly growing collegiate movement,” at least 54 colleges and universities across the country, many of them private, provide gender-neutral housing options this year.
“Each year we hear about more campuses adding that as an option,” said James Baumann, spokesman for the Association of College and University Housing Officers — International. “I think the changes are a reflection of changing times.” . . .
At Grinnell, the gender-neutral idea was driven by transgender students, those who don’t identify themselves as either male or female, and students transitioning from one gender to the other, students and school officials said.
“It’s about creating a safe and welcoming space. It’s not about being able to room with your significant other,” said Lily Cross, a senior who helped persuade Grinnell officials to offer gender-neutral housing.
Gender-neutral grew from 1% of the school’s on-campus housing in 2008-09 to 18% this fall, said Andrea Conner, director of residence life and orientation. . . .
One of the pioneers in gender-neutral housing was Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass., which has about 1,500 students. The school has had co-ed bathrooms and has allowed gender-neutral dorm rooms since 1970, when it was established, says Renee Freedman, the college’s dean of residence life.
For the record, in my second year at the University of Michigan, my hall contained both male and female students, but males and females were not allowed to share rooms. And we didn’t have gender-neutral bathrooms. It’s just ridiculous.
But, today, ridiculous is normal. And those of us who are still normal are viewed as “ridiculous.” And we did that all by ourselves without any jiggering from Al-Qaeda or anyone else.
Tags: college, gender-neutral, gender-neutral bathrooms, gender-neutral locker rooms, Grinnell College, Iowa, transgender, universities
That’s what they call cross-dressing perverts these days. We must make trannies feel at home. Its more than just the value of a college education that’s declined these days. Its our respect for normal human sexuality as well. And we’re the queer ones now.
Go figure.
NormanF on December 1, 2011 at 5:08 pm